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July 2023 General Prompt Poll

  • ASOIAF-Jon/Wynafryd: A bastard snags an heiress 78
  • ASOIAF-Jon/Arianne: After the defeat of 'Aegon', his widow Arianne attempts to seduce the new king 38
  • ATLA-Zuko/Katara/Kya: Prince Zuko repairs relation with the South by marrying and breeding Kya and Katara 18
  • ATLA-Zuko/Suki/Ty Lee: Ty Lee discovers Zuko and Suki's affair, and exploits it so they'll let her join the fun 15
  • Familiar Of Zero-Sato/Louise: It's Saito and Louise's wedding night 8
  • Final Fantasy XVI-Clive/Benedikta: Clive becomes Benedikta's consort 15
  • Game of Thrones-Robert/Sansa/Margaery: The Stark and Tyrell maidens use their bodies to appease the king 21
  • Persona 5-Ann/?: Ann on the casting couch 13
  • Star Wars-Kenobi/Satine/Padme: Satine misunderstands Padme's secret marriage to a jedi, leading to a happy end for them and Obi-Wan 64
  • The Witcher 3-Yennefer/Triss/Ciri/OC: Claimed by a witch hunter 37
  • ((Haggar's Choice: Vote for this if you want me to choose whatever option interests me most)) 33
  • 2023-07-08
  • —2023-07-12
  • 340 votes
{'title': 'July 2023 General Prompt Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'ASOIAF-Jon/Wynafryd: A bastard snags an heiress', 'votes': 78}, {'text': "ASOIAF-Jon/Arianne: After the defeat of 'Aegon', his widow Arianne attempts to seduce the new king", 'votes': 38}, {'text': 'ATLA-Zuko/Katara/Kya: Prince Zuko repairs relation with the South by marrying and breeding Kya and Katara', 'votes': 18}, {'text': "ATLA-Zuko/Suki/Ty Lee: Ty Lee discovers Zuko and Suki's affair, and exploits it so they'll let her join the fun", 'votes': 15}, {'text': "Familiar Of Zero-Sato/Louise: It's Saito and Louise's wedding night", 'votes': 8}, {'text': "Final Fantasy XVI-Clive/Benedikta: Clive becomes Benedikta's consort", 'votes': 15}, {'text': 'Game of Thrones-Robert/Sansa/Margaery: The Stark and Tyrell maidens use their bodies to appease the king', 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'Persona 5-Ann/?: Ann on the casting couch', 'votes': 13}, {'text': "Star Wars-Kenobi/Satine/Padme: Satine misunderstands Padme's secret marriage to a jedi, leading to a happy end for them and Obi-Wan", 'votes': 64}, {'text': 'The Witcher 3-Yennefer/Triss/Ciri/OC: Claimed by a witch hunter', 'votes': 37}, {'text': "((Haggar's Choice: Vote for this if you want me to choose whatever option interests me most))", 'votes': 33}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 12, 10, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 8, 12, 58, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 340}


July poll (General Prompt):

This month's options:

ASOIAF-Jon/Wynafryd: Jon Snow knows that he is a bastard, set to inherit nothing. He decides that he needs to hitch his ride to a heiress. He looks no further than Wynafryd Manderly, the heiress to White Harbor. She was horrible to Jon a few years about his bastardy so he seduces her so he can eventually be lord consort of White Harbor. Anal, cock worship, Creampie

ASOIAF-Jon/Arianne: Jon doesn't know whether Aegon VI was either a Blackfyre, as his aunt Daenerys believed, or actually was his older half-brother. Still, with Aegon having been killed by Daenerys in the Second Dance of Dragons, and then herself dying in the war against the Others, Jon reluctantly finds himself sat on the Iron Throne. With there being tensions between Dorne and the IT since Aegon's death, Jon's Hand, Tyrion, suggests that they send Arianne Martell, the imprisoned widow of the former King, back to Dorne. But when Jon meets her to talk about this, he finds out that she would instead rather reassume her former position and sets out to 'convince' Jon to take her as his Queen. Tags - blowjob, cunninglingus, vaginal sex, breast worship NOTE: Mayor has already written a 1000 word snapshot of this prompt, but it only involves Arianne giving a blowjob to Jon. This version would, needless to say, involve Arianne doing a lot more to convince Jon.

Avatar The Last Airbender-Zuko/Katara/Kya: (War ends early AU) Prince Zuko is sent by Firelord Iroh to the Southern Water Tribe to repair relations. Chieftain Kya and her daughter Katara turn out to be very eager to "strengthen international bonds," So much so that, at a private dinner with just the three of them, they propose he marry and breed them both. 3way, cock & ball worship, breast worship, breeding. Light femdom w/ Katara, light maledom w/ Kya.

Avatar The Last Airbender- Zuko/Suki/Ty Lee: (Post Canon) Zuko, fresh off his breakup with Mai, is having an affair with Suki, who is lonely due to the distance between her and Sokka. It started with keeping each other company but quicky became something more. They've been so addicted to each other that they'll do it whenever and wherever which has led to Ty Lee catching them in the act. Ty Lee uses this opportunity to blackmail the two into letting her join, wanting to have fun while on the job.

Familiar Of Zero-Sato/Louise: It's Saito and Louise's wedding night. Riding, cream pie, virgin and breeding

Final Fantasy XVI-Clive/Benedikta: (Minor early-game FFXVI spoilers) Young Clive was able to escape the soldiers. He found himself being taken care of my a Madame from a Brothel called the Veil. She nursed his wounds, gave him a roof and food, and in return she put him to work. Clive spent the next few years training while protecting the girls of the Brothels from those unsavory people that did not follow the rules. Then came the night, a group of soldiers sought to stay in the Veil for the night in mood for Celebration. They paid good coin and soon all soldiers had a girl in the lap, food in the table, and ale in the cups. Except for One, the captain of this group of soldiers. A woman, a Dominant...Benedikta Harman. Like her band of merry men, she too wanted to celebrate; however she was in no mood for a woman today. She wanted a man, one with the right tool between his legs and willing to serve. Unfortunately, there were no male escorts in this place...or so she thought, for coming from the kitchen came a dashing man, seemingly just out of the cusp of puberty. She calls the Madame and offers her coin, then she finds that her intended for the night not only was not an escort but a bodyguard but also a virgin...She had to have him, she gave more coin to the Madame, enough that the Madame approached him and put him in a room. And that's how Clive became Garuda's Consort.

Game of Thrones-Robert/Sansa/Margaery: It is roughly the start of season 1 (where Robert is king still) Robert still bitter that Dany and viserys survived and that the Tyrells fought against him during his rebellion. He brings forth the Starks and Tyrells and demands a show of support. Aka he demands the virtue of Sansa Stark and Margary Tyrell. For Ned protesting him being happy the Mountain killed Ellia’s children and for the Tyrells supporting the Mad King. Ned and Olena have no choice as the ages up girls agree. Tags:aged up women (like 18), virgins, deflowering, cumming inside, anal, age difference

Persona 5-Ann/?: Ann finds herself in a casting couch situation.

Star Wars-Kenobi/Satine/Padme: Satine misunderstands Kenobi’s relationship with Padme when she finds out Padme is married and keeping it hidden. This results in multiple stages of sexy shenanigans between the two women controlled by Satine. The ultimate result is the three way with them and Kenobi. Kenobi “negotiating” his way to the top of the relationship.

The Witcher 3-Yennefer/Triss/Ciri/OC: Yennifer, Triss, and Ciri bad ending! F/F/F/M. After being enthralled by succubui, they reluctantly let themselves get captured and shackled to the first witch hunter they find begging to be fucked. Instead of the usual execution, they’re all fucked publicly, and each has their mindbroken by the end of it, willing to sell out other females sorceresses to join them. Tags: public sex, rough sex, humiliation, facefucking/facial/quickest mindbreak after being fucked(Yen), first time/breeding/daddy-kink (Ciri), anal/choking/rimming (Triss).

((Haggar's Choice: Vote for this if you want me to choose whatever option interests me most))



If you're wondering where the poll for Young Wolf is: I've been thinking the matter over, and looking at the general interest level in that story compared to the other stuff we're doing here, I'm likely going to make this month's chapter the last. I've been considering what to do there, leading to the delay. At this point I'm going to wait until after this poll is over before I put the Young Wolf one up so I won't have to do both stories in the same week, so you can expect that poll to show up on like Wednesday or Thursday of next week. Unless we have another tie that needs breaking here, like last month...but we'll cross that bridge later.


I think you forgot Harry/Natasha


I don't come up with the options for this poll; $5+ patrons do. And both Harry Potter and Marvel fandoms are still on cool down this month (along with DC), so neither of them would have been eligible for them to nominate.

Kevin Thunder

But why does Harry Potter need a cooldown? :( I'm here for Harry Potter, and surely I'm not the only one.


The cooldown was introduced basically because HP would have won it every month without it. That's why HP prompts previously had their own poll each month, because as you've said, it's by far the most popular thing I write. The majority of comments I've gotten here and on the Discord have supported bringing the HP poll back when Young Wolf's Journey goes away in August, so we might well see monthly HP oneshot polls return in addition to What's Yours is Mine.