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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

So today I worked out the basic idea then plotted out the story.  It's pretty much my usual dumb fun but with double the Kits! I decided to not waste time designing new stuff when I've got heaps of unused designs sitting around, so I went through and picked out the ones that will work best for this story.

I did waste an hour an a half trying to find out the proper standard manga size but everywhere i looked had different info. So I'm just going to do it my standard comic size.

I did this test this evening just so I could drop the title. Not 100% sure on the inking and tone style yet but I do a few more practice shots while I layout the pages.

Also not 100% sure it's actually going to be any faster to do it in Black and White. I just don't have that process worked out in my head, unlike my color stuff. I guess we'll see how I go.



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