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Help me decide what Maya should wear in episode 6. If you want a closer look, images are attached to this post.

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I'd actually prefer the green top from 1 with the ripped jeans from 6. But since this is likely no option I'd say 6 looks better overall.


I like the pink jeans, but I don’t think they are ‘Maya’. 6 it is.

Aymeric Tual

1 4 and 6 are really nice


I don't get how anyone could vote against those white pants!


The first one brings out the butt, its got my vote ^^


ripped jeans just look horrible go with the white

leonard seidman

6 for me but lose the bra, bra straps showing is not good


I'd like to see these polls redesigned with fewer options in the future. In my opinion, the best poll is limited to three options (no more than 4). When we get a poll with six options, it really splits the votes. As it stands right now at 10:37 on Friday morning, option 6 has a commanding lead but only has 39% of the vote. That means that 61% of the vote was for another option. Look, this isn't the biggest deal in the world. In terms of the problems we're facing, the design of polls is just a fun thing to talk about. But I would like to see either fewer options so that there's a better chance that one gets to 50%, or a runoff option where the top 3 vote getters have a runoff to see who gets the most votes. But considering how many polls DPC puts out, the runoff option would probably be hard to implement. Whatever you do, I just think polls should encourage a clear majority rather than a plurality.

Mike the Red

In this case, I think that isn't as necessary. We have one option which has forty percent of the votes and another with twenty-four percent of the votes. Each of the remaining options is far below the second place outfit. That being said, it does seem like certain polls could be much closer and leave us with a more ambiguous winner. The only solution that I can see is to encourage everyone to come back on the last day and pick one of the options that has a chance to win.


I dont like The ripped jeans, remind me too much of quinn's... And maya would never dress like quinn..

M and C

Me and my guy would love to see a poll for money shot locations! Just saying. And number 6 without a doubt... I rock that same look.


The bright green bra straps (rear) is why I went with #5 over #6. The white straps in #5 look fine, but neon green in #6 not so much. Not a fan of the knee patches either.


NO, this is good. MORE choices are better. Who cares if #6 only has 39% because as you state yourself it "has a commanding lead". Do you think its only legit if the winner has more than 50%? I'd rather see 20 options than fewer. Fewer is very, very problematic. So lets say this was done with fewer, so lets say we only got 1, 2 and 4 to choose from. #6, the current lead, would not have even been an option and thus could not have won.


@Mike the Red - Its also worth noting that this isn't a presidential election, or even something that is going to make a game play difference. Even if an option only won in a poll by 1% over the next higher option - so what? We don't need a significant majority. If the two top candidates were that close it means they were both well liked so really either would be fine in the game. Its really much more beneficial to have more options to chose from and not worry about how much one wins by. The things with more/less choice is that the developer can't know if advance which ones of the many possibilities would be the most popular. If they could read minds and knew that 3 options would definitely be the favorites of the customers - sure they could setup a poll with those 3. But they aren't mind readers. Having less choice means its far more likely that the options that would have been the fan favorite won't even get included as an option - and that means everyone loses.

David D

I'll bet you a green $ she's going to be dressing a lot more like Quinn here real soon.