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Fandom: Baldur’s Gate 3

Summary: Tav’s life isn’t easy. But with three beautiful female companions to spend every long rest with, the breaks are worth the struggle between them. (Tav/Shadowheart/Lae’zel/Karlach)

Content Warnings/Themes: Triple blowjob, ball sucking

Note: I’ve avoided anything that wouldn’t be revealed very soon after meeting these characters,so you don’t need to worry about big spoilers if you haven’t played/finished Baldur’s Gate 3.

Tav had never asked for any of this. He’d never asked to be imprisoned on an alien ship, and he definitely hadn’t asked to be infected by some mind flayer tadpole. Searching for a cure while fighting his way through goblins, spiders, githyanki, fallen paladins and whatever else attempted to kill him and his companions might have been enough to drive a man insane and wish for an end to it all, but he continued to persevere and keep moving forward in pursuit of a cure.

It was tiring work, and at times it felt like he was never going to make any progress in time to stop the infection before the transformation was complete. But the exhaustion made the simple comforts of camp that much sweeter once he made it back. He’d never expected resting on a bedroll that he’d set up on top of some rocks overlooking the clearing the rest of his companions were sleeping in to bring him such relief.

To be fair, though, the deep satisfaction he felt now at the end of the day had little to do with the meager comforts of the camp he and his companions had set. The apples, cheese and water that had served as their dinner had merely been meant to settle his stomach before he and three of his companions in particular found a more satisfying way to spend their long rest at camp.

Lae’zel had been the first of the three to approach him with an offer of sex, no strings attached.  Tav had naturally accepted, and an incredibly satisfying night with the githyanki had ensued. But that had been more than just a very fun night and well-earned diversion from their arduous journey. It had only served as the beginning of what had become a tradition that made him look for any excuse to set up camp.

Shadowheart, the half-elf who had frequently butted heads with Lae’zel since the beginning of their adventures together, had come to him the next time they’d made camp. Having heard the sounds of him rutting with Lae’zel, she decided to try and prove that she could fuck even better than her githyanki rival. He’d happily given her the chance to prove so, and when that in turn led to Lae’zel coming back for more and fucking him even more aggressively than she had the first time around.

Karlach the tiefling had been the last to join, but she hadn’t been motivated by competition or rivalry. She’d just wanted to have some fun and enjoy some physical companionship, which had been sorely lacking in her life for the last ten years. She was incredibly enthusiastic and needy, constantly wanting more whenever they had the chance to be together. Tav was always willing to oblige the tiefling’s needs.

Though he hadn’t actively sought it out, Tav had been happy to accept the change in his long rest routine. Every time that they made camp these days, he could anticipate at least one of the girls visiting him. Sometimes more than one of them would come, which was always fun. And then there were nights like tonight. It didn’t happen often, but every once in a great while, all three of them would come and seek him out. When nights like tonight came along, all the blood, death and fear that made up his day-to-day life didn’t seem so insurmountable. It was worth dealing with all of that when he got to go back to their camp, set up his bedroll and have three warm mouths on his cock and balls at the same time.

Lae’zel’s mouth was sucking hard on his left nut, and she stared up at him with eyes that were narrowed into slits. She sucked and stared as if demanding that he give her his cum immediately, and to be honest, that’s likely exactly what she would have been doing if her mouth was free to speak. Lae’zel was no less blunt, direct or demanding while having sex than she was on the battlefield, but Tav regularly got to feel the benefits of her straightforward and confrontational nature when applied to sex. She was not one for games or teasing. Everything she did was done with purpose and confidence, if not outright arrogance. It had unmistakably been arrogance on display before they’d fucked for the first time, but the sex with her had been great enough to justify that arrogance. She was a great fuck, and she certainly knew the proper way to go about sucking on a man’s balls. Her mouth sucked his left ball hard, and she didn’t care in the slightest that her effort was getting her own spit on her face. Whether it was blood on the battlefield or spit and semen while fucking, Lae’zel had no problem getting dirty.

Karlach was taking care of his other ball, and while her handling of it was quite different from the githyanki’s, it was just as pleasing in its own way. The tiefling couldn’t sit still, and she couldn’t stick to just one particular technique for any length of time. At one moment, she would be sticking her tongue out and licking all over his right ball, and even up to the base of his cock as well sometimes. Then she would moan while she kissed his ball with more genuine passion than any woman of any race had ever shown while putting her mouth on him. Lae’zel was sucking so intently because she demanded his cum, but Karlach was down there licking and kissing away because she loved this. Just being able to get close enough to others that she could indulge in this kind of fun during a long rest at camp made Karlach giddy, and she rarely missed a chance to tug her clothes off and fuck him whenever they made camp. Between Lae’zel’s firm, demanding sucking and Karlach’s loving licks and kisses, Tav’s balls were being tended to as well as any man in Faerûn’s ever had been.

And it wasn’t like his cock itself was getting any lesser treatment, because Shadowheart gave excellent head. The cleric might be colder and less affectionate than Karlach and not as expressive in her sexual desires as Lae’zel, and she was the woman who approached him to play during their long rests the least of the three. But her more reserved nature did not mean the pleasure was any lesser when he was with her. Shadowheart was a great fuck, and she definitely knew how to suck a cock. When they were alone, she preferred to give him slow blowjobs with lots of tongue, and those always felt fantastic.

But Lae’zel’s presence brought out Shadowheart’s competitive nature, as it so often did. She wouldn’t allow the githyanki to outdo her, and with Lae’zel sucking so hard on one of his nuts, Shadowheart slurped on his cock and bobbed her head with noticeably less patience than she would customarily show when she had his cock all to herself. It wasn’t her customary blowjob, but that was no bad thing. He appreciated her slower solo efforts, but the sloppy sucking and firm bobs felt great too, and it fit perfectly with all the attention Lae’zel and Karlach were paying to his balls. Tav groaned and patted the half-elf on the top of her head in a show of appreciation for her efforts. She ordinarily would have glared if someone had patted her head like that, but under the circumstances, she welcomed any sign of approval with Lae’zel right there sucking on one of his balls at the same time. She bobbed faster on his cock, and predictably, Lae’zel started sucking harder on his nut too. Yet again, Tav benefited from the rivalry between the half-elf and the githyanki, with Karlach’s exuberance thrown in too.

With all of that to enjoy at once, Tav closed his eyes and let the pleasure take him. As his cock was in Shadowheart’s mouth, she received his cum by default, and did her best to keep her lips sealed around his dick so she could swallow it all. She didn’t get to keep the load to herself, though, because Lae’zel wouldn’t stand for that. She yanked on Shadowheart’s head with her githyanki soldier’s strength, pulling her off of his cock so she could take her place, wrap her lips around his cockhead and swallow the remainder of his load. Karlach got her share too, but instead of competing with Lae’zel for it, she put her strong hands on Shadowheart’s cheeks and kissed her. Had it been Lae’zel choosing this approach, Shadowheart likely would have used her magic to shove her back. But she got along well enough with Karlach that she closed her eyes and allowed Karlach to claim her share of the cum they’d earned together. Just watching it was enough to make Tav groan. If they kept that up for much longer, there was a strong chance they’d have him hard again soon.

He had no problem with that. They’d already used the supplies for a long rest so they could fully recover from their latest battles, and he wanted to get the most out of this rest before they broke camp. With any luck, he’d get to have two or three orgasms with his companions before he even had to think about picking up his sword and facing down a big dumb ogre or a creepy spectator.


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