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Mom, look, Santa has left Jinx under our Christmas tree!🥹✨




❤️❤️❤️ perfect in this position 🥰🥰🥰 you are the most beautiful and creative Cosplay girl ❤️ you are perfect and unrepeatable ❤️ you have created a new category! ❤️ the highest level of beauty 🥰🥰🥰 I couldn't imagine a more beautiful gift than you ❤️ I hope I can enjoy your beauty for at least 3000 years ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love you Mik ❤️


Ah, I can finally get a better look at this cosplay and outfit with this pose 😋 ! And all the little variations are definitely really interesting. Indeed, it's not just the tights that have been added, but also this sort of, waist belt ? Which is made up of a black leather strip, with a sweet red fabric with refined and embellished pattern, and with golden strips and rings, exactly like all the other elements 💛❤️ And so the first thing is that this element is perfectly coherent with the rest, and someone who doesn't know might think it's the one and only version of this outfit ! But also, there are the little bullets, specific to Jinx, which was previously attached to the necklace and which is now attached to little golden chains, attached to the belt, which explains the presence of the chains, which I hadn't understood in the first photo 🤔 But from this angle everything is clear ! But actually, the little black leather strips are the main addition to this new version and are now present on almost all the elements. In many cases, they replace red or gold strips, such as on the straps of the panties, as well as being present on the top edge, but also on the top straps of the bra, replacing a shiny gold strip in the center of the bra itself, and finally on the necklace of course 🖤 And this replacement of the shiny, golden part by this black leather is very interesting, because it makes the outfit slightly darker, more pragmatic, because a rich and useless material, shiny gold, is replaced by a pragmatic, practical and sober element in the outfit, simple black leather. But Jinx isn't supposed to be sweet and shiny, Jinx is also harsh, and I like her like that 🥰 So this slightly darker addition to the outfit is just incredibly perfect and fitting for Jinx, it's really perfect for her. So you know what ? I absolutely loved this outfit last year and I thought it was really incredible in the way it made you look gorgeous, and, I love this new version even more and I think it's even more gorgeous and perfect ! Your body looks absolutely divine and sumptuous in this outfit 😍 What I really like is that the outfit is quite sober actually, there's very little fabric, and it just lets your already perfect sumptuous body express itself. Almost everything is visible, and the outfit just delicately underlines the refinement of your sophisticated, divine shapes, your curves, and your silhouette. In combination with the outfit, the pose here is also perfect, showing off your body in such a soft, delicate and open way 💛✨ It's really wonderful and beautiful. But the whole staging with the pose under the tree is extremely interesting here. Especially the fact that you're sleeping. Because when we see someone with their eyes closed in an image, the fact is that we can't tell whether they're asleep or dead. So the first effect of this staging is to create a bridge, a link between death and sleep. And obviously, these are very deep and wide-ranging themes that evoke so many things 🌌 Sleep, of course, is a kind of half-death. And generally, death is seen as something negative, but what I see mainly is that death is actually peace. The world is constant and uninterrupted movement, life is eternal and perpetual suffering, or, as Schopenhauer would say, balancing between suffering and boredom. So when death comes, and puts an end to it all, it's peace 🌿 And the fact is that's what I see in this image, the staging creates such a gentle, delicate and peaceful atmosphere like that. It’s really sweet and beautiful. And the sort of chiasm between the intensity and power of your body, your beauty, your perfection, and between the peacefulness of the staging and the pose, is just extraordinary and wonderful. It's so sweet, soft and powerful all at once. And you look so divine and beautiful in this image 💖 Your thighs, your pelvis, your waist, your hips, your chest, your arms, your neck, your face. It's definitely one of the most magnificent visions I've ever seen in my life. To be able to sublimate Jinx in such a wonderful way is so moving 🥹 In the end, the image is quite subtle at first glance, but it's a real masterclass, it's absolutely masterful. What a photoshoot ! It's just incredible, I love it ! 💗✨ I don't think Santa left Jinx under the Christmas tree. I just think Santa fell asleep while placing the presents actually. If only I could, just put a sweet blanket over her. She would sleep better that way. And I would lie down next to her, to warm her too, peacefully 😴💗