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Summary: With Wanda already seen to, Peter turns his attention to the new arrivals her magic brought to him from other worlds. Whatever their pasts had been like, he would be the only Peter Parker they needed from now on. (Peter/MJ Watson/Gwen)

Content Warnings/Themes: Rough sex, facefuck, breeding, anal sex

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Peter may have come here to try and get Wanda’s help on behalf of Ned and MJ, but he was adjusting quickly to the new role he’d willingly stepped into once he accepted the price Wanda required of him. She’d wanted him to knock her up, and so he had. But in the process, he’d discovered how much fucking fun it was to embrace a more dominant side of himself. Her spell had unexpectedly summoned two women who had apparently loved Peter Parker in different universes, but for whatever reason could not be with him. Groping and fingering a woman he’d literally just met was not the sort of behavior Peter had ever expected to take part in, but there he was, seizing the opportunity once more.

This sexy redhead who had introduced herself as Mary Jane, or MJ for short, had been quick to come to him once he’d made the invitation, beating out the blonde who’d been summoned along with her. Her going by MJ was amusing, and was another hint at similar details existing across other universes beyond just Peter Parker being Spider-Man. But he didn’t spend too much time focusing on the admittedly very interesting multiversal implications of everything that was happening. Peter’s scientific mind had been switched off, at least temporarily, because his lust was currently calling the shots.

Peter would guess that Mary Jane Watson was something like ten to fifteen years his senior. He imagined that many of those years had been spent with her world’s Peter Parker, so even if Wanda was right about them no longer being together, she almost certainly had a good deal more sexual experience than he did. Peter would have thought a mature woman like her, especially one who was as beautiful as this MJ, would have been far more assertive with him, or at least attempted to be. But getting up off of her knees and coming to him before her blonde counterpart could was the extent of her assertiveness, because she did absolutely nothing to stop him from taking charge once she got to him.

First, he'd groped her round ass, and then he'd slid one hand between her legs to finger her while his other hand played with her big tits. MJ moaned and humped his fingers like an incredibly horny woman who had gone without a man for far too long, and Peter was happy to work the horny redhead up. He didn't know her story and why things evidently hadn't worked out with the Peter from her world, and honestly, he didn't care. She was here now, and whatever had led to her loneliness and separation from the Peter she'd known, he was going to capitalize on her loneliness and horniness.

But, as he listened to MJ's moans and felt her humping his fingers desperately, he decided that there was a better way for him to show all three women how things were going to be now. He was quickly growing to like this dominant position he'd taken up with Wanda, and he wanted to flex his dominance as much as he could. With that motivation in mind, he pulled his hand out from between MJ's thighs and used the web-shooter attached to his wrist to bind Wanda to the bed. She gasped in surprise, and he grinned over at her.

"Sorry, but I've already taken you," he said. "I've got two other horny women who magic itself apparently brought to me from entirely different worlds, and I don't need you getting in the way while I welcome them to their new home."

"Mean," Wanda said, pouting. She could pout all she liked, but she wasn't getting out of that webbing until he decided to let her go. Okay, maybe she could get out; she was the Scarlet Witch, after all. But if she did decide to use her magic to escape, she still wouldn't get to have any more fun tonight. Peter was in charge, and he didn't care how powerful the Scarlet Witch was.

"I like your initiative, MJ," Peter said, putting his hand on the redhead's shoulder. "But I think there's a fairer way to decide which of you goes first. Gwen, why don't you come over here and get down on your knees next to MJ? The two of you will suck me off together, and whoever I'm more impressed with can get fucked first."

MJ looked disappointed for a second or two after she realized she wasn’t going to get fucked right away, but she moved past it quickly in favor of dropping to her knees and reaching for his cock. By the time Gwen responded and started moving towards them, the redhead had already stuck her tongue out and taken several swipes across the head of his cock.

She didn't have his dick to herself for long, because Gwen wasn't shy about getting down on her knees and making room for herself. Gwen quickly took over, pulling his cock towards her and sucking the head between her lips. She started to bob her head on him, taking his dick deeper into her mouth and showing him that she was not only eager to suck his cock, but prepared to take it. She had evidently been lonely back in her old world, but it hadn't stopped her from having the experience to do an admirable job even with a cock as large as Peter's. She could only take about 3/4ths of it before she hit her limit, but that was damn impressive all the same. And she worked very well within her limits, finding a steady rhythm and sliding her lips up and down Peter's cock consistently. If she'd been on her own in her old world, the men there were fucking stupid. A woman who could suck a cock as well as Gwen should have had men chasing after her.

MJ made no attempt to take control back away from Gwen, deferring to the blonde and allowing her to bob her head on his cock without competition. But Peter's estimation of MJ was not negatively impacted by her seemingly deferential attitude, because deferring to Gwen did not mean that she wasn't adding to the blowjob in her own way. Gwen couldn't comfortably take his cock all the way into her mouth, but MJ saw to it that his base and balls got plenty of attention. She licked and kissed the bottom fourth of his cock, and had no problem pressing her lips against his balls and leaving her lipstick all over them. Between Gwen's assertive nature and MJ's ability to join in and take care of whatever the younger blonde couldn't fit into her mouth, the two multiversal arrivals were doing a pretty damn good job together.

But as nice as this was, Peter wanted to see what MJ would do without Gwen dominating the blowjob. It was already obvious how the blonde would approach this and try to make her impression; she was showing him with every bob of her head. He wanted to get a sense for how MJ's more naturally submissive nature would work, and if she would let him take charge of the blowjob right away. That was why he pulled Gwen off of his cock and switched solely to MJ, much to the younger woman's irritation.

Gwen huffed, but Peter put her out of his mind for the moment in order to test MJ. He rubbed the head of his cock against her lips, and she obediently opened her mouth wide so he could slip his cock inside. He went still for a few moments with just the head in her mouth, wanting to see what she would do without him actually ordering her around. The answer, in this case, was nothing. MJ seemed fully in a submissive frame of mind, so she didn't even try to lick or lightly suckle at his tip. She just clasped her hands in her lap and looked up at him, waiting for him to take control of her.

Peter grinned. This level of passivity was exactly what he'd been hoping to see from her, and he was going to take full advantage of the mature redhead's submission. He put his hands on her head and started fucking the face of Mary Jane Watson, testing just how deeply she would submit to him. What would she do when he was fucking her face as roughly as he could? Would she remain as submissive as ever, or would she bring her hands up and try to push him away when it became too rough for her?

It was up to him to fuck her mouth hard enough to actually test her, and that was something Peter was more than happy to do. He held her by the back of the head and fucked her face fiercely, snapping his hips forward to bury his cock down her throat with her not being able to go anywhere. She wasn’t any more comfortable taking his cock deep than Gwen had been, and her gag reflex kicked in every time his cock slammed down her throat. Her throat convulsed around his cock, tears leaked from her eyes, and spit and drool dripped out of her mouth to make a mess of her beautiful face.

But MJ didn’t stop him. Her throat was forced to take more than it could handle, but no matter how hard she gagged and heaved on his cock, she kept her hands clasped in her lap and made no attempt to stop him from using her as roughly as he liked. His cock kept pushing down her throat and making her gag, and his balls bounced off of her chin. Sometimes he just tugged her hair, held her head down and enjoyed feeling her struggle while his cock plugged up her throat and deprived her of air. He was making a mess of her, but MJ didn’t object to any of it. She struggled through it and let him use her. This woman was submissive to her core.

“Here it comes,” he groaned, holding onto her head as he began to cum in her mouth. He pulled his hips back slightly so her throat was clear, wanting to see if she would be able to swallow his cum on her own. Tears fell freely from her eyes as she looked up at him, but she still did her best to swallow it as it hit her tongue.

There was still some of it left in her mouth when Peter pulled out entirely, and Gwen took it upon herself to grab MJ’s head and pull her into a kiss so she could swallow some of his cum too. Peter laughed.

“You earn points for taking your share of cum straight from her mouth,” he said. “But all in all, I’m more impressed with MJ, so she’s going first.”

Gwen’s head snapped to him, and she looked disbelieving. “What?!” she stammered. “How could you be more impressed with her? I’m the one who actually sucked your cock! She didn’t do anything!”

Peter nodded. “Exactly. She let me do what I wanted, and it didn’t matter how hard I fucked her throat or how much she gagged. She was a perfect, submissive little slut. And that’ll beat a skillful blowjob any time, at least for me. That’s something to remember if you want to stick around and keep getting fucked, Gwen.”


This was everything Mary Jane Watson had been missing in her life.

Her sex life had been practically nonexistent for the last several months, but even when things had been at their absolute peak with the Peter Parker she’d grown up with, it had never been anything even approaching this. Her Peter had been a good lover, but there were times that MJ didn’t want to make love. Sometimes, what she craved deep down was to get her brains fucked out as a powerful man used her body. There were a few times where she’d tried to coax Peter into taking her harder, talking dirty to her, pulling her hair or spanking her, but even when he tried to oblige her, it was never quite right. That was the kind of thing that needed to come naturally, and her Peter had been too gentle to truly use her the way she longed for.

The same could not be said for the Peter Parker in this new world she’d been pulled into. He looked young; barely out of high school, maybe. But in spite of his youth, he had no qualms about fucking her with all the confidence and strength she’d spent her whole life searching for. He had her legs thrown over his shoulders, and he was leaning over her and putting his weight into his thrusts. There was no need for her to coax him to move his hips faster or fuck her harder, because he was fucking her more firmly than she’d ever been fucked in her life without saying a word. The facefuck had been a thrilling introduction into what sex with a truly dominant young man could be like, and she’d found far more enjoyment out of it than the most effusive praise she’d ever earned while sucking a man’s cock.

But this was what she’d been waiting for most of all. Peter Parker, this younger alternate version of him, was shoving his cock balls-deep into her pussy without the slightest care for her comfort, and MJ couldn’t get enough of it. She’d started off by moaning loudly, but within the first few minutes, he had her screaming at the top of her lungs as he pounded her hard enough that she was slightly surprised her bouncing tits didn’t smack her in the face.

That it even lasted for more than a few minutes was pretty remarkable on its own. The hardest fuck she’d ever had until now had been over inside of five minutes, and it hadn’t been anywhere near this hard for that brief time it had lasted. Young Peter had stamina to match his strength though, and rather than slowing down or surrendering to the pleasure, he only thrust faster and fucked her harder. MJ was going to scream herself hoarse at this rate, but if that happened, she would have no complaints. A fuck this good was more than worth dealing with a sore, scratchy throat afterwards.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” she screamed. “Oh, fuck, Peter, yes!” There was a tiny part of her brain that felt like shouting Peter’s name was a betrayal of her Peter, but she silenced that part instantly. Even before she’d been brought to this new world, she’d known in her heart that her twenty year off and on romance with the boy she’d fallen in love with back in high school was done. They just weren’t what each other needed, and that would still have been the case even if she hadn’t been pulled into this new world.

But she was here, and even though she was still trying to piece everything together about her circumstances and her future, there was one thing she was certain of. She didn’t want to return to the world she’d grown up in; the world where she was still looking for the man who could give her what she needed. She’d found that man here in this world, and she was convinced that there was no one in her old world that could fuck her half as well as this new, younger, different, more forceful version of Peter Parker. He was her Peter now, and as long as he kept fucking her like this, MJ would be whatever he wanted her to be.

“That’s it,” Peter said, staring down at her with an intense look in his eyes as he fucked her. ”Let me hear you scream, slut. Scream my name while I fuck you the way you’ve always wanted to be fucked.”

Peter!” MJ had never howled like this before, but she’d also never cum like this before either. Her orgasm was so powerful that it left her feeling lightheaded, and she had no doubt that her throat really would be so sore from screaming that it would be painful to speak afterwards. But it was more than worth it. She would pay any price in exchange for the sort of pleasure that wracked her body now. She would throw herself at young Peter Parker’s feet and spend her life doing whatever the fuck he asked her to do, and she would consider herself lucky for the privilege.

“I bet there’s something else you’ve always wanted, too,” Peter went on. “And I’m going to give it to you.” MJ blinked through the haze of pleasure, trying to work out what he was talking about. “I’m going to give you the same thing I gave my slutty Scarlet Witch before I webbed her to the other side of the bed over there. I’m going to breed you, Mary Jane Watson.”

MJ gasped breathlessly when she heard that. Few things could have brought her out of her lightheaded, hazy feeling, but that was one of them. He wasn’t wrong, honestly. She’d always hoped that someday, she and her old Peter would settle down, get married and start a family together. But it wasn’t meant to be, and as the years passed, she accepted that marriage and kids weren’t going to be part of her life. Maybe marriage still wouldn’t happen, but her new Peter was stating his intention of giving her the latter. He’d just promised to get her pregnant, and on an instinctive level, MJ knew that he could and would follow through on it. The only possibility she had of not bearing his children was if she spoke up now and asked him to stop.

“Yes!” she said. Her voice was shaky from the pleasure and the screaming, but she hoped he didn’t mistake her lack of voice for uncertainty. She knew what she wanted, and just as he’d proven when he’d given her the best fuck of her life, young, strong, virile Peter Parker was the man to give it to her. “Yes, please! Do it! Breed me! Get me pregnant! Please!”

Peter chuckled. “I was always going to, but it’s nice to see how desperate you are for it.” He moved her legs off of his shoulders and instead pushed them back towards her head, almost getting her knees up above her ears as he bent her body in half. “I’ve shown you how I can fuck. Now I’m going to show you what breeding sex is all about.”

This young man shouldn’t be saying that kind of thing, never mind having the experience and confidence to back it up. But there he was, bending mature Mary Jane Watson in half, planting his feet on the bed and squatting above her, fucking her even harder than he had been before. His cock barely pulled back at all, and any time he moved back, he dropped right back down and filled her up again. He didn’t need to pull all the way out to fuck her with authority and make the bed shake beneath her. He was strong enough, thick enough and reached deep enough inside of her that her hands held onto his ankles for dear life no matter what.

It should have hurt. MJ was in her late 30’s, and she was no superhero; having her body folded up and fucked hard like this should have been too grueling for her to enjoy. Maybe she would be sore afterwards, but in the heat of the moment, MJ could only cry out weakly as her virile young lover fucked her. Each quick thrust brought her closer to that destined moment, when he would pump his cum inside of her and do his best to breed her. If his semen was half as strong as the rest of him, she saw no other outcome other than her being knocked up on the first try. She’d given up on having kids years earlier, but now that the moment was here, she wanted it urgently. She wanted Peter to breed her, to knock her up and tie her to him forever. She wanted it more than she’d ever wanted anything in her life.

“Here it comes!” he growled. He dropped back down and sheathed his cock fully within her again, and MJ let out a hoarse scream as she felt him start to cum inside of her. His thick seed flooded her pussy, and MJ was positive that it would do its work in her womb and make good on his promise. With Peter filling her insides with his cum, MJ screamed and trembled her way through a second climax. Her voice might have been hoarse and unable to fully express what she was feeling, but her second orgasm was just as powerful as her first had been.

She’d just been bred and claimed by a much younger man, and Mary Jane Watson had never felt more content. Rough sex, a powerful man and children to raise—at last, she would get everything she’d wanted out of life.


Gwen Stacy was not happy about having to wait her turn.

She couldn’t understand how this Peter could ever have thought that MJ was more worthy of going first because she didn’t try to suck his cock. Gwen had swooped in, taken him into her mouth and shown him what she could do. How could the redhead have usurped her by putting her hands in her lap and just taking it? Her Peter would never have wanted her to be so docile! He loved how feisty she was, and any time she’d sucked his cock, he’d been sure to thank her profusely.

But this wasn’t her Peter anymore. This Peter apparently had very different expectations for sex, and in his eyes, the redhead submitting to him and taking whatever he dished out was more desirable than Gwen’s assertiveness and cocksucking skill. That was a hard pill for her to swallow, and her rebellious side longed to be let out. She didn’t have to take this. She could tell him to go fuck himself; she was sure that she could find a man who appreciated her skill, whether in her old world or her new one.

She couldn’t forget the looks of pleasure she’d seen, though. Whether it was watching as Peter fucked the ass of the witch whose magic had evidently brought both her and MJ here or hearing the need in the older redhead’s voice as she pleaded to be bred, she couldn’t deny that both women seemed to have been having the time of their lives. As much as she wanted to tell him off, she was insanely curious to feel him for herself and find out if it really did feel as good as it appeared.

Gwen had tried to assert herself to an extent when Peter got up off of the bed and came to her, but he’d laughed and shut her down immediately when she reached for his cock. Just as he’d used his webbing to keep first Wanda and now MJ on the bed, he used it now to bind Gwen’s wrists together and thoroughly shut down any attempt to grab him.

He’d removed the webbing after he’d grabbed her and pulled her over towards the wall, but that was only so he could bend her over and stick her hands to the wall instead. She was bent at the waist, and her ass stuck out towards him. Now he was lubing her ass up, properly preparing her and also making it very clear what he intended to do to her.

“I saw you staring while I was fucking Wanda’s ass earlier,” he said, pressing the tip of his cock against her asshole after he’d gotten her lubed up. “You want this, don’t you? You want to know what it feels like to get your ass fucked.”

She could have tried to act like she didn’t want it, but she couldn’t bring herself to shake her head or pretend that he wasn’t right. She did want to know what it was like. She wanted him to take her anal virginity, and she wanted to know if it could really feel as good as Wanda had made it seem.

“Well, what’s it going to be?” Peter said. His cock was still poised to enter her ass, but he hadn’t pushed forward to penetrate her yet. “I’m only going to do it if you want it. Do you want me to fuck your ass, Gwen?”

Gwen licked her suddenly dry lips and nodded, silently admitting that he was right, and she did want this. It was humiliating enough to nod in defeat, but that still wasn’t enough for him.

“Was that a nod?” he said. “I can’t trust that. I need to hear it from you. Tell me, Gwen. Tell me that you want this.”

“Yes,” she mumbled. “Yes, I want it.”

“You want what?” he said, not having tired of teasing her yet. “Speak clearly, please.”

“I want you to fuck my ass,” she said, her voice quiet but clear. To hell with her pride. She needed this.

“Oh, good,” he said. “I’m glad we cleared that up.” He gave her ass a sudden smack that made Gwen yelp in surprise, and she was still yelping as he thrust forward and slid his cock inside of her ass.

Gwen groaned at the feeling of his cock pushing deeper into her virgin butt. She felt full, and it was definitely awkward to have something so large lodged inside of her ass, but it didn’t hurt as much as she’d expected it to. Was that because she was excited about this? It didn’t feel like he was taking it particularly easy on her, pushing deeper and beginning to move back and forth inside of her ass without giving her much time to get used to having him back there. But it still didn’t hurt nearly as much as it probably should have, especially given his size. There was some pain there, yes, but the pleasure was enough to match it from the beginning. And as he settled in and established a brisk pace of pulling almost all the way out and thrusting back in, the pleasure only swelled. She had to bite her lip to keep from moaning in pleasure. Her last scraps of pride and rebelliousness didn’t want her to be so blatant about how much she was enjoying taking Peter’s cock up her ass.

Whether she was blatant about it or not, he still seemed to understand what she was feeling. “Bite your lip as much as you want,” he said, picking up speed and fucking her a bit harder. “It’s only a matter of time before you scream in pleasure.” He gave her butt cheek another slap, and then he gathered her long blonde hair in his hand and yanked her head back. She groaned at the strain on her neck, but more at the inexplicable excitement that shot through her when he did it. Why did Peter pulling her hair excite her?

He held her head back and found another gear, moving his hips even harder. Peter was absolutely ravaging her ass now, fucking her so hard that it felt like she might just break. She couldn’t contain the grunts that he forced out of her with each deep thrust he gave her now, and honestly, she didn’t really want to. She understood now. She hadn’t been fooled by the delight on Wanda’s face as she got her ass fucked right in front of her. It really had felt that good for her. And she understood too why MJ had been so ready to submit and let him use her body however he wished. If this was how it felt when he broke through her assertive nature, stuck her hands to the wall and nailed her ass as hard as he pleased, what sense did it make to try and fight it? Gwen had never been one to submit, but she was coming around quickly now that she knew what it felt like to have the new Peter Parker in her life pound her ass without hesitation.

It was more than she’d expected and more than she could take, and there was no way for her to hold back her moans now. It was incredible, and she no longer bothered to hide how much she enjoyed it. She moaned deliriously, hearing Peter laugh from behind her as she did.

“I knew you’d come around,” he said. “And now, I’ll reward you by finishing you off.” He pulled his hands off of her hips, not needing to hold her to keep his momentum going. His left hand played with her breast and rolled her nipple between his fingers, but it was his right hand that changed everything. He reached around between her legs to slide two fingers inside of her pussy, and his thumb went to work on her clit. Gwen shouted louder than she ever had before, set off in an instant. She’d already learned that having him fuck her ass brought her more pleasure than she’d thought possible, and the addition of the fingering and clitoral stimulation pushed her straight over the edge without warning. Her legs shook, and she squirted all over his fingers, his body and the floor beneath her.

Peter followed moments later, filling her bowels with his cum just like she’d watched him do to Wanda earlier, and the same joy that she’d seen on Wanda’s face now spread across Gwen’s own. Yes, giving her ass to Peter really had felt as good as it had looked, if not better. Submitting to him was the best decision she’d ever made.

He pulled out of her ass after he was done, unstuck her from the wall and picked her up in his arms. He carried her over to the bed and placed her down in between Wanda and MJ, but rather than webbing her up like he had the other two, he removed the webs that had been holding Wanda and MJ in place. There was nothing to bind them there anymore.

“I don’t need the webs,” he said. “You’re not going anywhere. All three of you are mine now, and that’s how you want it.”

None of the women responded, and none of them needed to. He was right. Magic had brought all three of them to him. He would fill the holes in their lives and give them what they’d always wanted, and in return, all three of them would be there to fulfill his every desire.


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