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With Stannis defeated, Robb prepares for his coronation and meets with his small council to discuss what lies ahead, knowing that winning the war and claiming the Iron Throne was by no means the end.

What potential fallout does the king contend with?

A visit from his family makes him ponder the fate of the North, and the Starks

The remaining Starks come to King’s Landing for Robb’s upcoming coronation, and while the reunion is joyful, it also forces him to examine some things. Sansa’s frank remarks on what she would look for in a potential betrothal makes him uncomfortable in seeing her as a woman grown, thanks to a pleasant encounter with Margaery and Mira that is still fresh in his mind. Bran being unable to come also gets Robb thinking about what will become of Winterfell, with him ruling from King’s Landing and Bran not physically able to father children.

Howland Reed reveals a shocking truth that will force Robb to reexamine his role in the realm

Life seems good for Robb, and when he and Margaery call upon Alayaya again, this time with Dacey involved as well, it’s hard to see how it could get better. Then Howland Reed, the only man still alive following the fight between Ned Stark’s men and the Kingsguard at the Tower of Joy, comes to Robb with a story difficult to believe. But if Howland Reed is telling the truth, and his bastard brother Jon Snow is not Robb’s bastard brother at all, what does that mean for Robb, his marriage, his crown, and the might of the Tyrells who made it possible for him to take it? Will he trust Margaery with this truth that could change everything?

Princess Arianne uses the Sand Snakes to send word from Dorne

Ahead of her own arrival from Dorne for his coronation, Princess Arianne sends two of Oberyn’s Sand Snakes to King’s Landing to inform Robb that her father is being tight-lipped about his own plans. It remains to be seen what Prince Doran will do, but his daughter pledges to be a friend to the new king—and her two cousins are happy to get ‘friendly’ with the king and queen during their stay in the Red Keep.

A kraken arrives with a warning, and an offer

Robb never expected Asha Greyjoy, the woman who’d captured Deepwood Motte on behalf of her father, to willingly sail into Blackwater Bay and come to him unarmed. But Asha hasn’t come to surrender. She’s come to warn Robb that her Uncle Euron has taken the Seastone Chair, and unlike her, he has no intention of ending the Iron Islands’ attacks on the North and on Westeros as a whole. Asha asks Robb to support her claim to the Iron Islands. She laughs off her brother Theon’s assertion that the Iron Islandsare his by rights and says that the Ironborn would never accept him, more wolf than kraken after so many years in Winterfell. And once Theon isn’t around to hear, Asha also suggests that she wouldn’t mind becoming better acquainted with the king (and queen) she wishes to align herself with.


st71778 .

If number 2 is the choice please have Olenna comment that it doesn't matter as Robb didn't claim the throne by birthright but by conquest, thus Jon, Aegon, and Danny's claims no longer matter.


I think that would absolutely be an argument that the Tyrells would push, should they learn about this. Can also make the argument that the Targaryens had already lost the throne years prior to Robb taking it. Another argument to be made (and which Jon might very well make himself, if he was asked) could be that Jon chose to give up any claim he had when he swore his oath to the Night's Watch.


If its option 2 (which it sadly seems to be. I fucking hate that trope in GoT fics) it would be interesting to just do something completely different with it instead of the typical 'oh no now Jon is the rightful ruler I now really have to think about if I should abdict'. Like have Robb not really care at all. He grew up as his brother and thats it. Have him not give a shit at all that technically he is Rhaegars bastard instead of Eddards (And he is a bastard. I dont give a shit what anyone says. Divorces are practically non existent in Westeros and are most certainly not a thing when the Wife birthed 2 children and the Targaryens can put their polyamory up their ass without dragons the size of castles flying around to kill anyone who speaks against it) Just have him thank Howland, have him swear on his houses honour to never speak about it again and maybe tell Jon in a few decades (only if he stays with the Nights Watch. Should he leave it, because of whatever reasons, never tell him) when things are considerably calmer and Robbs reign is more consolidated to protect himself, his children and the Throne he just conquered.