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Hello everybody Rosvo and Evee are on air again! :D

You want to know what is going on and what we're (still) planning here? You want to hear speaking Evee naughty things like oral exam and curly dick? Then this podcast is the right one for you!

If you don't want to hear about our personal life so much, then skip the first 23 minutes. After that we're only talking about Patreon-stuff and art (but then you miss Oral Exam and Curly dick v.v )

Also your homework: If you're writing naughty stories or you know a writer you would love to hear read out, send Evee everything! Please, a story that would fit this community (no horror or hurting persons). For now I'm in contact with Kenjimbo to find a good story :D I'm waiting for your suggestions!

As last thing: As always you can find the podcast in your Dropbox link as well. Also all older Podcasts and videos. Have fun and enjoy!

Let us know what you think and what you want to hear next.


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