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So, last chapter saw Robb take King's Landing and sit the Iron Throne for the first time, in addition to Stannis' death at the hands of Varys. The March chapter coming up will obviously deal with the immediate aftermath of this major change in some way, but I'd love to hear what form you all would like to see that take.

The first question that has to be answered is: did Davos live, or did he die? I had a specific scenario in mind for that when I was planning and writing the chapter, but it honestly could go either way, so I'm actually going to leave it up to you guys.  Go ahead and cast your vote here.

I don't plan for this to be the actual poll for the chapter, though. That'll come hopefully in the first few days of March (February being so short is really throwing off my timing here!) So after casting your vote here, please give some thought to what you'd like to see in this chapter following Robb taking King's Landing, and share them with me here in the comments or through private message. Do we see some sexytimes here? If so, with who? Robb and Dacey having fun is always an option. But maybe there's a bit of a jump forward in the second half of the chapter, and we see Margaery arriving in King's Landing/Robb welcoming her? We could check in somewhere else, maybe? Perhaps we work on building towards whatever the next major 'arc' of the story is?

This is a time of major transition for the story. With the inevitable Robb/Stannis conflict finally settled, the possibilities feel wide open. And that's all the more reason for us to discuss and throw ideas out there. 


panzer of the lake

I think Marg returning would be fun. It's been a while since we have seen them two together. Perhaps they could do some one on one. And maybe some exploration of the street of silk?


Two ideas: -Robb appoints his small council and has his first session with them, which involves dealing with the loose threads (e.g., the Ironborn) remaining now that he's won the Iron throne. With all other claimants defeated, Robb's allies become worried about Daenerys and her three dragons. It's also mentioned that the Golden Company have broken contract with Myr and seem to be on their way to Slavers Bay to join with the Dragon Queen. Following the small council meeting, he has sex with Marg and Mira/Dacey. He then is told that Lord Howland Reed has shown up at the Red Keep. The chapter ends on a cliffhanger where Howland tells Robb that Jon Snow is not his brother, but is the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen and thus is the true heir to the Iron Throne. -We cross to Meereen and cover what's going on in with Dany. Quentyn Martell shows up - like canon - and asks for her hand in marriage but is rebuffed by Dany because she has already agreed to marry Hizdahr. She also hears from Quentyn about Robb Stark taking Casterly Rock and taking back the North and that - the last he heard - he is now marching on Kings Landing. Dany has sex with someone (maybe some femslash with Missandei or one of her handmaidens?). The chapter ends with the Golden Company arriving in Meereen and Griff and Young Griff revealing their identities as Jon Connington and Aegon Targaryen respectively.