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Isn't Luffy as stretchy and sweet as a chewing gum?🤭




❤️WOW ❤️ my love ❤️ to much to hot ❤️ perfect ❤️ beautiful ❤️ my love ❤️ best butt ❤️ perfect body ❤️ your body is a best ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


You've made a huge mistake. No I'm kidding, it's nothing 🤣 But still, you said "One Piece fan" referring to me. You used the word fan, and that word, is inaccurate. I'm not a fan of anything, and refuse to describe myself as a fan of anything. Because fan is a precise word and describes a precise and very particular type of relationship with works of art and artists 🎨 A type of relationship in which being a fan is the end in itself of the process. Which is therefore a posture, that excludes any aesthetic, intellectual or sensitive reflection about it, and which, as a posture, obviously, is empty, and belongs to the realm of emptiness. Funnily, the only thing that people who claim to be fans of something never do, is an aesthetic analysis of what they claim to be a fan of. Without even mentioning the sociological role of the fan in marketing and capitalism. So yes, ‘I like X’ and ‘I'm a fan of X’ are not synonymous, not at all. Sorry, but you know me 😉 My emptiness-radar is sharper than the teeth of a piranha or a diamond laser cutter. I spot it immediately, and I always aim for accuracy 😅 But that's all ! And that being said, once again, what a sweet shot of Luffy ! The pose and camera angle here are really interesting. The way your body is distorted and stretched in the image, to transcribe Luffy's elastic capacity is really impressive. It's all about the material. And with this pose, the way the material of your body is emphasized, your flesh, your skin, is really incredible ❤️ Basically, here, the pose stretches the skin and the flesh, which applies a compression to this flesh and shows off its quality in the sensory sense. Its texture, its opacity, its volume, and applying this compression and this transformation of the flesh, it makes the flesh even more sensitive and tangible in the shot, we can really feel it. So this pose is really incredible. And if we consider the consistency of this device with Luffy and his abilities, it's just perfect 😍 And the camera's low angle accentuates this even more, with an angle that is itself distorted, and that distorts the expected perspective, the way your silhouette appears in the image. With that, you're more stretched out than ever, more distorted than ever, and then I have no trouble seeing how this is just the best Luffy cosplay ever. This is just perfect and incredible 🔥🧡 But even the lighting is quite interesting here. Very strong, creating intense contrasts, which make the relief of your forms and your body even more powerful and visceral, which allows us to visually feel their volumes 😋 So Luffy is already perfect as a cosplay in this image, but on top of that, with the pose, the camera angle, the lighting and even the outfit, your flesh and body are so powerful and tangible in the image. We can feel them so intensely. It's so magnificent and sumptuous. That skin so sweet and delicate, that flesh so soft and bewitching, those shapes and reliefs so divine and sophisticated 💖 It just makes your presence in the image absolutely wonderful and so full of life. Because all that generous flesh and material is literally life radiating from your body and illuminating us with its beauty. But that face of course is always so magnificent, with that short hair that gives such a tomboy/femboy vibe, and which precisely by its gender contrast brings out the femininity and perfection of your facial features even more 💛✨ And with the light on it like that, it's absolutely divine and angelic. There's no doubt about it, this Luffy is absolutely masterful and perfect. The position, the set-up, the outfit, your presence so intense and powerful in the image, you're just perfect with Luffy and you look absolutely gorgeous and lovely in the image. I want to see more ! 💗✨ By the way, I asked a question on the MYVIBE chat, but nobody had an answer 🤔 But you know Kpop very well, right ? So you could answer this. Who would be the most progressive Kpop band ( or music ) ? In the sense of the progressive genre. Meaning, the most complex in its composition, the most technical, difficult, subtle, sophisticated, with polyrhythms, modulations, polymeters, odd time signatures, all that. Which band would you recommend for this ? Like, is there any Kpop music longer than 10 minutes ? 20 minutes ? 🤔


I'm glad I was able to convey Luffy's elasticity so well! Thanks for noticing this💋 Hmm, no, no one has 10 and 20 minutes of songs, but the "unusual" music is NCT or AESPA, it very often does not fit into the framework of k-pop, if I understood the question correctly at all, listen to a couple of songs, but this is really the most unusual of all that exists