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The trap sprung by Robb and his combined might of the North and the Reach has led to the defeat of Tywin Lannister. Robb and his advisors will soon decide where to turn the army's attention next, but first comes the celebration of their victory. How does the king celebrate slaying the lion?

Take Dacey Mormont into his bedroll (but remember Margaery's request)

Dacey suggests that she wouldn't mind spending the night with her king and his cock, which she's thought of often since she took part in the bedding on his wedding night. Robb remembers that his wife gave him her permission to satisfy his lust without guilt while he was away and decides to accept Margaery's invitation, but he also abides by her wishes and takes care not to spend his seed inside of the lady bear.

When he mentions his concerns to Dacey, she shows him another hole he can use

Robb is interested in Dacey's offer, but his concerns over potentially fathering a bastard make him hesitant to accept. The powerful female warrior happily invites Robb to fuck her arse instead.

A healer from Volantis catches his eye

He's not interested in any camp follower, and taking one of his trusted protectors like Dacey into his bed seems like a bad idea to him. But when Robb spots a pretty dark-haired woman named Talisa treating the wounds of his men and the Lannisters alike, he's intrigued by her. She might not climb into his bed right away, but he feels compelled to get to know her better.

Robb has a female camp follower suck him off while he composes a letter

Robb's allies and followers must be informed of their victory and Tywin's death, so after meeting with his advisors he works on sending a letter to them. But when a pretty camp follower from the Reach offers to keep him company, he decides to have her use her mouth on him while he works.

The king strokes himself while remembering his wedding night with Margaery

Even if his wife had given him permission to take others into his bed while he was gone, Robb chooses to spend the night alone. Recalling with great detail his second time with Margaery, when he'd taken her on her hands and knees like a true wolf, offers more than enough to excite him while he uses his hand.

Robb passes the night alone, but Theon enjoys the company of multiple camp followers

Serious Robb chooses not to take anyone into his bed, but Theon would never deny himself the chance to enjoy the company of women. There are plenty of pretty camp followers around, and the handsome man from the Iron Islandsinvites several of them to celebrate the success of the battle with him.



I'll just tell you guys now ahead of time that this chapter will be delayed a bit. Hopefully not a WHOLE lot; I'll still aim to get it up at some point over the weekend. But the last couple of days I've been dealing with trying and failing to fix my TV, and then doing some research into replacements, so everything's kind of getting pushed back by that nonsense.