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On a whim I decided to try and do chibi versions of my leading ladies from the stuff I've done over the last 30 or so years. It probably won't be EVERYTHING because to be honest there's a lot of stuff that's gets as far as 2-3 drawings then I bin it. But there are plenty where I've spent a few months working on ideas. And then there's the 1/2 dozen that I actually do anything with like a comic.

Here are the first 4. These pretty much led up to the creation of Blade Kitten. 

Warp Fleets was a Space combat game idea with Big Capital ships played from a SNES Mario Kart angle. Basically an arcadey ship to ship broadside battles game. It was also one of the earliest places where I started to work on my Skiffyverse universe. So there's a lot of background that got created and used in Blade Kitten.

Carmina Tempesta was an attempt to go more anime looking. I was tired of the western anime look I'd been using previously - It was only a few years earlier that I had friends dismiss a Ghibli film because of the" stupid anime looks" (yeah, we're not friends anymore). Also I was trying to work out how to do a comic for the internet (pre webcomics). Also it was around the time I was moving over to Photoshop to color as the previous program I was using was discontinued. :(

A few months later and Tempesta sort of morphed into Princess Pop Idol which was more magical girl sci-fi action. We made a little PC demo of a sort of beat-em-up in a couple of weeks. But we had to shelve that too as at the end of the year Krome Studios would be formed.

Still experimenting with stuff and coming up with ideas I had an idea for an action universe combat game. Also set in the Skiffyverse this is actually set about 20 years after what would soon become the Blade Kitten timeline and even features a few characters that I would age down later for BK.

So, more? or less?




ahaha that's so awesome. Complex character design, especially outfits...done chibi style. it's all magic to me how you always make it look good x)