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It wasn’t easy to think straight while Felicia’s hand was stroking his dick through his suit, but Peter somehow managed it.

Trick or treat? The answer seemed obvious, but was anything ever as obvious as it seemed with Felicia? She would undoubtedly have lots of fun playing whatever trick she had in mind. But Peter had learned by now that the Black Cat playing around ultimately ended in a great deal of fun for him too, particularly when his dick was involved in any way. Still, would the treat be for him, or for her? Peter debated the issue in his mind, trying to work out what was hiding behind that beautiful smirk. In the end, though, there was still only one answer he could think to give.

“Between the two, I guess I’d have to choose treat,” he managed to say. “At least, assuming you’d be giving the treat?” Felicia laughed, and her hand gave his balls a light rub that made him groan.

“I will be involved in giving you the threat, yes,” she answered. Peter frowned, trying to work out her meaning. That sounded like an odd way to put it, and he was sure that it hadn’t been a case of Felicia misspeaking. There was no doubt in his mind that she had chosen to phrase it that way deliberately, and he was instantly curious as to what she had up her sleeve. But she didn’t give him much time to consider the matter, because his train of thought was interrupted when he saw her reach behind her body and produce an object as if out of thin air.

“Guess that means we won’t be needing these,” Felicia said, dangling a pair of handcuffs around with her finger. Peter stared at those handcuffs, thoroughly distracted.

“Those were going to be part of the trick?” he asked. She laughed and nodded her head.

“Oh, yes,” she purred. “They were going to be an integral part of the trick.” She stopped spinning the handcuffs around and tossed them over her shoulder to land on the apartment floor with a clang. “But they’re out now. It’s time to prepare you for your treat.”

Peter had just been thinking that those cuffs might have actually been part of a pretty damn good treat themselves, depending on who they’d been put on and how they were used. But he couldn’t really say he regretted his choice; not when Felicia put her arms around his shoulders and kissed him on the lips. Peter hadn’t kissed anyone in months, at least on the lips, and he closed his eyes and prayed he wasn’t too out of practice as he did his best to return her kiss. He must have done well enough at it, because she moaned into his mouth, pressed her sexy body against his chest and deepened the kiss.

When he felt Felicia’s body wiggling and squirming slightly against him, Peter brought his hands up from his sides and chanced putting them on her back. Granted, it had been quite some time since he’d had Felicia Hardy in his arms, but he could still remember how much she liked it when he got a little handsy while they were kissing. His hands slowly slid down her back, and she groaned and put her right hand in his hair while sliding her tongue against his. Taking that as a show of approval, Peter let his hands drift down to her ass and gave her round cheeks a squeeze through her tight catsuit. Felicia gave his hair a little tug, and Peter squeezed harder. Fuck, it had been way too long since he’d gotten a couple of handfuls of an ass as nice as Felicia’s!

“Not bad, Pete.” Felicia panted slightly as she pulled back and broke the kiss. Her cheeks were flushed, and her tongue slowly licked her lips. His cock had already been hard, but it was basically begging to be let out once he saw that lick. He knew it, and what it meant. It hadn’t been so long that he’d forgotten how well Felicia could use that tongue. He held his breath and watched her slowly drop to her knees in front of him.

“I think we’d both have more fun if I put my mouth somewhere else, though,” she said while grabbing the waistband of his suit with both hands. “Don’t you?”

Yes,” he said instantly. He could hear how eager he sounded, and he didn’t care. Let her hear. Wasn’t like she didn’t already know. “Yes, please.” Felicia laughed.

“So polite,” she said, just before yanking his bottoms and underwear both down around his ankles. Her smile widened as she saw his erection right in front of her face. “I’ve missed this guy. Time to say hello to him.”

Felicia’s greeting was about as warm as you could ever hope for. True to the promise of her licking her lips, her tongue was all over him. She started by licking along the head of his cock, and then started licking her way down his shaft. Felicia was fantastic with her mouth, and Peter would have enjoyed it a great deal even if it hadn’t been so long since he’d been with her or anyone. Given his dry spell, though, he damn near came just from Felicia’s tongue saying hello to his cock by licking him all over, from tip to base and then back up. Her tongue touched every inch of his dick, saying hello to all of him before she made it back to the tip of his cock.

“There,” she said, nodding her head with satisfaction. “I’ve said hello. Now it’s time for us to become properly reacquainted.” She parted her lips and took his tip into her mouth.

Peter’s hands clenched into fists as she started suckling his head. Back when they were together, Felicia would often make a game out of trying to control his orgasm with her mouth. She had incredible skill in general, but it also hadn’t taken her long to accumulate knowledge specific to him, like how he liked to be sucked and what his moans and groans sounded like when he was about to cum. It didn’t take long for her to show him that she hadn’t forgotten all of his likes and dislikes. Felicia’s fingers tickled his balls for a bit while she slowly sucked his cock and slid her lips up and down the top half of it, but that was merely the beginning.

When her lips started sliding along his cock faster, and her hand grabbed onto his balls and gave them a light squeeze, he knew he was in trouble. She was about to stop playing around and start truly demonstrating her cocksucking skills as well as her knowledge of him, and he didn’t know if he would be able to take it. Sure enough, she hadn’t forgotten a thing. That talented tongue of hers started twirling around his dick while she sucked him, moving in the spirals he loved so much. Her head moved in circles at the same time as she dedicated herself fully to sucking Peter’s cock in the tried-and-true method that she’d used to make him moan, squirm, fall apart and fill her mouth with cum too many times to count back when they’d been dating.

But did she realize just how pent-up he was? Did she realize that after a dry spell this long, he was going to be more susceptible than ever to her soft lips, spiraling tongue and twisting head? Maybe she did, and maybe she didn’t. Did she hear his moans and his heavy breathing, and see how tightly his fists were clenched and how he squirmed as she sucked him and looked up at him from her knees? He didn’t know what she had in mind for this or if she recognized how close he was, but if her treat was going to be sneaking into his apartment so she could swallow his cum, he was about to receive that treat. (Or maybe he should say that she was about to receive it.)

Just before he could shoot his cum all over her tongue, though, Felicia let go of his balls, pulled her mouth off of his cock and smiled up at him. Peter groaned at having come so close to release, but Felicia offered no stimulation whatsoever, and thus he had no hope of getting that release. Not unless he tried to grab his cock and finish the job himself, but he knew Felicia too well to try that. She would surely put a stop to it if he did.

“Sorry, Peter,” she said, though her smirk outed her as a liar. “But I could hear how needy those moans were, and I saw how much you were squirming. If I’d let that go on any longer, you would’ve had to wait for your treat!”

“So that wasn’t the treat?” Peter somehow managed to ask. Felicia laughed and shook her head.

“Of course not!” she said. “Your treat’s on its way.” At that very moment, there was a knock on his apartment door. Peter’s head jerked towards the door, but Felicia smiled. “Come in!” she said loudly. “It’s unlocked.” Peter had locked the door before he left, but he didn’t bother disagreeing. If Felicia said the door was unlocked, it was unlocked. And sure enough, the door to his apartment was pulled open from the other side without incident, and the knocker stepped inside. Peter didn’t have time to even think about grabbing for his pants or covering his dick, but once he saw the look on the new arrival’s face, he didn’t think he would need to.

“Hello, tiger,” Mary Jane Watson said, grinning at him. “Trick or treat?”



What a cliffhanger. Nice quick fic!