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Here's some behind the scenes storms and friends from last week in Colorado and Kansas.   The crystal ball is suggesting that next week could be interesting.  To be continued... 


May 2018 Lightning Storm / Behind the Scenes

Super special secret video for groovy PH Patrons shot near Garden City Kansas.



Incredible footage hank. End time lapse was beautiful


Thanks so much for posting the new video! My hours of employment the last 3 years prevents me most of the time from getting out and following storms so i've been living vicariously through your videos most of the time..haha! The one time i did get to chase last year i drove from Emporia, KS to a cell just north of Alva Oklahoma and the first muddy road i pulled off on to stop and watch the tornado warned storm, i noticed the T.I.T first and i recognized it immediately, then to my surprise i realized it was you watching the clouds. I had to back up so you could get out easier because the road was so muddy. I wanted to say hi but you were in the "zone" so i didnt want to bug you with small talk. Maybe next time i wil bug ya..haha! Anyway keep up the great work. My daughters and i truly appreciate it. Stay safe out there and best of luck!!