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Fandom: Tomb Raider

Summary: You've exceeded Lara's expectations as her hired muscle, and she offers you a bonus and a further test of your strength at the same time. (Lara Croft/You)

Content Warnings/Themes: Second person POV

Patreon Exclusive/Early Access

"Well done," Lara said as you finished making a couple of reinforcements to the door that would turn this ramshackle old hut into a dwelling safe for the two of you to rest comfortably for the night. She’d warned you that an overnight stay had been a realistic possibility when you set out, and that warning had come to pass even though everything had gone relatively smoothly. "Very well done. But I suppose that's becoming routine for you, isn't it?"

"Thanks, Lara," you said, taking your seat across from her in the common area of the long-abandoned hut in the middle of the jungle. You really shouldn't feel as happy as you did. You were facing a night sleeping in a jungle many miles away from civilization, after all. But pleasing Lara Croft felt like a reward at least equal to the very nice check that was going to be deposited into your bank account when you got back.

"I'm not exaggerating either," she said. "If you had failed to meet my expectations I would say so; that's just who I am. But you were not only as good as advertised. You were better."

"Just earning my pay," you said back, trying to sound modest and professional even as her words filled you with pride. What was it about a smile and a compliment from a pretty girl that was so damn effective? And Lara Croft wasn't merely pretty, of course. She was a fucking knockout; a 10 out of 10 if there ever was one.

The payoff you had been promised if you could successfully accompany her as her hired muscle on this expedition to recover an ancient dagger from the jungle temple was significant, but if you were being honest with yourself you'd accepted the offer as much because of who you would be accompanying. That money was going to go a long way and last you a long time, but the memory of walking behind her and seeing her ass in those shorts would last for a lifetime.

"You more than earned your pay," Lara said, smiling. "Having you here with me made my job so much easier. I can't even begin to tell you some of the difficulties I've run into when I try and go on an expedition by myself! But with you here it was a breeze. I'll have to thank Jonathan for recommending you so highly to me because you were worth every penny."

Lara stretched her arms over her head, and the motion caused her tight shirt to pull up high enough to expose her belly to you. You didn’t want to gawk too openly lest you get caught by her, but she was the hottest woman you’d ever seen by an incredibly wide margin. You didn’t think it was possible for any red-blooded human not to appreciate that body and do at least a little bit of staring. Hopefully she didn't notice, and the little smirk on her face had to do with something else entirely.

"I've garnered a reputation for speaking my mind, and it is deserved," she said. "When someone does something improperly I do not hesitate to call them on it, and I don't care if their feelings get hurt. But I'm equally giving with the praise when someone does well, and you have done very well. You have thoroughly exceeded my expectations, and that is not an easy thing to do."

"I'm honored, Lara," you said, smiling. Part of you still wanted to call her Ms. Croft but she had disabused you of that quickly, insisting that you call her Lara.

"You'll also find that I am extremely generous to those who please me," she said. "You can expect a bonus of 10% to be added on top of the agreed amount when you receive your deposit." Your eyes widened at that. You were already getting paid extremely well for this, but adding 10% too would turn this into an incredibly profitable weekend for you. "That's not the only thing I'm going to offer you though."

Lara stood up, turned and walked away from you, heading deeper into the dwelling towards what had once been a bedroom and disappearing from view. "I felt your eyes on me when we were working, you know."

You winced, thankful that she couldn't see the guilty look on your face. "I'm sorry, Lara," you said contritely. You didn't see much point in trying to deny it. She would see right through it and probably get even more annoyed with you if you did, so the best way to handle it was just own up to it. "I didn't mean to stare, it's just--"

"I didn't bring it up because I want you to apologize," she said, cutting you off. "If I got offended by men and women alike leering at me I would have a perpetual sneer on my face. And you weren't even particularly bad about it. You didn't turn into a drooling idiot, and you never got so distracted that you failed to do the job that I hired you to do. That's all I can ask for."

You heard a rustling and then the sound of something hitting the floor of the hut, and you realized that she was more than likely changing into the spare clothes she'd brought. Your eyes closed as you imagined Lara undressing, but you banished the thought quickly. She might not be mad at you yet but there was no guarantee that would remain the case if you moaned right now.

"The real reason I brought up your staring is that it fits in nicely with the second bonus I'm going to offer you," she said. "I'm going to offer you something that isn't usually part of my compensation package." Her footsteps picked up again as she walked back towards you, and you looked up when she came into view again.

Your jaw dropped when she reappeared, and you wondered if maybe you'd actually fallen into that pit of nails and died a most gruesome death rather than pushing on the pillar with all your might and holding steady until Lara had made it through and you could let go. This being a last thought before death made more sense to you than Lara actually standing there naked in front of you. But if this really was how you were going to go out there was no harm in staring at her openly and appreciating what was easily the greatest body you'd ever seen in your possibly far too brief life.

"I see you like what I'm offering," Lara said, smirking at you and standing there with her arms behind her back. She looked completely at ease being in the nude, and why shouldn't she? There was absolutely nothing for her to feel self-conscious about from what you could see. Hers was a body without flaw, from her tanned skin, perky round breasts and a body that was an ideal combination of strong and sexy at the same time. She could walk down a runway as easily as she could leap over traps and run out of the way of an oncoming boulder, and she could captivate a man just as effectively as she solved whatever mental or physical challenges awaited her on her expeditions. Lara's body was heaven on earth, and it was fully bared before your eyes. Of course you stared. Who wouldn't?

"I've never been overly interested in romance," Lara said, casually conversing with you even as your brain threatened to short-circuit while you looked from her belly to her legs and in between. "I've dabbled, of course, but it doesn't agree with my lifestyle. That doesn't stop me from having a perfectly healthy sex drive just like anyone else. I've gotten fairly good at satisfying those desires myself. Fingers, toys and a bit of creativity really do work wonders when the need arises."

You wouldn't be at all surprised to find drool on your face at the mental image of Lara masturbating, and if your cock hadn't already been getting large just from staring at her it would have gotten uncomfortably stiff from that.

"Still, there's something to be said for the real thing," she said. "Toys are nice, but a real live cock can't be beaten. But that's only the case when the cock is attached to a man who actually knows how to use it. A toy is predictable, but sometimes that's for the best. A toy won't let me down unless I've forgotten to bring fresh batteries, but a dick is only as capable as the man it belongs to. More often than not the men I've given the opportunity to prove themselves have not lived up to my expectations and I've had to rely on my toys after all."

She stood right in front of you where you sat, and you gasped as she stuck her foot out and put it in your lap. Her toes wiggled against your cock through your pants, and she could now feel the erection she had undoubtedly been able to see already. You groaned, struggling to believe how good this felt. You weren't some virgin on a hair trigger; you'd done well with women! No woman's foot brushing across your dick while you were still wearing both pants and underwear should have excited you so much. But it did. Something about Lara demanded you pay homage to every inch of her.

"Hmm," she murmured quietly. "Yes, that certainly feels promising. I'd hoped that your buff body wasn't just for show, and you showed me that you know how to use those muscles today. But will you be able to do the same with your cock? Can you meet my expectations once again and give me what I desire?"

"I'm not going to meet your expectations," you said. "I'm going to beat them." This was something more like the confidence you usually displayed when with a woman, and inwardly you cheered. It was understandable that you would be caught off-guard by Lara suddenly walking out naked, but she hadn't done this because she wanted some limp-dick loser with no confidence. She'd just spelled it out for you, and you needed to show her that same strength that had impressed her enough to get you in this position to begin with.

"I see you've recovered from your shock," she said, smiling slightly before she got down on her knees on the ground. "That's good." She unzipped your pants and started pulling them down your legs, and you wriggled around to help her get them down. "But I'll warn you that I have no patience for a braggart who can't back their words up with actions, so I do hope that you’re prepared for this."

"I'm prepared," you vowed. Lara nodded but her attention was on getting your underwear off, and frankly that's where your mind was at too. You pulled your shirt off while she dealt with your boxers, and together you removed the final articles of clothing in your way. Lara's smile got bigger when she saw you, and she wrapped her hand around your cock and gave it a couple of slow strokes.

"Yes, this looks promising," she said. She licked her lips, and a vision of Lara's pouty lips wrapped around your cock while she went down on you ran through your head. She looked up into your eyes, and it was like she could read your mind. "I've never really enjoyed giving blowjobs, so I hope you're not expecting that." You weren't sure what you were expecting, but it was definitely regrettable that a dicksucking was not in the cards.

"I hope you won’t be too disappointed if we skip foreplay entirely and jump straight to fucking," Lara said while getting down on her back and spreading her legs invitingly. She tossed something at you, and after catching it you recognized it as an unopened condom. "I don't like to waste time. When I see something I want I prefer to take it. Hopefully you have that same sort of spirit."

You understood that Lara wasn't just talking about wanting to go straight to sex. She was telling you how she wanted it too. Unless you were mistaken, Lara just let you know that she wanted you to well and truly fuck her with all your strength. Undoubtedly she would correct you quickly if you'd gotten it wrong, but until and unless you got that signal you knew what you had to do. You'd done your best to be respectful with Lara up to this point even as you fantasized about bending her over and fucking the shit out of her, but the time for respect was over. Now it was time for you to show Lara that she'd been right to come to you, both for your help on her expedition and for the kind of satisfaction that her toys just wouldn't be able to give her.

After tearing the wrapper off and putting the condom on, you moved into position between the tomb raider's legs. With Lara's legs spread as wide as they were you didn't have to move her body at all to slide into her, but you did it anyway. You grabbed her legs and pulled them off of the ground and into the air, placing them over your shoulders as you leaned over her and slid your cock into position. She smirked at you, seemingly amused, but the smirk turned into more of an expression of surprised pleasure as your cock pushed inside of her suddenly and without warning.

"Oh, that feels very nice," Lara sighed. "You don't waste any time, do you?" You just shook your head. You might have taken it easier on the penetration if it felt like she needed some time to warm up, but Lara had been more than wet enough for you to feel confident about an aggressive first push being welcome. "I like it."

Being inside of Lara's cunt was already surpassing your expectations. She was tight around you, but not so tight that it was an awkward fit that made things difficult for you. It was more like she was built just right to take your cock and your cock alone. As much as some part of you might have appreciated a moment to just savor the feeling of being inside of the sexiest woman you'd ever laid eyes on, you knew that it would be a waste of the opportunity you'd been given. You weren't here to stop and smell the roses, so to speak. Lara had given you this chance because she expected you to fuck her well and fuck her hard, and there was no time for you to sit back and savor it.

Your job was to fuck her, and that's exactly what you did. You didn't screw around with slow rocking to warm her up but instead set a quick pace from the beginning, and Lara sighed quietly as you got underway. There was nowhere to go but up, and you were ready for the challenge. The thrusts had started strong and only got stronger, faster and more demanding for you both. Before long your hips were snapping forward and smacking against Lara's tan ass cheeks loud enough to drown out the sounds of the jungle that could otherwise be heard from outside of your old hut.

"Perfect," she said approvingly in between gasps and sighs while you continued to hammer into her with her legs thrown over your shoulders. "This is exactly what I was hoping for. But how long can you keep this up for? That's--ah!--that's the real test!"

There was nothing to worry about there, and you were going to prove it to her. It was true that slamming your dick deep into a pussy as tight as this brought you enough pleasure that you could have cum very easily if you weren't careful. Had you allowed it to, your control could have slipped in those first few minutes, you could have cum inside of the condom far sooner than she'd hoped for and ultimately disappointed her as well as yourself. But you were made of stronger stuff than that and you weren't going to break, not even with a woman as sexy as Lara.

Not only were you going to last long enough to satisfy her, you were going to continue to push things forward and show her more of the take charge spirit she had encouraged. With that in mind you pushed her legs off of your shoulders so you could instead spin her around and pull her into your lap with her back against your chest. Cuddling her was the last thing on your mind though, and this wasn't going to be some romantic lovemaking session where you hugged her and gently moved back and forth inside of her. Your arms quickly slid underneath her thighs and pushed them up closer to her head. You didn't stop pushing until you were able to put your hands on the back of her head.

You'd never tried out the full nelson sex position before, but it was something you'd seen in porn and always wanted to try. It was probably risky to try such a demanding position for the first time when in the middle of a once in a lifetime opportunity to fuck Lara Croft. There were so many ways that this could go wrong and ruin everything. But you didn't give a damn. You saw what you wanted, and you were taking it just like she said, consequences be damned.

Lara didn't complain about having her legs bent so far up or her body contorted into this position. You took a few experimental thrusts from below to test the position out and all you got out of her was sighs and heavy breathing, so you took that as a good sign. But you still hadn't gotten her where you really wanted her. You could have left it at that, fucked her in this full nelson position and had a perfectly amazing time of it. But you'd come this far by showing her your strength and not just meeting her expectations but exceeding them. It had worked well enough that you had Lara sighing as you held her in your lap in a full nelson, so you were going to keep trusting your instincts and following your desires.

While keeping your hands on the back of her head and your cock inside of Lara's tight pussy, you carefully rose to stand on your feet. You pulled it off successfully, getting Lara into the standing full nelson right where you wanted her.

"Oh, now this is interesting!" Lara said once you had her settled in your arms and started to rock your cock inside of her. "But how well can you fuck me in this position? It will be a huge disappointment if you can't perform and this is just for show."

You weren't worried about that, and soon she wouldn't be either. You started to raise and lower her on your cock, and Lara moaned.

"Hmm," she said. "You might just, ahh, be onto something."


Lara stared at you in a daze as you stood over her, still ready to go. The standing full nelson had gone well, however sore it had left your arms. You'd held Lara in position and fucked her until she moaned in orgasm. That would have been a perfectly fine moment for you to finish, but something compelled you to pull her off of your cock and lay her down on her back instead. There she remained, breathing heavily as she watched and waited to see what you were going to do. She was surprised when rather than pulling her into a new position so you could keep fucking her until she came you pulled the condom off and tossed it away.

"No…bareback," she panted, shaking her head. Even in her post-orgasmic daze she still found the strength to establish that firm line in the sand. This didn't bother you because that wasn't what you had in mind anyway.

"Don't worry," you said. "It's not going back in your cunt."

Her eyes widened. "I didn't bring any lubrication, and that thing is much too big to--"

"Not that either," you said, smirking. Fucking Lara's ass was an interesting thought but it wasn't your target. She seemed to catch on as you got down and straddled her chest. "You didn't want to give me a blowjob, and that's fine. I'll just help myself to your mouth."

You rubbed the head of your cock against your lips, waiting for her to open up and let you in. In a way this was you taking charge while also giving her the chance to avoid anything she truly didn't want. You hadn't asked for permission but you weren't forcing her either. If she kept her mouth closed you wouldn't press her.

Lara's lips slowly parted, and you slid in. She hadn't offered a blowjob and you weren't waiting for one. Lara didn't need to do anything here because you simply put her hands on her head and started thrusting, fucking her face.

For you this was an ideal way to finish for multiple reasons. It was a chance for you to exert a bit of control over her by taking something she hadn't given you, playing into the power dynamic, the strength and the go and get it spirit she'd talked about. And while you would tolerate wearing a condom while you fucked her, you wanted to give your cum to Lara more directly in some way. How better than by making her swallow it?

There was also the simple fact that fucking Lara's face was fun as hell. Your balls smacked her chin as you helped yourself, and the knowledge of just whose face you were fucking was nearly as exciting as the facefuck itself. Nearly, but not quite.

Lara might not have been enthused about giving you a blowjob but she took her facefucking like a champ. You worked your hips roughly enough to push your cock into her throat and she still didn't try to push you off of her. You didn’t think there was any way she would have been okay with you using her mouth and throat like this if you hadn't already given her the satisfying fuck and the big climax she'd been after. But Lara had gotten what she'd wanted, and now she was letting you use her as you took what you wanted.

You erupted in her mouth with a grunt, and Lara took that too. You could feel her throat bobbing as she took your cum, and it was forced to bob for a while too because this was not a small load. It had been several days since your last orgasm and you made the most of this unexpected chance to make the beautiful English archaeologist swallow your semen.

Finally you pulled your cock out of her mouth and rolled off to the side, letting her breathe. You looked over and saw Lara red-faced and gasping now that her throat was free, and you wondered how she might be feeling about everything you'd just done. She closed her eyes while she rested, and you were both silent for a couple of minutes until she finally opened her eyes and looked at you.

"What is your schedule looking like next month?" she asked. "I have another expedition coming that I could use your strength on. I'll offer the same pay as before. And if you excel as well as you did today, you might just earn another bonus."



This could be a really cool story. Mix in some adventure, action and smut. It’s a nice one shot though for sure.


I'll continue to offer new ideas for these monthly themed polls, but I definitely wouldn't be opposed to writing more of this if people want to nominate and vote for it in the general poll (or if someone wants to take it up as a commission, for that matter.)


That’s great. I was even talking generally like I could see someone writing a full length story out of a premise like this. An OC tagging along with Lara Croft, delving into ancient mystical ruins, fighting bad guys and then having steamy victory sex.