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Fandom: Percy Jackson

Summary: Percy and Annabeth offer Piper control via charmspeak for their next threesome, and she happily agrees. But not even she could have predicted just how wild things would get once she was in charge. (Percy/Piper/Annabeth)

Content Warnings/Themes: Post-canon, threesome, consensual mind control/hypnosis, anal sex, rimming, impregnation

"Fuck her face, Percy. Fuck it as hard as you can."

Piper held her breath as she watched Percy straddle Annabeth's head. She'd seen Annabeth suck Percy's cock before; heck, she'd even sucked Percy's cock with her together. But this was going to be a first. Annabeth had a natural inclination towards being in control during sex, so any blowjobs she gave were going to be her using her admittedly considerable skills to make Percy feel good. And even if she'd happened to encourage Percy to use her mouth instead, Piper knew that he would never have gotten overly rough with her. Annabeth's boyfriend was an undeniably strong man, but sex between them was always loving. Whether he was in control or not, he would always have held back from unleashing his true strength on her and fucking her as hard as he could.

But that was what made today so special. Annabeth wasn't in control today, and neither was Percy. Knowing how much she wanted to try it, they'd given her a special birthday present: their permission for her to use her charmspeak to control their fun today. Annabeth wasn't going to be her usual take-charge self in bed this time, and however much Percy loved her, it wasn't going to make him hold back. It was Piper who got to decide how things went today, and she couldn't wait to explore the power they'd trusted her with.

There was good reason for Percy to be careful when he was fucking either of them, because that long, thick cock could be a lot to take even when he wasn't moving it very quickly or roughly. It was for that very reason that Piper watched with such anticipation as Annabeth obediently held her mouth wide open and waited for her boyfriend's cock to reach her.

Normally, no matter who was controlling the fun, it would have been barely more than the tip of Percy's cock that went in at the beginning. But with Piper's charmspeak controlling his actions and demanding that he fuck his girlfriend's face as hard as he could, Percy wasn't about to pop his cockhead between her lips and pause, and he wasn't going to slowly slide his cock into her mouth while giving her plenty of time to adjust along the way. For the first time ever, Percy shoved the entirety of his cock into Annabeth's mouth in one forceful thrust.

He didn’t give her even a second to recover from that before he pulled his hips back and thrust down to cram his cock down her throat again, and again, and again. Their bed groaned beneath them as Piper had never heard it groan before. Sometimes the three of them could get the bedsprings squeaking if they really got into it before the end, but this was a completely new sound for her. The bed was being tested as it never had before, but of far great interest to Piper was how hard Annabeth herself was being tested. She could hear the daughter of Athena gagging each time that his cock invaded her throat, and it was music to Piper's ears. She'd been waiting so long to hear it, and it did not disappoint. There were times when she or Annabeth would choke a bit as they tried to suck Percy's cock deeper than they could manage, but those instances always resulted in them backing off.

There was no backing off now though. Percy didn't slow down or show any concern when the woman he loved choked on his cock. He just kept thrusting his hips down and forcing her throat to take his cock, which meant Piper got to continue listening to the delightful choking sounds. This was Percy's true strength unleashed in the bedroom. This was what it looked like when he was charmed to forget about how much he loved Annabeth and put everything he had into straddling her head and fucked her face.

Piper licked her lips, so enthralled by the sight of Percy fucking Annabeth's face that she barely dared to blink. Annabeth had allowed Piper to use her persuasive speech on her as well, and her order had been to get down on her back, leave her hands above her head and let Percy do whatever he wanted to her. Thanks to that, she did not try to squirm away or use her hands to push him back. That didn't stop her body from reacting to its first true facefuck, of course. As a naked Piper crawled up the bed to get a better look at Annabeth's face and the facefuck itself, she could clearly see the tears spilling out of her grey eyes and running down her cheeks. Annabeth's beautiful face was redder than usual; thanks to how roughly her throat was being fucked. Her blonde curls were already in disarray, and her chin was covered with her own saliva. Annabeth was a fucking mess, and Percy had only been forcing her to take his cock down her throat for a few minutes.

In Piper's humble opinion, the most exciting visual of all was seeing Percy's cock making Annabeth's throat bulge. She actually gasped after she got close enough to see it and fully appreciate it for the first time. Obviously, she knew that his cock was massive, but there was something about seeing its outline clearly all the way down his girlfriend's throat that made her appreciate Percy's size like she never had before. She really was lucky that Annabeth was cool with her joining them in bed for semi-regular threesomes, and even luckier that both of them had recognized her desire to control them with her charmspeak and had encouraged her to go through with it. The two of them might not have any memory of the act itself after it was over, but Piper was never going to forget this feeling.

"On the next thrust, I want you to hold your cock down her throat," Piper commanded. "Don't pull back until I tell you to." She wanted to stare at that throat bulge some more, and also see how long Annabeth could keep it down her throat before her body simply couldn't take anymore.

Percy was not normally one to get bossed around easily, but he obediently followed her command. On his next thrust, he left his cock buried down Annabeth's throat, allowing Piper an extended chance to stare at that impressive bulge. She didn't look away from it when Annabeth first started gagging again, but her gags soon got more pronounced, and Piper looked up.

The honey-blonde-haired demigod's body was squirming on the bed, but her arms made no attempt to push Percy away despite how badly she was obviously struggling. Her throat was crammed full of cock, obviously impeding her ability to breathe, but Piper's charmspeak still controlled her body's actions just as it did Percy's. She was told to keep her arms above her head and let Percy use her, and she would continue to do so even if that meant her body gave out on her entirely. And Percy, despite his love for Annabeth, wasn't going to pull his cock out of her throat so she could breathe properly again. They were in completely foreign territory here, and it was such a thrill for Piper to have this kind of influence over them. Even if they'd given her permission to use her ability on them today and order them around, the fact was that she genuinely was in compete control right now. All she had to do was stay silent, and Percy would keep his cock lodged in Annabeth's throat until she passed out. He'd keep going beyond that, even, unless Piper told him not to. Her power over them both was absolute right now, and it felt incredible.

That being said, it wasn't like she actually wanted to hurt either of them or put them in danger. They both meant a lot to her, and they'd trusted her with this because they knew she wouldn't do anything to hurt them for real. So, as powerful as she felt, she knew it was time to ease up temporarily when she saw Annabeth's head start to loll.

"Okay, take your dick out of her mouth now, Percy," she said. Percy pulled out, and Annabeth started to cough, wheeze and gasp for breath as her throat was at last no longer obstructed. She still looked like an absolute mess, but somehow she'd also never looked sexier in Piper's opinion.

"Catch your breath," she said, patting Annabeth's cheek. "You're going to need it."


It was, Piper thought, a shame that Annabeth found so little enjoyment in butt stuff of any sort. She’d had anal sex with Percy exactly once and had expressed zero desire in ever doing it again, no matter how many times Piper pointed out that she hadn’t been there to see the first time. Not even playing on Annabeth’s pride by talking about how great an ass she had (true) and how spectacular she was sure it would look getting pounded (also true) had worked for Piper, nor had letting Annabeth watch Percy fuck her butt fairly regularly.

If Annabeth had been unenthused about having Percy’s dick in her ass again, she’d been positively dismissive about the idea of ass eating, either giving or receiving. Piper would’ve loved to have Annabeth rim her, but she would have happily settled for being given the okay to spread the flawless cheeks of Athena’s daughter and do some ass eating of her own. That offer hadn’t been accepted either. Until today, the closest Piper had gotten to anal play with Annabeth had been when her finger almost made it inside of the blonde’s ass while they were making out, only for Annabeth to narrow her eyes and give her a look that promised retribution if she dared to penetrate her with that finger.

All of Annabeth’s inhibitions and reservations about doing butt stuff were gone now, though. One of the things Piper had teased her about when they offered to submit to her charmspeak in the bedroom was doing all of the anal play that Annabeth normally shot down. The blonde had blushed and rolled her eyes, but she hadn’t tried to tell Piper she had to stay away from her ass once she was under her control.

Piper wasn’t wasting her chance. She’d been nice enough to prepare everything beforehand, but that was as much about wanting to give herself the best show possible as it was about protecting Annabeth. Piper was having Percy hold back slightly, but she was sure that he was still fucking his girlfriend’s ass much harder than she would have been comfortable with even if she’d chosen to try it again.

Annabeth was flat on her back on the bed once again, and she was holding her own legs spread wide for him per Piper’s command, showing none of the hesitance that the charmspeaker knew would have been there if Annabeth had not submitted to her persuasion. There was enough lubrication that Percy was able to work that huge cock back and forth inside of his girlfriend’s tight butt reasonably easily, but Piper could see the look of intense concentration on his face as he focused on not succumbing to the pleasure and cumming inside of her ass. She could have practically guaranteed his success by ordering him not to cum, but she found it more entertaining to encourage him to do his best and watch his struggle.

It was an entertaining show, and Piper got to enjoy it all from the best seat possible, that being the face of Annabeth Chase with her body facing away from her so she could watch the anal sex happening at the other end. While Annabeth sat on her face far more frequently, this was still hardly the first time Piper had taken this seat. It was definitely the first time Annabeth’s tongue had been inside of her ass rather than licking her pussy, however.

You wouldn’t have known that Annabeth had never eaten ass before, because she was doing one hell of a job of it. That was because her mind was clear of its normal barriers, thanks to Piper’s charmspeak. She’d removed all reticence from her friend’s mind when it came to sticking her tongue in another girl’s ass.

Annabeth wasn’t licking her like someone who had never done this before and found the very idea odd. She’d been told to put everything she had into rimming Piper, and she was doing precisely that. Her tongue wiggled around and pushed in deep, and she got so into her task that her face shifted from side to side as she licked. It was a shame that Annabeth would have no memory of this after it was over, because teasing her about what a fine eater of ass she was would have been a heck of a way for Piper to win any arguments between them in the future. Of course, knowing Annabeth, she probably would have found some way to turn it back around on her. Whatever. She would remember what it felt like to have Annabeth Chase’s tongue wiggling around inside of her butt, and that should be more than enough to make her smile any time she thought of this experience in the future.

“That’s it, Annabeth,” Piper said, reaching behind her body to pat her friend’s golden head. “You’re such a good girl, eating my ass so well.” Annabeth would normally have chafed at being spoken to so condescendingly, or having her head patted like she was a dog or something. But that was when Annabeth’s mind was her own. Right now she was nothing more than Piper’s obedient sex toy, a living, breathing doll that would do whatever she was told. Piper had never had this kind of unassailable control over anyone in the bedroom before, and she could easily see it becoming something she could get addicted to.

Already she had to bite her lip to stop herself from entertaining some even more extreme demands that she was sure Percy and Annabeth would be upset about afterwards. She could have told Annabeth to get up, walk out of their bedroom and go streaking for anyone lucky enough to see her. She could have called in another guy to fuck Annabeth, who had only ever slept with Percy (and Piper.) She could have made Annabeth watch with her hands in her lap as Percy fucked other women right in front of her. Any one of these things would have taken their private play public, and she knew that would have been a betrayal of both their trust. She managed to avoid giving in to the temptation of doing it anyway, but it was a closer thing than Piper would care to admit.

As if he was rewarding her for her self-restraint, Percy gave her a very entertaining display moments later. His deep groan was what brought her out of her personal dilemma and dragged her back into the present. She knew that groan well. She’d heard it countless times just before Percy gave her a salty treat to swallow, shot his load onto Annabeth’s tanned belly, or came all over both their faces after they’d sucked him together.

He’d done his best; honestly, he’d lasted as long as anyone could reasonably be expected to. Piper had felt how damned tight Annabeth’s ass was as she prepared her, and suffice to say that her finger was nowhere near as large as Percy’s dick. How he’d fucked her ass at this moderately quick pace for as long as he had without cumming was actually a bit of a mystery, now that Piper thought about it. But even the willpower and stubbornness of Percy Jackson could only hold up for so long against this kind of an assault, and after hearing that groan, Piper was fully focused on what was happening right now rather than what other things she could potentially do (and some that she probably shouldn’t do) with her power. His eyes locked onto hers, and she saw his struggle. He was about to cum despite his best attempts to hang on, and now he naturally looked to her for answers on what he should do.

“Go ahead, Percy,” she said, making her voice as persuasive as ever while she smiled at the handsome man who had been her friend for years and her friend-with-incredible-benefits for months. “Cum in her ass. Annabeth won’t mind.”

Annabeth would have very much minded at any other time, but Piper’s charmspeak made her perfectly okay with Percy grunting as his thick cum rushed to fill her rear. Piper licked her lips as she watched it and threw her head back and moaned as Annabeth’s analingus continued uninterrupted even as she took what Piper knew to be the first anal creampie of her life. Her friend’s tongue wiggling around in her ass had brought Piper pretty close to orgasm already, and having her first rimming continue while she had the pleasure of watching Percy cum in Annabeth’s ass took care of the rest. Her hand tugged on Annabeth’s hair as she came.

It was a massive orgasm, even by the lofty standards she had become accustomed to in the months since Percy and Annabeth (or should it be Annabeth first and Percy second, since the blonde had instigated everything?) first invited her into their bed. But Piper knew that even greater orgasms awaited her tonight.

“C’mon, my pretty blonde cocksleeve,” Piper said, taking Annabeth by the hand after Percy had pulled his cock out of her ass. “We’re going to go get you cleaned up while your boyfriend catches his breath and gets some life back into that big dick of his. And after that, it’s time for the real fun to start.”


“Please, Mistress Piper!” Annabeth whined. “Please, tell him to put it inside of me! I need it! I need it!”

Piper smiled and brushed the golden hair off of Annabeth’s forehead. “And what are you willing to do to get it?” she asked lightly. “Your boyfriend’s cock fills me up perfectly, so I’ll have to be convinced to give it up, even briefly.” As if he was conspiring with her to drive the point home, Percy gave her another big balls-deep thrust from behind that made Piper moan. “Ooh, that’s perfect! I swear on my mother Aphrodite that this cock was made just for me! What’re you gonna do to convince me to let you have it for even a second?”

“Anything!” Annabeth said quickly. “I’ll do anything, anything! Please, please, please!”

This was even more fun than Piper had hoped it would be! Annabeth begging for anything was basically unheard of, and she was no more likely to do so in bed. She might even be less likely, and why wouldn’t she be? The opportunity to have sex with his drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend made Percy as agreeable as he could possibly be, and as the guest who had been invited to join the loving couple in bed, it wasn’t like Piper had any power to make her beg for anything.

That was what made climbing on top of Annabeth and making her frustration mount as Piper got fucked from behind so much fun. Today, Piper could make her beg as much as she wanted to. She hadn’t actually ordered her to beg. Annabeth was just instructed to be lie there and remember who called the shots and had the power to give her what she needed, and Piper let the natural sexual frustration do the rest. It was incredible. Hearing Annabeth beg was nearly as satisfying as feeling Percy’s big dick slam into her pussy from behind was.

“Since you begged so nicely, I guess I can go without my favorite toy for a few minutes,” Piper relented. “Go ahead and fuck her for a little bit, Percy. But be prepared, because I’m taking your dick back soon.” She sighed as Percy’s dick pulled out of her, but that temporary loss was eased when she heard Annabeth’s needy moan moments later. Another moan quickly followed it, and then another. Percy was getting straight to fucking his girlfriend, and Annabeth loved it. She always loved it, because how could you not when you had a boyfriend who had a dick as big as Percy’s and he knew how to use it? But this was Annabeth’s unguarded lust and her sexual desire being fully revealed for perhaps the first time ever, and certainly the first time in Piper’s presence. Her pride was nowhere to be found, because she had been reduced to a woman who would do anything to have her boyfriend’s big dick continue to hit home inside of her needy pussy.

“Okay, that’s enough,” Piper said. “Time to get that dick back inside of me where it belongs, Jackson.” She’d planned on giving Annabeth a bit more time, but it was obvious that the girl was liable to cum at any moment if Piper wasn’t careful.

“No!” Annabeth sobbed, but there was nothing she could do about it. Percy wasn’t listening to her; Piper’s voice was the only one that mattered. The dick that should rightfully have taken care of Annabeth first instead went back inside of Piper, and she moaned as it did.

“Sorry, Annabeth,” she groaned, enjoying the feeling of Percy’s hands on her hips as he promptly regained the same momentum he’d found while fucking her the first time. He really was an incredible fuck, which was why finding a new boyfriend had fallen far down her list of priorities after she’d been invited into bed with him and Annabeth. Why settle for an exclusive relationship with a man who inevitably wouldn’t be able to measure up when she had this? “He’s mine.”

It was nonsense. Percy belonged to Annabeth, just as she belonged to him. If she’d had her senses about her, Annabeth would have known that she shouldn’t have to beg for anything where Percy was concerned. But that sharp brain of hers wasn’t doing her any good with Piper’s charmspeak taking it over and bringing her under her spell.

“Oh, gods, please!” Annabeth whimpered. “Please, let him finish me! I’m so close! Just a little more, please!”

“That’s not good enough,” Piper chided. “Just begging was enough to get you a taste, but it’ll take more than that for you to get to finish. What’re you going to do, Annabeth? Convince me!”

“I-I’ll just…anything!” Annabeth groaned. She was clearly struggling to come up with something that might persuade her mistress to give her what she needed. “Please, just tell me what I can do, and I’ll do it!”

Piper thought about it. It was hard to think clearly while Percy was fucking her so damn well, and she was tempted to just ignore Annabeth and let her keep whining and begging to no avail until after she’d gotten to cum. But she wanted to have some fun with this power over Annabeth while she had it. Who knew if she would ever be in this position again?

“Tell you what,” Piper said slowly, thinking out loud. “Why don’t you use that big brain of yours and come up with an answer, Annabeth? You knew that joining you guys in bed was just what I needed, even before I knew it. Maybe there’s some hidden desire you know about me that not even I’m aware of. Think of the hottest thing you possibly can; something you think I might enjoy even more than keeping Percy’s big, beautiful dick inside of me. If it’s good enough, I’ll let him go back inside of you right now and fuck you until you get off.”

Annabeth’s answer was surprisingly quick in coming. “I’ll let him impregnate me!” she shouted. “Right here, right now! Please let him impregnate me!”

Piper gasped. Did Annabeth truly want to get pregnant, here and now? Yes, Piper felt she knew them well enough to safely say that kids were in the near future for Percy and Annabeth. But did she want them now? Like, right now? Or was this just her saying whatever she needed to say to get his cock back inside of her? Piper was the only one fully in control of her own mental faculties, so if anyone was going to be a voice of reason here, it was going to be her. She could back off of this now, or at least make sure that Annabeth wanted to get pregnant immediately. She could…

Knock her up, Percy!” Piper hissed. She knew she shouldn’t be so reckless about this, but she couldn’t help herself. This was the hottest damned thing she’d ever imagined. As she so often did, clever Annabeth had worked out the answer.

Percy pulled out of Piper and returned to fucking Annabeth, and each thrust he gave her was punctuated by these growls that Piper had never heard him make before. Maybe he found the idea of knocking his girlfriend up as hot as Piper did, and that was why he’d started growling and fucking her like an animal. It wasn’t like Annabeth didn’t welcome that animalistic fuck, because those growls were matched if not even surpassed in volumes by her screams of ecstasy. They were both right on the cusp of orgasm, and if Annabeth’s daring offer came true, it would be the most monumental and impactful orgasm of either of their lives. Piper held her breath, anticipating the moment of truth at least as much as she’d ever anticipated any climax of her own. This was madness; it was reckless and out of control. And Piper fucking loved it. She loved knowing that she had brought all of this about.

Percy grunted as he began to cum inside of Annabeth, whose eyes were as big and wide as Piper had ever seen them as she watched her from above. Her mouth opened in a scream, but no sound came out. Had she used up all of her screams? Her shoulders and ass bucked up as much as they could, which wasn’t all that much with Piper on top of her. She was definitely cumming though. Piper had seen her friend climax many times, but her eyes had never been this wide, her mouth had never hung open in a silent scream like this, and Piper had never felt her body tremble this much.

She couldn’t see Percy, but she sure as fuck could hear his groans as he came inside of Annabeth. He’d cum inside of her before, but they’d always used a form or protection for it. Unless Annabeth was hiding something, no form of protection was in place this time. He was erupting inside of his girlfriend, shooting his cum into her womb, and there was a real possibility that Annabeth was getting impregnated beneath Piper at that very moment. It was hot. It was risky. It was wild. And Piper couldn’t get enough of it. This feeling, this power—it was intoxicating!

“Me too, Percy!” she blurted out without thinking. “Knock me up too!” She didn’t know if she meant that he should finish cumming inside of Annabeth, work his way to another orgasm and shoot it all inside of her, or if she wanted him to give her the second half of this current load. Piper wasn’t exactly using her head right now, so such thoughts were beyond her. She was the only one not being influenced by the charmspeak, but she was as lost in the pleasure as either of her friends.

Percy’s cock pushed back inside of her and started hammering into her pussy. Had he gotten hard again right away? Had he ever gone down? Piper didn’t know; she didn’t care. He was fucking her. That amazing cock, the best she’d ever taken and ever would take, was pounding away as he clapped her cheeks and fucked whatever remained of her brains right out of her, and he was soon going to knock her up. Who gave a fuck about anything but that?

Completely on his own initiative, Percy started to smack her ass in between thrusts. It surprised Piper, but she loved it. That hand slapped her butt over and over again; hard enough that she was sure his handprints would remain on both cheeks as a visible reminder of what they’d done today. But there was a strong chance that there would be a far bigger reminder of the day on the horizon. She didn’t know if Annabeth really was using protection or not, but she certainly knew that she wasn’t. She was about to take Percy’s cum in her unprotected pussy. It wasn’t at all what she’d planned when she first used her charmspeak on her friends/fuckbuddies, but now that they were here, she couldn’t imagine anything better. Who better than Percy to breed her?

He groaned much the same way he had when he’d cum inside of Annabeth, and Piper bit her lip and moaned as she felt his seed began to enter her fertile pussy. She clawed the sheets beneath her and closed her eyes as they crossed the point of no return.

There would be discussions about what all of this meant and where they went going forward, but that was for later. In the moment, all Piper knew was that she had never felt any orgasm that could hold a candle to this one. It was like electricity was flowing through her veins; like every single nerve and every point of pleasure was being stimulated at the same time. Her toes curled, her body shook, and a strange sound came to her ears that she would only later realize were her own heaving moans made as her body was hit by more pleasure than it knew how to handle it.

Piper collapsed on top of Annabeth, breaking her hypnotic hold on both her fellow demigods in the process, though all three of them were too exhausted to realize it, or what they’d just done, until much later.


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