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I plan on starting work on this month's chapter of What's Yours is Mine tomorrow, so keep an eye out for that soon-ish (but good look finding it on your feed, I guess?)

I'm mainly posting this so I can test the posting function on this "new and improved" Patreon design, and see if it's actually as awful as my initial look suggests. If it's not, great. If it is...uh, I guess we'll see.



The app runs a lot better, the mobile version of the site has things missing that the app has. Other than that, I don't use the desktop version so I can't speak for that experience.


Yeah, on the app it’s showing this post you just made and a story post from September 25, and a non-HP prompt poll from September 22nd. No clue why though…


Might be showing the most recent posts f his you have unlocked that is what it is doing for me on my iPad, aka it shows me the three most recent unlocked posts from each creator in order of most recent to post


Ah. So I guess it’s if you have a bunch of subscriptions and missed the posts of some? If so, that’s pretty cool actually.


I haven't looked at a patron's view at all since the change; I was just basing that on comments I'd heard from others. If that side of it is working well for some of you, I'm glad to hear that. It's the way the site looks and works for a creator now that was and is a concern for me. Making this post was enough for me to see that I should still be able to keep doing things as I've been doing them. They've made the process of making new posts more complicated than it needs to be, and tracking my notifications/new and canceled pledges is worse. But I'll at least be able to keep doing what I've been doing, which was a legitimate concern at first.