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[M4A] [Priest kink/heirophilia] [Enemies to lovers] [No screaming but some almost-yelling and angry speaker]

Of course it's going to be a series, I have to give you guys the opportunity to ruin this man. Still working on a name for him but I do know exactly what he looks like, I just need some free time to draw him. I saw people debating after the first audio about whether the listener has been flirting or if they've just been sitting there trying to innocently make friends... As much as it's funny to imagine Father here getting that worked up over nothing, the listener has been staring at him and has been purposely flirting albeit not very intensely, our priest is just very sensitive. And by sensitive I mean touch-starved, affection-starved and if you couldn't work it out from the end of this audio, demisexual and demiromantic and had been assuming he was closer to aroace on the aroace spectrum. 

And in case anyone needs the reminder though I hope it's not necessary, no aroace people 'haven't just found the right person yet', this character is not aroace representation or meant to imply aroace people can 'be changed' or anything like that. I myself am demisexual and demiromantic and this is purely representation for me and any other demiaroace people who might have had the eventual 'oh no' when realising you are experiencing sexual attraction for the first time it's just that you hadn't established a long or close enough relationship with anybody yet to give you the chance to figure that out. All identities on the aromantic-asexual spectrum are valid. Just putting that out there in case any stinky or less-informed people come across the audio.



Caitlin Mitchell

This poor man needs to take a deep breath. Or several. And he definitely needs to be absolutely ruined.

Artemis Ameretsu

"What would you do? Get me on my knees?" Let's be honest, our dear Father was not having "filthy" thoughts of getting on his knees in that alley 😏 Loving the continuation of this series, the suspense, the drama, the angst 😩 💯 I almost feel sorry for the poor priest