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This week's episode of Fully Ramblomatic is now available!


Persona 3 Reload | Fully Ramblomatic

This week on Fully Ramblomatic, Yahtzee reviews Persona 3 Reload. Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SecondWindGroup Second Wind Merch Store: https://sharkrobot.com/collections/second-wind


Bjoern Woike

I'm not too interested in this remake because I became used to play the female protagonist, since I prefer the writing for her social link interactions. But still nice to know what a new player thinks.

Chris McElligott Park

I get the worry about erasing history, but I think that as your kids get older, you'll realize that history is erased no matter what, to an extent. There has been nothing so eye-opening as trying to explain to preteens and teenagers what things were like in the 80s and 90s. They're interested, they want to like the origins of the modern franchises they love... but all they can see is how the originals were basically "a less cooked version of the current iteration," to borrow Yahtz's phrase. Basically, Mario 64 to them is just Mario Odyssey, but way less refined. The historical significance and how we reacted to that original game when it came out is something they're definitely curious about, but not something they can explicitly experience themselves.

Chris McElligott Park

So to me -- the question becomes "does the new thing add anything of value," more than anything about preservation or erasing history. And in the case of Persona 3 Reload, I would say yes. I'd actually like the same treatment for Persona 4. My initial entry into this specific series was with Persona 5, and I loved it, but I found I bounced hard off of P4G because of the many steps backwards it was in all areas -- and most of all, because of the chibi characters, which I felt undercut the serious tones. Persona 3 has a story and setting that are different from Personas 4 and 5, even if they are reminiscent. Being able to experience those in a Persona-5-ish fashion probably gives me the closest available experience to what original fans of Persona 3 experienced. I can't go back in time to understand what it was like to play P3 when it was new any more than my kids can go back in time to understand Mario 64. I already missed that boat. But P3 Reload is perhaps the next closest thing.

Parker Snyder

I had to add the talkie toaster gag in the YouTube comments. The episode was literally on when this dropped. Agree about the bite returning.