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Damn the last weeks were exciting. With all the meetings and important dates and new infos. Rosvo and I will make a podcast to speak a bit about it. If you're interested in it, you can hear into it once we post it :D

I only want to make a small announcement: I'm at home the whole november to work on content for Patreon (and to visit some doctors - nothing mature). Also I need some time to rest. The last months were very drowning.

I hope to spam content soon. 

Not all content will be available here on Patreon anymore because the 3 months-time-limit is up. But all supporters from the specific months will get DMs! So please keep an eye on your DMs :D

If you have questions, I'm always here to help. Contact me via DM here on Patreon or DA or on Discord. (And please feel free to write what you want and not only a "hi" or simliar).