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Summary: Harry visits Audrey in her office, planning to take her first repayment at work. But when Percy's ex Penelope drops in, he rolls with it and changes his plans around.

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“Well, well, well,” a female voice said from behind them. Harry froze, one hand underneath Audrey’s work robes and grabbing her arse. The other hand was seconds away from pulling her dark hair out of that functional bun she always put it up in while at work, but letting her hair down and shagging her in her office would have to wait, at least for now. He pulled his hands off of Percy’s wife and spun around quickly, turning to regard the newcomer.

The woman standing in the doorway of Audrey’s Ministry office and smirking at them looked familiar to Harry, but it took him a few seconds to put a name with the face. It had been years since he’d seen her, and he hadn’t really talked to her that much or known her all that well even then.

“Penelope Clearwater,” he said, looking at Percy’s ex and wondering how he should handle this. “What can I do for you?” He obviously couldn’t pretend that he and Audrey hadn’t been up to anything; she’d seen where his hands were, and what he’d been doing. The trade of sexual favors for forgiving debts was considered valid in their world, but it wasn’t like Percy had any clue what was going on. Would Penelope tell him what she’d seen?

“Oh, I’m sure there’s loads you could do for me, Harry Potter,” Penelope said, giving him a blatantly suggestive look. “But it seems like you’re already occupied—and with Percy’s wife, no less!” She laughed and shook her head. “I guess I know why you stopped pestering me about that threesome now, Audrey.”

That was interesting enough for Harry to look away from Penelope and back towards Audrey. It wasn’t like Penelope was a threat he needed to keep his eye on, regardless of what she might have in mind. “Threesome?” he said, regarding Audrey curiously.

She blushed, but didn’t deny it. “I’ve tried to talk Penny into having a threesome with me and Percy a few times to spice things up. But she’s always said no.”

Harry nodded. He honestly wasn’t all that surprised to hear it. He hadn’t known Audrey at all before she married Percy; she’d been a 7thyear at Hogwarts when Harry was a 1st year, so they’d never had any occasion to interact. But in the time he’d been around her since then, he’d noted how different she was from her husband. Percy was stuffy, humorless and rule-abiding, while Audrey was more fun and adventurous, at least in comparison to him. She took her job seriously, but when she wasn’t at work, she let her hair down both literally and figuratively. If Percy was half as serious about ‘rules and regulations’ in bed as he was in every other aspect of his life, it was no wonder why Audrey would look to bring another girl into the picture to have fun with.

“I’ve always said no because I’m not interested in fooling around with Percy,” Penny said. “Even if you got him to consider a threesome to be an ‘appropriate’ act for a husband and wife to engage in, you know that he would find some book on proper threesome conduct and make sure we followed it to the letter. He’s not a bad lover, but he’s a boring one. It’s why I broke up with him in the first place, so why would I want to ever go back to having to keep a list of approved activities in my head while I’m fucking?”

“Yes, yes, you’ve made this same argument numerous times,” Audrey said. “I already know that you’re not interested in having a threesome with us.”

“And it seems like you’ve accepted that if you want to get some excitement back in your love life, you’re going to need to look outside of your marriage to stuffy, serious Percy to do it,” Penny said, smirking at Audrey. “Can’t say I blame you, especially if you’ve got a bloke as hot as Harry wanting to get his hands on you. Good for you, Audrey!”

“It’s not like that,” Audrey said, shaking her head. “It’s…complicated.”

“Well, would you like to uncomplicate it for me, then?” Penny said, looking between them both. “Because I’ll tell you right now that if you’d asked me to have a threesome with you and Harry rather than you and Percy, my answer would have been very different.”

Harry looked at Audrey, who went silent. She was licking her lips though, and by this point Harry was certain that it was excitement rather than nervousness that made her do so. It had been obvious to him that she was aroused by the idea of settling Percy’s debt with her body, and now he understood that she had been itching for some excitement in her sex life even before he’d come along with his offer. He’d come here intending to take his first time with Audrey by fucking her in her office. But if there was a potential chance to have a threesome with Percy’s curvy wife and his cute ex-girlfriend from his Hogwarts days, perhaps it might be worth changing his plans. Harry was nothing if not adjustable.

“Audrey is doing this for her husband, as it happens,” Harry said. Penny stared, obviously surprised by that. “For all his adherence to the rules, Percy doesn’t seem to have any trouble taking other people’s gold without their permission.”


“What do you think, Harry?” Penny asked, grinning at him as she stood with her arm around Audrey’s shoulders. “Percy didn’t deserve a view like this, did he?” Audrey rolled her eyes and huffed, but there wasn’t any real heat behind it.

“I’m not sure he deserved to see either of you like this, even years apart,” Harry murmured, staring at the pair of naked witches standing in the middle of his bedroom. “Both of you at the same time might have made his head explode.”

Penny giggled, and Audrey tried to hide her smile. He was only half-kidding. Harry didn’t hate Percy, but he wasn’t exactly his favorite person to be around either. How a solemn bore like him had been able to get a girlfriend like Penny and eventually marry a woman like Audrey was beyond Harry. Seeing them both naked only made it seem more improbable.

Audrey still wore her glasses, but her long dark hair hung halfway down her back now, taking her out of the serious professional image she maintained in the office. Even when she was wearing her work robes, Harry was sure some of her coworkers had admired her body. Robes couldn’t fully hide curves like this, but Harry was glad to finally have the chance to see her body with absolutely nothing covering her. She was short but stacked, and from the view he’d had earlier as she bent over with her back to him while she slid off her knickers, he knew there was just as much to admire from the other side. If she’d been Harry’s wife, she wouldn’t have had any chance to get bored in bed. He could think of so many fun things to do with a woman who had boobs this bouncy and an arse this thick.

Penny had a body type that was very different, and yet equally attractive in its own way. She was taller than any girl Harry had been with, and her height stood out even more when she was standing side by side with Audrey. She was slim, her arse was pert, and her tits were perky. Percy had done incredibly well for himself, in school and as a married adult. But Harry had no reason to feel jealous of him. After all, he was about to fuck both Percy’s wife and his Hogwarts girlfriend at the same time. Percy didn’t need to be envied. If anything, he needed to be pitied. He would never have an evening like this in his life.

“Don’t you think it was nice of Penelope to volunteer to help you with your first repayment, Audrey?” Harry asked. Penny laughed and squeezed her arm tighter around Audrey’s shoulders, playfully using her height advantage to push her around.

“Oh yes,” Audrey said, her voice a complete deadpan. “It’s so kind of her. She’s not getting anything out of this at all.” Harry smiled, wondering to himself how often Audrey spoke to her husband in this tone of voice, and whether Percy ever realized that she was being sarcastic when she did.

“What can I say?” Penny said, grinning from ear to ear. “I’m a selfless person; always willing to help a friend in need.”

“Then maybe you wouldn’t mind helping Audrey suck my cock?” Harry suggested. “That was about to be her responsibility in her office this afternoon, before you walked in.”

“Now it’s our responsibility,” Penelope declared. She took Audrey’s hands in hers and gave them a squeeze. “Don’t worry, Audrey. I’m here to help.”

“I’m so lucky,” Audrey replied while removing her glasses. But as the two girls came over to crouch down on the floor in front of his bed, Harry knew that he genuinely was lucky. He was lucky the Weasley men had taken that gold from his vault without telling him, he was lucky that their wives had taken to his unique repayment suggestion so readily, and now he was lucky that Percy’s ex-girlfriend had decided to get in on the fun too.

“Wow,” Penny murmured, staring at his cock as she slowly started to stroke his shaft in her hand. “It really is a good thing I came to help, huh? There’s too much cock here for any one witch to handle.”

Other women had proven up to the task of sucking him solo in the past, but Harry was pleased to have both Audrey and Penelope there to suck him together. They started off slowly enough, giving the tip of his cock some light kisses before they stuck their tongues out and licked up and down his shaft. There was a bit of an adjustment period, which was probably to be expected. Neither of them had ever given a double blowjob before, so they had to figure out how to work together and divide up the responsibilities of pleasing him.

Harry didn’t mind even those initial attempts, but the pleasure really started to build once they got things figured out. Penny took the initiative to take his cock into her mouth first, and her quick sucks spoke to how excited she was to join in on the fun. Audrey sat back and watched at first, but after Penny gave her a pointed look, she realized she should join in. With Penny bobbing her head steadily on the top half of his cock, Audrey went lower and kissed more around the base. They were making a good team. It would have been fun to have Audrey suck his cock in her office like he’d originally planned, but he was glad he’d made the decision to delay the fun until after work hours so Penelope could join them. As far as pure pleasure was concerned, he didn’t see any way that Audrey on her own could have matched this.

Penelope popped her mouth off of his cock and looked down at Audrey. “Want to switch?” Audrey shrugged, feigning nonchalance, but she couldn’t fool Harry. She was eager to take her turn at sucking his cock.

She was pretty good at it, too. She didn’t come at it in the same way that Penny had been. Rather than bobbing up and down and establishing a nice pace of sucking, Audrey kept her focus on his cockhead. Harry was perfectly fine with that though, because she had a specific plan in mind. She suckled at his sensitive tip and licked it thoroughly, running her tongue all over it. She didn’t bob her head on his cock, and she didn’t need to. Her tongue was doing a fantastic job of making him feel good without anything else.

Penny didn’t simply sit and watch Audrey lick. She joined in too in her own way. At first, Harry assumed she was going to follow the same pattern that Audrey had, licking and kissing at the base of his cock. But she had her own plan in mind, and she kissed her way down his cock before enacting it. Once she reached his balls, she started licking and kissing them, and eventually she took one of them into her mouth and sucked on it. Penelope sucked hard on his left ball for several long, pleasant moments before she moved her mouth over and sucked just as intently on his other ball.

The two women worked very well together, especially when considering this was a first for them, and Harry could have sat back and allowed them to keep going just like this until he came in Audrey's mouth. But he had another plan in mind. Penelope's presence here as a third party had given him an idea on how he could have some fun teasing Audrey, and if he was going to act on it, he needed to start now.

Before they could make him cum, he put his hands on Audrey's head to hold it still while he pulled his cock out of her mouth. Then he smacked Penelope's forehead with a cock to get her attention, and once she pulled back away from his balls, he slid the tip into her open mouth.

"Our first session won't be over until you've gotten my cum," Harry said, looking over at Audrey even as he pushed his cock deeper into Penelope's mouth.

Audrey frowned. "Then shouldn't you have left your dick in my mouth just now?"

He smiled back at her. "It's not going to be that easy. Dear Percy worked up a lot of debt, borrowing my gold for whatever boring thing he spent it on. If you want to go home tonight with even a small portion of that debt repaid, you'll need to earn it."

Harry put both hands on Penelope's head and pushed his cock deeper still, pushing it all the way down her throat. She gagged, unprepared to take that much cock so deep. But she held on valiantly, doing her best to relax her throat as Harry held her down. She didn't have to last long, because he'd been very close before he pulled out of Audrey's mouth, and making Penelope throat his cock was more than enough to get him the rest of the way there. He gave her curly light hair a little pull, making sure her head stayed in place while he came down her throat. Some of it came back up, dribbled down her chin and hit the carpet when he was done, but Harry wasn't upset about that. Magic would remove semen stains from his carpet easily enough, and it was worth it to cum down Penelope's throat.

"I think Penny was more deserving of my cum this time around," he said, looking again to Audrey while he wiped his cock off on Penelope's cheek. "But don't worry. You're going to have plenty more chances to earn it before you go home for the night."


There had been plenty of moaning and groaning from both girls earlier on, but those noises weren't coming out nearly as much now. Harry was perfectly fine with that though. Losing out on some moans was a pretty meager price to pay when he got to watch Penelope and Audrey making out instead.

He had them stacked on top of each other on his bed, wanting to fuck both of them at roughly the same time. Audrey was on her back on the bed, Penny was on top of her, and Harry kept moving back and forth between both of them, fingering one while he shagged the other. He switched between them every few minutes, getting familiar with how both of them felt and enjoying the differences that they offered.

Penelope was nice and snug around his cock, and he loved holding onto her cute little arse while he fucked her. She was far more vocal about how good a time she was having and how good his dick felt inside of her, or at least she had been before she and Audrey began to kiss. Unlike Audrey, she wasn't trying to pretend that this wasn't exactly where she wanted to be. Penny was a single woman, and she'd all but invited herself in on the fun. She had no problem asking for what she wanted and expressing her pleasure at it all.

She also was prepared for a faster, harder pace than Audrey was. That had been made obvious early on, and he'd kept it in his head the whole time. Whenever he was inside of Penny, he let loose and fucked her with quick, deep strokes that made her pert arse shake in his hands. Sometimes he would make that arse shake in between thrusts by giving it a quick smack or two with the palm of his hand, and when he was fucking Audrey, he often groped her arse and fingered her pussy at the same time. Much like with his thrusts, Penelope preferred it quick and deep from his fingers too. He focused on speed and depth as he fingerfucked her, and Penelope loved every moment of it. Even now, with her kiss with Audrey continuing, he could hear her moans of pleasure partially breaking through.

Audrey was more subtle where expressing herself was concerned, but her excitement was still there beyond any doubt. She'd let out little gasps and sighs earlier, before Penny had initiated the first kiss between them. Harry could no longer hear her reaction, but he saw her hands running up and down Penelope's back and shoulders while they kissed. When she was feeling really good, her fingers would dig in and squeeze the other girl's smooth skin, and he sometimes felt her legs trembling too.

Percy's wife didn't like the simple deep thrusts that worked so well with Penelope. Audrey preferred a more deliberate back and forth, one where Harry took his time and angled his cock to hit just right inside of her. The same could be said when he was fucking Penny, and his fingers had to do the work with Audrey. She liked having his fingers curl inside of her, stroking her in a precise fashion to bring her the greatest pleasure with only minimal movement. Harry welcomed their differences. Being able to go back and forth between rough and measured thrusts, and also fingerbanging and careful stroking to stimulate the g-spot, allowed Harry to really enjoy the threesome and keep himself on his toes.

Unlike the two women sharing his bed, this wasn't his first threesome. But taking these two older witches at the same time ranked not only amongst his greatest group experiences but was one of the best fucks he'd ever had. Part of it was that they were both sexy as hell, and the differences in their bodies and their preferences made for a nice contrast as he moved back and forth between them.

And another part of it, of course, was the feeling of superiority this left him with over Percy. How Weatherby, of all people, had been able to land a girl like Penelope in school and later marry a witch like Audrey still made very little sense to Harry. But here and now, Harry was having an evening beyond anything Percy would ever experience. He was fucking Percy's ex-girlfriend and his wife at the same time, and they both enjoyed it enough that they'd gotten lost in the moment and were snogging without reservation.

As if their enjoyment wasn't obvious enough already, he heard a louder moan from Penny as he drove her to a climax during a period of firm thrusts with equally sharp spanks mixed in as well. He gave her arse cheeks a squeeze in his hands and continued to fuck her hard throughout her orgasm, wanting to make it as special as he could for her. Audrey reacted to it as well. He saw her hands move up from Penelope's shoulders and grab her hair, tugging on the curls as she deepened their kiss.

He was prepared to pull his cock out of Penelope as soon as she'd finished cumming so he could focus on getting Audrey off next, but this wound up not being necessary. The combination of his fingers stroking her pussy just right and the eroticism of Penelope hitting her peak right on top of her was enough to push Audrey right along with her. Her thighs tried to clamp together around his wrist, and she squirted all over him, the bed and even Penelope on top of her.

Harry wasn't sure if Audrey even remembered the little challenge he'd laid out; that this night wouldn't be over until she'd 'earned' his cum. But if she did, he was about to prove how unfairly the game was stacked against her. He could easily have given her credit for making out with Penelope, for helping her through her orgasm, and for enjoying it all so much that she didn't even need his cock inside of her to get off herself. All of that could have and perhaps should have earned her what he'd promised her.

But Harry wasn't going to play fair. He wasn't ready for this to end, so he was going to choose to interpret this in a different way. "You couldn't even wait for me to stick my cock back in you before you got off, Audrey? If you'd had the control to wait for just another minute or so, you might have earned my cum. But since you just couldn't wait, you must not want it enough. But don't worry; I'll give you another chance, right after I fill Penny up."

"Yes!" Penny gasped, breaking her kiss with Audrey right as Harry thrust balls-deep inside of her one more time and began to pump his cum into her. He gave her pert arse cheeks a squeeze, pushing them together with his hands as he enjoyed himself.

He'd fucked them both at the same time, but Penelope had been the one to 'earn' this creampie. He had an idea on how he'd like to finish up with Audrey, but it remained to be seen if Percy's wife was bold enough to take him up on it.


"Just relax, Audrey," Penelope said, stroking the other woman's dark hair soothingly. "It'll go so much easier if you don't tense up. Trust me. I'm speaking from experience."

"Experience," Audrey muttered. "And has that experience ever involved you taking a cock as big as Harry's up your arse?"

Penelope chuckled. "No. Not yet." She gave Harry a wink and a smile that made him think this might change at some point in the future. But not right now. Before he did anything else, he was going to pop Audrey Weasley's anal cherry.

"Deep breaths," Harry advised, running his left hand along Audrey's back to help her relax. His right hand, meanwhile, held his cock in position. The tip was right there, poking her anus and ready to claim the one part of her that no one, whether her husband or any previous boyfriends she'd had before him, had ever touched. She was down on all fours, and that thick arse of hers was prime for the taking.

She'd been surprised and more than a little nervous when he suggested that she could earn his cum by offering up her arse, but there had definitely been excitement mixed in with that nervousness. Audrey had been looking for adventure and exploration in her sex life even before Harry had come along with his debt relief proposal, and now he was dangling something bolder and more adventurous than anything she'd ever imagined in front of her. He'd already used his magic to clean her and get her nice and lubed up, and he was right on the cusp of taking her. He wasn't going to push forward until she gave him the okay, but he knew it was coming. However nervous she might be, she was too curious and too turned on not to try it.

Audrey took a deep breath, exhaled and nodded her head. "I'm ready, Harry. Do it."

"Okay," he said. "Here it comes." He moved forward closely, sliding just the tip of his cock into her bum at first. As much as he admired and wanted to fuck this fat arse, he knew he needed to break her in gently. She groaned at the penetration, but she seemed to be taking it pretty well thus far.

"Good girl," Penny whispered. "That's it, Audrey. You're doing so good." With Harry moving both of his hands to Audrey's hips, Penelope started stroking her back. He slowly started easing more of his cock into her arse, doing his best to make her first anal penetration as smooth as he could. Penelope was a big help there, because between her soft touch and whispered words of encouragement, Harry was convinced that she was helping Audrey relax and accept it more easily than he would've been able to on his own.

"You already have more cock in your arse than I've ever had," Penelope said lightly, once Harry had worked her up to the point where she could take about half of his cock. "I'm jealous."

Audrey laughed, weakly but sincerely. "Good."

"How do you feel?" Harry asked, running his hands along her bum.

"Strange," she said after a moment's thought. "But it's a good kind of strange."

"Glad to hear it," he said. "It feels fucking incredible for me, in case you were wondering. I can't believe nobody's ever tried to talk you into this before now."

"A couple of old boyfriends did," she said. It went without saying that Percy never would have asked for this. He probably would have been scandalized if she'd even suggested it. "But I’m glad I waited."

Harry laughed. "Me too." He rubbed her bum and lower back and gave another slow thrust inside of her arse. It may not have been the tightest hole he'd ever been inside, but it was very close to the top of the list. "I'm also glad that your husband was dumb enough to borrow all that gold from me."

"Me too," Audrey admitted. After a pause, she made a request. "You can start moving faster, if you want."

That was a dangerous proposition on multiple fronts. Harry had to be careful not to push her too hard, but he also had to be careful not to cum immediately. Even the slower pace he'd been moving at was a test of his control when it was Audrey's tight arse that his cock was sliding into, but increasing his speed at all was going to bring the difficulty up right along with it.

But she'd asked for it, so she was going to get it. He held her by the hips and began to move faster. Harry still held something back, but that was almost as much for his benefit as it was for hers. He thrust just hard enough to get her moaning and get the bed shifting slightly beneath them, and that was still enough to make him dig deep to hold on as long as he could.

"You wanted adventure, Audrey?" Penelope said, still rubbing her back. "You got it. Harry fucking Potter is buggering you, and I can tell he's trying hard not to cum."

"Oh yeah?" Audrey said. "Is that true, Harry? Can't get enough of my bum, can you?" She'd completely discarded any ideas of propriety here. Audrey was fully committed to this. She was getting the excitement she'd been lacking in her sex life, and it was everything she'd wanted it to be.

"I'll never be able to get enough of it," he said, giving her fat arse a quick spank for emphasis. He loved watching those thick cheeks jiggle. "I hope you're ready to get buggered loads more after this, because your arse is gonna have to make up for Percy's stupidity."

"Good!" Audrey said quickly. "You can have it anytime you want it! I'll come over here again, and you can bugger me all night long! Or you can fuck my arse in my office next time! Whenever you want it, my arse is yours!"

Harry growled, unable to stop himself from fucking her harder after that. The bed shook, her cheeks jiggled, and he stopped caring about anything other than claiming Audrey Weasley's big round bum as his.

"Fucking hell," Penelope whispered in awe. "You'd break my little arse if you buggered me that hard."

Perhaps they would test that sooner or later. But right now, Harry was consumed only with Audrey and her arse. He buggered her much harder than should have been comfortable for a woman who had only just lost her anal virginity, but Audrey just moaned and took it all. She had a body and an arse that were built for this, and Harry was the man who'd finally gotten to prove it.

"Gonna cum," he announced after a couple of minutes of wild thrusts. "You pick how you want me to finish, Audrey. You've more than earned it."

"Do it in my arse!" she said with zero hesitation. "Keep going! I want to feel it in my arse!"

That was all Harry needed to hear. He squeezed Audrey's thick arse cheeks together and grunted as he erupted inside of her, filling her rear with a flood of seed. There was enough of it that a healthy amount came right back out of her and collected on the sheets beneath her, but Harry ignored that altogether.

"This was a great first session, Audrey," he said, stroking her back as she slumped down onto her belly in the middle of his bed. "I'll look forward to the next one." Penelope's hand met his on Audrey's back, and they shared a look. "And Penelope, you're welcome to stop by any time, whether Audrey's here or not."


Bi Zuko

Very happy to see my get partially adapted!


Yeah, since the winning prompt defined Audrey's personality a bit but didn't really delve into her appearance, I figured taking inspiration from yours was the way to go. And as I was trying to figure out how to set the stage for Penelope joining in, doing the office sex setup seemed to work, so I just went with it. I guess you could say this chapter was sort of a mixture of both prompts, heh.

Kevin Thunder

You should definitely do a Harry/Penny fic. Or even an Audrey one. They'd both be fun.