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287 near Vernon TX at 2AM is a long straight dark highway. I was going 70 and the headlights behind were approaching FAST. I braced for impact but right at the last second, the crackhead awoke from his cracky crack, jerked the wheel to the left and of course lost control and smashed into my door.  We both ended up in the shoulder and paused. He punched it... I punched it...  Grind-Grind-Grind... He got away and lived to smoke crack another day.   I couldn't be more grateful that I wasn't injured (other than some sore muscles in my back).  Shot some fun BTS video to be posted asap.  

TODAY: I'm now in a rental car (I'm calling it the fake T.I.T.) and ready to pounce on todays storms in the panhandles or maybe SW Kansas.  Slim chance of tornadoes. 

Sunday and Monday look better... To optimists.  

Now, lets go wrangle some storms! :D 



Pecos Hank

No soreness at all. Maybe it's the post-tornado fest endorphines. The fake t.i.t is holding it's own. Gets great gas mileage and has some punch. I'll post a pic of it soon. Thanks again everyone. So glad I'm not hurt.
