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Well for most people it should be July by now ^^ 

You know we changed the way to provide our content to you. 

See this post for more info. 

We told you in that post that we will send out the new Dropbox link via direct message at  the start of the month. 

To specify that we will do that after the 5th of each month, since Patreon charging sometimes take quite a bit of time. 

Sure untill then the old link will still work. 

Look out for the new link and new content after the 5th. 

That said we hope you all will have good start in this new month. 

Chibi-Evee and Rosvo 



😅 Danke das ihr mich nochmal daran erinnert habt das ihr jeden Monat den Link wechselt ich hätte das komplett vergessen und mich gewundert 🤦. Schlimm wenn man alt wird 🤣 aber solange es euch hilft bin ich absolut bereit meinen Beitrag zu leisten 👍😁.