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Trick or Treat, Spider Part 3: MJ Drops In (Spider-Man)

  • Take MJ to bed, invite Felicia to sit on her face 11
  • Pick MJ up and bounce her 0
  • Feicia gets it doggy style while pleasuring MJ 31
  • Bend Felicia over while standing 4
  • Get a taste of them both before penetration 2
  • Alternate between screwing them both 24
  • 2023-10-26
  • —2023-10-27
  • 72 votes
{'title': 'Trick or Treat, Spider Part 3: MJ Drops In (Spider-Man)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Take MJ to bed, invite Felicia to sit on her face', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Pick MJ up and bounce her', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Feicia gets it doggy style while pleasuring MJ', 'votes': 31}, {'text': 'Bend Felicia over while standing', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'Get a taste of them both before penetration', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Alternate between screwing them both', 'votes': 24}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 27, 10, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 26, 14, 56, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 72}


Peter didn’t say a word. He couldn’t. How could he? Felicia had just been sucking his dick, and his mind was still dwelling on how good that blowjob had been and how fucking badly he needed to cum. Now Mary Jane Watson was standing in his apartment, looking even sexier than he remembered once she took off the overcoat she’d been wearing. Seriously, how tight was that sexy cheerleader top she was wearing? Her tits were basically bursting out of it! And the matching skirt was so short that he could peek at her little red panties when it flipped up, which seemed to be happening often as she stood there and swung her hips from side to side. Had she said something to him? He honestly couldn’t remember.

“He chose treat,” Felicia said, answering on his behalf.

“Right, right,” MJ said, nodding. “I can see his hands aren’t cuffed, so he obviously didn’t go with trick.” She pouted. “Too bad. Making him watch us make out on his bed while his hands were cuffed would have been lots of fun.”

That was going to be the trick?” Peter said, eyes widening. He was beginning to think he might have made the wrong choice after all.

“Yep,” Felicia said. “You missed out, spider.”

“Oh, I think he’s still going to be just fine with the way his night turns out,” MJ said, grinning as she walked towards him. Walk wasn’t really a great way to describe it though. It might be better to say she was strutting. Peter could remember seeing her swing her hips like that and smile at him with this same look in her eyes before, but it was something he hadn’t seen in a long time, even beyond the months it had been since they’d been together. She’d never looked at him like this during the last couple of months of their relationship either, as her burgeoning acting opportunities and his webslinging work pulled them in different directions.

This was the way she looked at him when she was preparing to blow his fucking mind. He never thought he’d see her look at him like this again, and he definitely never imagined her looking at him this way while his cock was still wet and hard thanks to Felicia’s incredible cocksucking skills. MJ and Felicia knew of each other, and had crossed paths a few times, but they hadn’t been anything approaching friends, last he looked. Actually, they generally treated each other warily, probably since their main connection was the complicated relationships they’d both shared with him. And now they were both standing in his apartment, apparently conspiring to do...whatever this was. What in the hell was even happening here?!

“Uh, I feel like there’s probably a thing or two I’m out of the loop on if you two are on good enough terms to set all this up,” he mumbled. MJ laughed.

“Yeah, I’d say that’s a safe bet, Peter,” she said. She was standing in front of him now, and her hand caressed his cheek. He could remember the last time they’d stood this close to each other. It had been right before she walked out the door to pursue her dreams on the other side of the country, but despite it being the right move for her professionally, she’d looked as miserable as he felt. It had taken everything he had not to grab her and beg her to stay, and at the time, he hadn’t known if he would ever be this close to her again. But here she was, and with not a hint of misery in her eyes. This was the playful MJ, the saucy redhead who’d given him some of the best times of his life, and she looked ready to blow his mind all over again.

She leaned her head in, and Peter couldn’t stop himself from leaning in the rest of the way to kiss her on the lips. She was wearing new lipstick, he noticed, but the kiss itself was familiar. It was like coming home, and he couldn’t get enough of it. He put his arms around her and deepened the kiss, and then groaned into her mouth when he felt Felicia’s lips on the side of his neck. A hand suddenly grabbed his cock and gave it a squeeze, and Peter closed his eyes at the pleasure. He was pretty sure that was MJ’s hand, but it could very well have been Felicia reaching around to cop a feel while she kissed his neck. Either way, while the hand was soft and it felt good to have it sliding up and down his dick, he didn’t want to give in to it. He still didn’t really understand what was happening here, but it seemed like there was at least a decent chance of this going well beyond kissing and touching with MJ and Felicia. If he was right about that, wasting his cum on their fingers would’ve been a huge mistake.

A second hand started tickling the underside of his balls, and the giggling from his side had him convinced that those tickling fingers belonged to Felicia. It must’ve been MJ giving him a good jerk while she made out with him then, Peter decided. He also decided that it was past time for his hands to have some fun of their own. He slid his left hand down MJ’s back, went underneath that ridiculously short cheerleader skirt and groped her ass. Those skimpy red panties he’d caught several glimpses of already didn’t fully cover MJ’s fat ass, so he had the pleasure of squeezing, pinching and lightly slapping bare, thick buttcheek. MJ groaned in response, and the hand that had to be hers started stroking up and down his cock faster.

He had to stretch his other arm out a bit to grab Felicia, but that wasn’t going to stop him. He started at her belly, and she laughed and quickly took his arm by the wrist and guided his hand into the open crotch of her suit. Wait—when had opened it? And had she taken her panties off without him noticing either, or had she been naked underneath the suit the whole time? Either way, his fingers were touching her outer pussy lips with nothing to get in the way. Holy shit, she was so wet!

“Fuck, that’s it,” Felicia said. Taking the initiative, Peter slid a finger inside of her and pushed it in deeper the way he knew she liked. “Yes, Peter! Keep going!” He turned his hand a bit so he could brush against her clit with his thumb, and she groaned and squeezed his wrist. “Ohh, you haven’t forgotten how I like to be touched, have you?” Since MJ had broken their kiss and was now tugging at the top half of his Spider-Man suit and kissing his bare skin as she got to it, he answered Felicia.

“I could never forget something as important as that,” he said. She laughed, and MJ snorted.

“Did you become a charmer when I was away, Peter?” the redhead asked.

“I was miserable while you were away,” he said. Apparently the arousal and the confusion of all of this had removed any filter and brought out his honesty. He saw MJ’s smile slip slightly, and her face started to resemble the expression he’d seen just before she left. But he didn’t see it for long before Felicia let go of his wrist and stopped tickling his balls in order to turn his head towards her.

“None of that, Peter,” she said firmly. “Tonight’s not about dwelling on how damn difficult relationships are, for all of us. This is a Halloween celebration!” She smirked. “And you chose treat, as I remember.”

“So I did,” he said, nodding. Then he looked over at MJ and smiled. “I’m not going to ask how long you’re going to be back, or what happens next. I’m just really glad you’re here tonight.” She smiled back in relief.

“Me too,” she said. Her hand, which was still on his cock, gave it a squeeze. “And I’m really looking forward to having this big fucker inside of me again.” She glanced over at Felicia. “Do you mind if I go first? I flew a long way to be reunited with this cock.” Felicia laughed.

“I don’t mind,” she said. “But why don’t we leave it up to Peter to decide where things go from here?”

“Sure, that sounds good to me,” MJ said. “If he’d chosen trick, he’d have had to accept whatever we decided to give him. But he chose treat.” She brought her mouth to his ear and nibbled on the lobe while her thumb rubbed his cockhead. “We’re all yours tonight, Peter. What’re you gonna do with us?”

How does Peter want them?


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