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Hello you lovely naughty people,

yesterday a fellow artist pointed out a site, that automatically mirrors hundreds of Patreon accounts. We talked with some other artists about it in the last 24 hours and found out what we could. 

The site that was the start for the discussion between a few artists, asks you to share your login data for your Patreon account, a bot copies all posts and comments from the creators you’re supporting.

It’s not a new site and Patreon also knows about it but they can’t do anything. In this blog Patreon talks about their point of view of this piracy: https://blog.patreon.com/whats-patreons-policy-regarding-online-piracy 

We also found ourselves on this site. Our content is not up to date there, which means whoever did it, isn’t a current Patron or just stopped to share it there. 

We are lucky that we were not hit as hard as other creators. We are still growing thanks to your lovely people! 

For sure, we aren’t happy about the piracy and the feeling that all these random people can read our posts and your comments adds to this even more. 

What can we do about it? 

Not much sadly. Patreon said they can’t do anything about it and faaaaarr bigger creators tried with big guns to take that site down. 

This is what we will do for now: 

  • If that person who shared the content is still here: please don’t share your login data anymore. It hurts us small creators a lot and it’s demotivating. We really don’t mind if you share a pic with one of your close friends or your partner. We just asked you not to share it with a big audience. If you want to support us because you know a community would love a set we published but the previews were censored or the uncensored are without logo, ask us. 
  • We strongly suggest if you want to talk to us or your fellow patrons use our Discord server and the patron only rooms. If you not linked your Patreon account with your Discord yet, this is how you do it: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002341603-I-don-t-have-my-Discord-role  
  • We will change the way we share our content.
    From now on we will send out a direct message via Patreon with a Dropbox link at the start of each month.
    This link will contain the content for your tier (from the last two months and the current month). The folder for the current month will be empty at the start of the month (naturally since we still need to make the content XD). Each time that you see a new post, we will update the folder with the new content. The posts will not contain a link anymore. The post is just an info “hey take a look at your link, there’s new content in the folder”.
    The people who are joining fresh, will find a link in the “Thank you message” that you receive after joining. You can always find the “Thank you message” on our Patreon site under the tab “My Membership”.
    We think this will make it overall more convenient for you to get and save the content.
    We are aware that one link makes it also easier to share it on other sites but in the end, there is always a way that people can share it if they want to. Our goal (for the moment) is to stop the pirating of our content on such sites.
    The site we talked about doesn’t copy the “Thank you message” or direct messages. We hope we can at least put a stop to this. 

We will shortly send out the first message with the link for this month. Also, we will delete the Dropbox links from the current posts. You will find all content in the new links.

This is a demotivating situation BUUUUUT we want to make clear that all your support far outweighs this. We are concentrating our energies on you honest, naughty, lovely people. Thank you very very much for everything. We’re happy you’re around. And for sure we have the best community naughty artists can wish for (to 99%, still 1% is pirating our art).

We hope the solution is convenient for you. If you have any problems (especially if it’s with the app from Patreon) contact us via Direct Message on Patreon or DA or Discord or write in the Patreon rooms on Discord. We’re always here to help and to find solutions together with you guys!

Wish you a nice week!

Rosvo and Evee



God, I hate asshats like this.


We too. We can understand some thoughts behind it but it really hurts small creators. And that not only the content is shared but all our conversations here, makes me sad. We are a safe space.


Is that the... paraphrasing... furry fun site?