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[M4A] [Listener left ambiguous - could be a human member of the church of a ghoul, but aren't a member of the band] [Comfort] [Reverse comfort] [TW rats]

So this silly man has been requested a lot. I'll confess, my favourite Papas are Terzo and Secondo, and while I like Copia I'm much more familiar with him in his early cardinal appearances in the web shorts Ghost made and not so familiar with how he acts as Papa IV so this audio is set during Copia's early days after being put as the new leader of the band and public face of the church. I just don't think I'd be able to accurately act in character for Papa IV Copia, but hope I did an okay job as the young Cardinal Copia. Also, I made him autistic-coded because I can. Please let me know if you think I did okay as him, if you want more of him, and if you think the listener should be a brother/sister of sin (I don't know if there's an official gender neutral phrase) or a Ghoul or if I should try and keep it ambiguous (though I don't know if that's possible).

I cannot claim to have made up the name Rigatoni for one of Copia's rats, I've seen multiple fanfics and posts on Tumblr that use that name and unsure who I should credit the name too, it seems a fairly popular headcannon in the fandom. I'm expanding it further that I'm headcannoning all his rats are named after types of pasta, or at least different food/dishes.




One word: Ratatouille. I know it’s French and not Italian, but it fits so nicely! Pesto… Ravioli… Lasagna… Primavera… and of course…. Spaghetti.


This was so cute!!! <3