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What's Yours is Mine: Chapter 3 poll

  • Ministry worker Audrey gets nailed at work 78
  • Audrey, more adventurous than her husband, brings Penelope in for a threesome 127
  • Harry pays a visit to Professor Audrey Weasley at Hogwarts for a day of fun 28
  • ((Haggar's Choice)) 31
  • 2023-02-22
  • —2023-02-26
  • 264 votes
{'title': "What's Yours is Mine: Chapter 3 poll", 'choices': [{'text': 'Ministry worker Audrey gets nailed at work', 'votes': 78}, {'text': 'Audrey, more adventurous than her husband, brings Penelope in for a threesome', 'votes': 127}, {'text': 'Harry pays a visit to Professor Audrey Weasley at Hogwarts for a day of fun', 'votes': 28}, {'text': "((Haggar's Choice))", 'votes': 31}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 26, 11, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 22, 12, 38, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 264}


What's Yours is Mine--Chapter 3 poll:

Who is Percy's wife Audrey (appearance/personality etc), and what is her first repayment with Harry like?

Ministry worker Audrey gets nailed at work

Audrey is a very serious professional, from her black hair tied up in a tight, functional bun, her glasses and crisp work wardrobe. Harry crashes her work cubicle to suggest she visit his place during a lunch break, but she assumes (and refuses to listen to his corrections) that he's there to take her *during* work. She plays at being reluctant all while hitching up her skirt/robes and demanding he do whatever his "depraved mind" brought him there to do, so they have sex while she's working. Gradually she loses her aloof, "reluctant" composure until she's a mess, begging him to never stop fucking her.

Audrey, more adventurous than her husband, brings Penelope in for a threesome

Audrey is a good balance for Percy's humorless nature, and is the more adventurous one in their marriage. Her husband is actually a competent lover, but is always too focused on doing things the 'proper' way and unwilling to deviate from his routines. Audrey's attempts to get his ex Penelope Clearwater to join them for a threesome had always been unsuccessful, but when she catches wind of Audrey's  'debt' with Harry, Penelope suddenly becomes more interested in joining in.

Harry pays a visit to Professor Audrey Weasley at Hogwarts for a day of fun

That old ghost Binns finally retired, and Audrey took his place as the History of Magic professor. Harry was never able to live out the 'shagging the hot professor' fantasy back when he was a student, but he takes full advantage of the opportunity now. He takes a day off to return to the first place he'd ever considered home, and spends an entire day trying out various fantasies with her. Whether it's shagging her on her desk, having her suck him off under the table as he eats, playing around on the quidditch pitch or whatever else he can come up with, he's going to make his one day return to Hogwarts one to remember.

((Haggar's Choice: Pick this if you want me to choose my preference))



Finished writing the chapter, but it's too late for me to proofread it and get it ready for posting. It'll go up in the morning.