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Thank you for your support. I'm really happy about it. I'll take likes and comments I receive from you into account when deciding on the direction of my work. Please feel free to comment or like whenever you want. I plan to conduct surveys occasionally, so please feel free to share your opinions then :)


Regarding joining Discord / Discord参加について

①まずはDiscordのアカウントをご用意ください。 First, please set up a Discord account.

②下記公式URLから参加方法を確認ください。 Please check the participation instructions from the formula URL below.



③DiscordのSupport plan チャンネルからボーナスコンテンツをお楽しみください♪ Enjoy the bonus content from the Support Plan channel on Discord! 😊

※スマホアプリからだとうまく接続できないようです。お手数ですがPCかスマホのWebブラウザからお願いします。 It seems there might be difficulty connecting through the mobile app. I apologize for the inconvenience, but could you please try accessing it from a PC or the web browser on your smartphone?

Added: 2024-05

Thank you for your support. I'm really happy about it. I'll take likes and comments I receive from you into account when deciding on the direction of my work. Please feel free to comment or like whenever you want. I plan to conduct surveys occasionally, so please feel free to share your opinions then :)


Regarding joining Discord / Discord参加について

①まずはDiscordのアカウントをご用意ください。 First, please set up a Discord account.

②メンバーシップのタブからDiscordに接続してください。 Connect to Discord from the Membership tab, please.

③DiscordのSupport plan チャンネルからボーナスコンテンツをお楽しみください♪ Enjoy the bonus content from the Support Plan channel on Discord! 😊

※スマホアプリからだとうまく接続できないようです。お手数ですがPCかスマホのWebブラウザからお願いします。 It seems there might be difficulty connecting through the mobile app. I apologize for the inconvenience, but could you please try accessing it from a PC or the web browser on your smartphone?

Added: 2024-04