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Summary: Harry bids farewell to Hogwarts in quite spectacular fashion. Which of the interested women will win the breeding contest and become Mrs. Potter?

Content Warnings/Themes: Marathon sex, moresomes, breeding

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As his final term at Hogwarts wound down, Harry became increasingly aware that reality was about to set in. He hadn’t made firm plans on what he was going to do with the rest of his life just yet, and he also wasn’t sure what he was going to do about his romantic life. He’d formed connections with a great many beautiful witches over his 8th year at Hogwarts, and he could see himself finding happiness with any of them. But how was he to choose just one of them to attempt to form a lasting relationship with?

He still hadn’t come up with an answer to that question after both the 7th and 8th years had sat their NEWTS and prepared to say goodbye to Hogwarts. But on this, the final night that he and Daphne would occupy the head suite in the castle before leaving it behind, he had come back from one final fly around the quidditch pitch to find that their suite was rather crowded.

“This is a rather elegant solution, don’t you think?” Daphne said while rolling her hips and grinding on Harry’s cock. He wasn’t sure if she was talking to him or to her best friend Tracey, who was currently sitting in a chair she’d conjured next to the bed and waiting for her turn. In her words, she didn’t trust Daphne not to hog the entire night and wanted to make sure things kept moving.

“I’m not sure that elegant is really the right word for it, but sure, let’s go with that,” Tracey said. “Now hurry up and finish him off so I can take my turn.”

“This can’t be rushed,” Daphne said, shaking her head and continuing her back and forth grind. “It’s too important for that. Before I leave this bed for the last time, I intend to be carrying Harry’s child.”

Harry felt oddly nostalgic when her words reminded him that this was going to be the last time he ever fucked Daphne in his bed in the head suite. He’d taken her virginity in this very bed, and there was the potential that their sex life together was only just beginning if she had her way. But it was the end of an era regardless.

The part about her intentions was no cause for alarm of course, because he knew what her intentions were. It was all part of the ludicrous arrangement Daphne, Tracey and all of the other girls put forth when he came back to the head suite.

Nine witches had been there, and all of them proposed that they have sex with him until one of them was confirmed to be pregnant with his child. The impregnated witch would become his betrothed and the future Mrs. Potter, and the rest would respect the result. It would start tonight, with all nine of them having a turn and taking his seed inside of them before the night was through in the interest of fairness.

Harry could have said no; it wasn’t like he’d been forced into anything here. But as flabbergasted as he’d been by the offer, the truth was that he couldn’t wait to be a father. He hadn’t let himself think about the possibility much during the war when his future seemed so bleak, but now that everything seemed wide open for him he could think about what he wanted out of life. What he wanted more than anything was the one thing he’d never had: a family. Marriage hadn’t exactly been on his mind before today, at least not in such an immediate sense, but having a son or a daughter would be the happiest day of his life.

And tonight would be pretty happy too. Seriously, he was going to cum inside of nine witches in one night. Who could ever say no?

“Just remember that I’m waiting to hop on that dick as soon as you’re done, and there are still seven more witches sitting out in the suite waiting their turn too,” Tracey said. “This isn’t one of those nights where you and the Head Boy have the suite to yourselves and you can spend the whole night mounted on his dick, so get a move on.”

“I guess you’re right,” Daphne said. “I’ll have to wait until I’m pregnant and we’re betrothed before I can take my time.”

“You’re not automatically going to get knocked up first just because you’re the first one to fuck him,” Tracey muttered, but Daphne didn’t respond. She was too focused on riding his cock now, and since she was more actively bouncing on him there was nothing for Tracey to complain about. Harry wouldn’t have complained no matter what as long as his dick was inside of the Head Girl’s pussy, but he certainly had plenty to be happy about now that she was bouncing up and down on him and her breasts were bouncing right along with her.

Things had come a long way between him and Daphne. There had been an odd formality, a stiffness to her entire view of sex and relationships before their first night together. And even though this whole breeding competition thing was highly abnormal to say the least, she had definitely come to view sex in a whole new light now. She bounced on his cock chiefly because she wanted to and because it felt good. She wanted him to knock her up, yes, but she also simply enjoyed herself like any woman would, be they a pureblood from an old family or a muggle who thought magic was all make-believe.

Daphne kept her eyes open as she came, and they looked straight into his the whole time. She didn’t say a word and she didn’t need to. She was silently imploring him to cum, to fill her up and to give her a chance to get pregnant and earn the right to become his wife. Harry obliged that nonverbal request, grabbing her by the hips and holding her in place while he gave her his first load of the night. Maybe it was fitting that she went first considering she was the first girl she’d ever fucked in this bed, or in Hogwarts in general even.

“I wonder if it happened right now,” Daphne said after he’d finished up and she’d rolled off of him. “I would like it. It would be fitting for you to impregnate me on the last night we’re still officially Head Boy and Head Girl.”

“Yes, yes, that would be a lovely story to gross your future children out with should you win,” Tracey said sarcastically as she got up out of her chair and climbed into the bed. “Now get out of the way. It’s my turn now.”

Tracey got down on her hands and knees for Harry and wiggled her bum at him, inviting him to come and take her. It was an invitation that Harry would take every single time.

“I’m still surprised I’m the only witch from the club who wanted to get in on this,” Tracey commented as Harry began to thrust into her from behind. “Well, the only Hogwarts-age witch at least; we’ve got an adviser waiting out there.”

“Yes we do,” Harry said, smiling for a moment as he thought about the seven beautiful witches waiting just outside his door, sitting in the shared area of the suite until it was their turn.

“Who wouldn’t want those fun times to continue forever?” Tracey asked rhetorically.

Harry could have pointed out that the casual fun of the Advanced Sexual Education club the two of them had been a part of this year was very different from the commitment she was making here. The girls who’d been part of the club had only been signing up for some fun sexual encounters and experimentation under the guise of education, and they’d gotten it. That club had been all kinds of fun, and Harry had a feeling he and every girl who had been part of it would smile at each other and think back on all that fun any time that they ran into each other for the rest of their lives.

Tracey wasn’t just having sex to have fun though; not this time. There were no contraceptive methods being employed now, and there was the very real chance that he would impregnate her. His thrusts slowed down slightly and he frowned, feeling himself pulling back out of the moment a bit. She did know what she was signing up for here, right?

“And I’ve always wanted to be a mum, honestly,” Tracey said. “Part of the reason I was so happy to be part of the club was I figured I’d get my wild fantasies out of the way while I was at Hogwarts and then I’d be able to get married young and have kids with no regrets. But now I figure I can have both. I can marry you and have your kids, and we can have all kinds of fun in the bedroom once the kids are sleeping. Maybe the club can have a reunion every so often?”

That thought not only got Harry thrusting again but had him shagging her even harder than he had been before. He took her roughly now, and Tracey moaned happily. They’d built up a nice rapport together, and Harry knew just what she liked. She honestly hadn’t been in his actual bed very often as almost all of their sexual encounters had come during club meetings, but the club had met often enough that Harry was plenty familiar with what each of the members liked.

If the club president wound up carrying his child and becoming his wife, Harry would have a chance to get to know her better in more of a one on one setting rather than as part of the group. But she’d also just indicated that she might want to continue exploring some group fun even if she became his wife, and if there was anything that might convince him to pump his hips a little bit harder and race towards the proverbial snitch, that was it.

They came together, Tracey’s screams of pleasure easily drowning out Harry’s grunt as he gave her his seed. It wasn’t the first time he’d cum inside of the club president, but this was no leisurely sex club activity. This was breeding for breeding’s sake.

It was a new twist on their education that Harry could happily get behind.


“I’m so happy we could be together again like this,” Luna said after pulling her tongue out of Padma’s mouth. “Wasn’t that party at the beginning of term so much fun?”

“Definitely,” Padma said, short of breath thanks to both the way Harry was shagging her and the steamy kiss she’d just shared with her fellow Ravenclaw (technically you might argue that they weren’t really Ravenclaws anymore with lessons done and everything, but whatever.)

“I suppose it’s very different now though,” Luna said casually. “It’s not mere fun this time. We’re having sex in the hopes that Harry will impregnate us.”

“R-right!” Padma said, gasping and reaching behind her body to hold onto his legs. Harry had already been standing when the Ravenclaws entered, and at Luna’s suggestion they were fucking right there. He was taking Padma in something like a standing doggy style, and she was just doing her best to hold on while he shagged her hard and made her slender body rock forward from the impact.

“I think I would like being a mother,” Luna said. “My mother set a good example, and I would like to be able to show my own child just as much love for as long as I was allowed to.” It was a touching comment, even if it was rather odd for her to say something so heartfelt while at the same time crouching down so she could reach between Padma’s legs and rub her clit.

“I don’t even know what to say to that!” Padma said, moaning when Luna stuck her tongue out and took a quick lick of her clit.

“And I would very much like you to be the father of any children I might have, Harry,” Luna said, as if she hadn’t just licked Padma’s clit. “You’ve always been very kind to me, and I know you will be a loving father.”

“Thanks, Luna,” Harry said, looking over Padma’s shoulder to give the blonde a smile. He’d never really considered Luna as a serious romantic option, mainly because he had no clue she would even be interested in that. He’d always kind of expected her to never get married or even date seriously, and just spend her life happily traveling the world researching her creatures. But a life spent as Luna’s husband wouldn’t be a bad one at all, he felt. She might be a bit peculiar, but she was kind, and sweet, and loving.

“The sex would also be wonderful as well,” she said. “Maybe we could let Padma come and join us sometimes even if I become your wife. Only if you’re okay with it, of course, Harry.”

“Sounds brilliant to me,” Harry said. Fucking Padma was brilliant and it always would be no matter the circumstances. It was brilliant now when she moaned as he fucked her, and it was brilliant when Luna went back to licking her clit and made her scream. Harry and Luna took her together, Harry pounding her with his cock and Luna using her mouth on her clit, and as a team they managed to make the beautiful Indian witch scream her head off as she came.

Harry kept fucking Padma for a couple more minutes before he came too, squeezing her bum while he filled her up. She’d just been panting towards the end, and when he pulled out she nearly collapsed on the spot. He chuckled as he caught her and then wandlessly levitated her over to rest on his bed for a bit, but the chuckle turned into a surprised grunt when Luna left her feet and flung herself at him without warning when he turned around.

“I’d like it if you took me against the wall, Harry,” Luna said after he’d caught her and moved his hands around to hold her by the arse and support her.

“If you say so,” he said. A potential marriage to Luna would also come with an air of unpredictability, and he would need to be on his toes and ready to adjust as best he could to wherever her mind took them both. That applied to sex as easily as it did to carrying on a conversation.

Luckily Harry was rather adaptable, and he proved it by walking Luna over to the wall, pinning her back and arse against it and fucking her hard. He listened to the thump of her pale body smacking against the wall as he thrust into her, and it was only after over a half a dozen thrusts that he realized there weren’t any charms or anything to keep the sound from carrying. Every witch sitting out there could probably hear Luna’s body hitting the wall as he fucked her.

The thought didn’t bother him. It was hardly the first time he’d had sex with other people watching or listening in, and even if he’d been uncomfortable it felt like this was just the kind of thing he’d need to be prepared for with Luna. He couldn’t feel self-conscious or worry about what others thought.

Better yet, he needed to embrace it. Let them hear. They were all waiting their turn to come and get fucked and possibly impregnated by him too. What did it matter if they heard him doing his best to leave a mark on the wall of the Head Boy bedroom before he left it behind forever?

Luna surprised him yet again by biting his shoulder without warning, and Harry hissed and lost control of himself. He came before he’d been expecting to, and the orgasm was all the more thrilling for it. He relished the chance to pin Luna Lovegood against the wall and cum inside of her, and if the end result of this coupling was that she became his wife and the mother of his children, he wouldn’t mind pinning her to every available surface he could find and filling her with his seed no matter where their journey took them.


Padma recovering enough to take Luna by the hand after he was done and lead her out of his room, promising to pay her back with some facesitting on the train ride home, would have been enough to drive Harry to distraction most of the time.

But considering their place in his room had promptly been filled by Fleur Delacour and Susan Bones, the idea of Luna and Padma engaging in some extracurricular fun got pushed to the back of his mind out of necessity.

“This is fun,” Fleur said. “Your breasts are very nice.” Harry groaned, and it wasn’t just because Susan’s pussy felt amazing on his cock. He had Susan on her side on his bed, and one of her legs was up in the air while he thrust into her. Normally he would have helped himself to one of her breasts with his other hand, but Fleur was on her side facing the redhead and had claimed both of Susan’s tits for herself. Given how fucking hot it was to watch Fleur grope those big boobs and push them together, he couldn’t exactly get angry over the way things had turned out.

“So are yours,” Susan said, managing to speak clearly albeit through rather quick breaths as Harry fucked her. “But your everything is nice.”

Fleur giggled. “Thank you,” she said. “It is a shame you did not join us in the Advanced Sexual Education Club. I believe we would have had much fun together.”

“Maybe it’s not too late,” Susan suggested. “If I become Harry’s wife, I wouldn’t mind if you joined us in bed.”

“Mmm,” Fleur purred. “And a witch as cute as you would be welcome in my marital bed any time. Harry wouldn’t even need to be there. You and I could have plenty of fun even without him and his lovely cock.” Harry groaned and started to hump harder, compelled to speed up by the vision of Susan and Fleur together.

“It seems that Harry like the idea,” Fleur said with a giggle. “Would that excite you, Harry? Would you like having this busty redhead as your wife and me as your veela plaything?” Harry just groaned and reached between Susan’s legs to play with her clit. “I’ll take that as a yes. And how would you feel about us having fun together even when you weren’t around? What if you came home from work one day and saw me in your bed, my head between her thighs while I made her scream my name? Would you feel jealous, or would you wish to join in and make us both scream your name instead?”

Harry answered by snapping his hips harder, making Susan gasp and groan with the swift fucking she was happy to be on the receiving end of. He was sure Fleur knew the answer full well. She’d been part of several different groups that he’d frequently enjoyed playtime with, from the Delacour family itself to the Advanced Sexual Education club and to the trio of her, Daphne and Tonks.

(Incidentally, Daphne had mentioned reaching out to Tonks about this whole competition. While Tonks loved the idea of shagging Harry, she had apparently decided she would rather focus on her auror career than start a family. She’d made it clear she would be happy to visit his bed for some more fun in the future though, if whoever his wife wound up being approved of it.)

Fleur knew how he would feel about the idea of seeing her and Susan at play together, and she was using it to her advantage. ”I guess that answers that,” she said. “But what about you, Susan? Do you have any experience playing with other witches? I wouldn’t mind breaking you in.”

“Ahh, I-I do!” Susan said, moaning and panting as Harry kept fucking her. “Daphne was here in bed with us when Harry took my virginity, a-and my best friend Hannah and I have played together!”

“Oh, Hannah from the club,” Fleur said in recognition, lightly squeezing Susan’s nipples. “She’s started dating Longbottom from what I understand, so I suppose she might not be there to take care of you anymore. I would be happy to take her place.”

“I, ohhh, I was usually the one taking care of her!” Susan admitted. “She liked blindfolding me and tying me up!” Harry groaned, remembering when he and Tonks stumbled in on just that while patrolling the castle. Fleur gave a little moan too, finding that tidbit of information quite interesting.

“I should have known,” she said. “I well remember how kinky she could get during club playtime. Well do not worry, Susan Bones. No matter what happens tonight or whether either of us win this competition and become Harry’s bride, I will be there to tie you up and have my way with you all you want.”

Harry fucked Susan like a man possessed, pushed beyond all reason or higher thought as he envisioned a life where he would return home to find Susan’s wrists tied to the bedpost and Fleur sitting on her face, or perhaps she would be gagged and blindfolded while the veela fucked her from behind with a strap-on. That would be one incredible way to be welcomed home from work regardless of which one was his wife, and that potential future remained on his mind as he kept humping and hurried towards his climax.

“Maybe he’s knocking you up right now,” Fleur said as Harry’s seed started to fill Susan up. “Maybe you’re going to win this competition tonight and become Mrs. Potter, and I’m going to become your veela mistress, there to keep you both satisfied.”

Both Harry and Susan moaned, enjoying their mutual climaxes as well as the ideas Fleur was putting in their heads. Harry had been the first man to touch Susan, and if this competition went her way he would be the only man who ever did so. But sharing his wife with Fleur didn’t sound so bad, especially since he’d get to play with the veela as well.

“And then there’s us,” Fleur said after Harry had pulled out of Susan and moved towards her. Susan looked to be only semi-conscious as he tried to recover, but there was still Fleur to deal with. “After you finish fucking your little redhead’s brains out, I’ll be there to take care of the rest. It makes no difference to me which of us ‘wins’ the contest. Whether she’s your wife and I’m the mistress who ties her up and takes her place with my body, or I’m your wife and she’s our docile pet, I’ll still be there for you to fuck.”

Harry was so riled up by Fleur’s talk of the future that he pinned her legs behind her ears and practically bent her in half while he fucked her, not that she complained about it. She welcomed him folding her body up and slamming his dick as deep into her as he could,

“Yes, that’s it!” Fleur hissed. “Oui, fuck me ‘Arry! Fuck me, fuck me, zat’s it! Zat’s it!” She started moaning every time his cock bottomed out inside of her, and it was like she was timing it out so her erotic moans perfectly aligned with the small of his hips against her arse. Harry didn’t think that it was a deliberate effort on her part though. He’d fucked Fleur in enough positions and in enough scenarios to know many things about her, including how much she liked being twisted up like a pretzel and fucked hard.

That meant he knew that her French accent coming back up during sex like it was now was an indication of how aroused she was. She’d teased him with thoughts of all the fun they could have in the future to bring out his best (and also to make him finish with Susan faster so it could be her turn), but he wasn’t the only one she’d turned on with that dirty talk. Fleur had gotten herself excited for the potential future and all the fun it could bring too, and Harry pinning her feet behind her head and giving her one last bed-rattling shag in the Head Boy’s bed was exactly what she needed to deal with the fire she’d started inside of herself.

Harry was frankly surprised he didn’t cum inside of Fleur in mere seconds. That tight veela cunt was hard to resist at the best of times, and the eroticism of doing it with Susan, the ideas Fleur had put in all three of their heads and the fun position he’d bent her in upped the heat of the moment significantly. Throw in Fleur’s obvious excitement, not to mention the reality that for the first time he was fucking the impossibly gorgeous veela with the intent of breeding her, and it was a performance at least on par with killing Voldemort that Harry held out for as long as he did.

Right as Fleur screeched out what he now knew to be the French word for fuck at the top of her lungs, Harry burst. Her tight veela cunt clamped down around him as she climaxed, demanding that he fill her with his seed, and the veela got what it wanted. It hadn’t been so very long since he’d cum inside of Susan but he still rose to the call and gave Fleur everything that he had. He groaned through his orgasm, wondering if her veela genes made Fleur more or less likely to win this competition.

Win or lose, he hoped that Fleur would remain a fixture in his life and his bed, just as she had been there as part of so many different groups he’d had fun with over the last year.


“Maybe we should have gone back to our room for this,” Parvati said. “Would have been fitting to do this in our dorm before we leave for the last time, you know what I mean?”

“But we already cleared our things out,” Hermione said. “I don’t think Professor McGonagall would be happy if we asked to have everything put back so we could all have a shag.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Parvati acknowledged. “It would have been fun though, right?”

Hermione smiled slowly. “Yes,” she said to her former roommate. “It would have been.”

“This conversation’s fascinating and everything, but would you mind shutting up for a second?” Lavender Brown asked. “Not everybody in this room has fucked Harry Potter, you know. I’m trying to take in the moment.”

Harry could say the same. Lavender was the only woman among the nine who had decided to take part in this competition who Harry had never had sex with before tonight, but even if they hadn’t shagged they had grown closer throughout the year. Lavender had been demonstrably touched by how supportive Harry was towards her as she dealt with the Greyback attack and how it would affect her for the rest of her life, and their friendship had grown particularly over their final few months as students when Lavender prepared for her post-Hogwarts life as a werewolf and he spoke up publicly on behalf of her specifically as well as people like her in general.

She’d explained her presence in today’s competition by saying that she wasn’t sure she could ever feel the fondness for any man that she felt for him after what he’d done for her, and that a future where he was there to support her in every aspect of her life as the husband she stood beside sounded amazing.

It sounded amazing to Harry too. Maybe he shouldn’t have taken the idea of marriage to Lavender so lightly given they’d only been friends up until now, but agreeing to this competition in general required a bit of recklessness. If he was agreeing to tie his fate to whichever of his partners happened to get pregnant first, was it really so irresponsible to include Lavender in that group even if they’d never been together before tonight?

Besides, Lavender was sexy as hell. She had been the first girl in their year to really develop physically, and even before Harry had really started to figure out this whole ‘girls’ thing he’d appreciated her body. Now he discovered from himself that she felt as good as she looked. She pushed her body back at him, meeting his thrusts and causing a lovely smack to sound out every time his hips met her thick arse. Lavender had curves in all the right places, and after close to two years without any dick in her life she was making up for lost time. She was an enthusiastic shag who was ready for whatever he gave her, whether that was deep thrusts, gropes of her big tits or slaps across her rump.

Lavender was still fully capable of getting knocked up despite the Greyback attack, and when Harry squeezed her bum cheeks and came inside of her there was a real possibility that their first time together would be a momentous one. The idea didn’t bother Harry at all, and neither did the possibility of the mother of his children being a partial werewolf. Lavender had his support no matter what, and he would be as happy to raise a child with her as he was to shag her for the first time.

“Guess that makes it official,” Parvati said as he pulled out of Lavender. “You’re the first bloke to fuck every Gryffindor girl in our year. How does it feel?”

“Pretty damn good,” he said, wondering how much grumbling Seamus or Dean would do if they heard about it. “But right now I’m ready to find out how it feels to fuck all three of you one after the other.”

“Someone’s confident,” Parvati said, giggling. She crawled into his arms and kissed his chest. “But I guess you’ve got a reason to be. Not every bloke’s got nine witches taking turns on his dick to see who can get knocked up first.”

That was definitely true. Of all of the incredible experiences he’d had since the end of the war and in his sex-filled eighth year at Hogwarts, this group breeding competition had to be the most surreal of them all. But just as he’d spent the last year doing, he was going to make the most of it and enjoy the happy life he’d fought for. Presently he moved to enjoy it by wrapping his arms around Parvati’s slim body and pulling her over so he was sitting on the edge of the bed and she was in his lap. He spread his legs and planted his feet on the floor while her legs went over his shoulders, and Harry began to fuck her.

His hands rested on Parvati’s back, supporting her weight while he gave her all the attention she deserved. Parvati might have been the eighth woman he’d fucked that day and the second member of her own family, but he owed it to her to treat her like she was the center of his world while it was her turn. And in that moment it was true. This was something he’d failed to do for Parvati back in their 4th year, when he’d been a terrible Yule Ball date who spent the whole night brooding because Cho had been there with Cedric instead of him.

Harry wasn’t the clueless boy he’d been then though. He was a man now, and he was focused solely on Parvati. He would have to be a fool to look anywhere else when he had someone so beautiful in his lap and on his dick. Nothing could take Harry’s focus off of Parvati’s gorgeous body in his lap, sliding his cock deep into her tight pussy and seeing the pleasure on her face as he gave it to her. He’d nearly missed out altogether on Parvati; he’d almost gone all eight years at Hogwarts without proving to her that he wasn’t still the same berk he’d been at the Yule Ball. But he’d finally had the chance to take her to bed following his final quidditch match, and he’d made enough of an impression on her with that along with his support of Lavender that she’d thrown her name into the running for this competition.

It would have seemed far-fetched to say the least that she would have been interested in marrying him or carrying his children up until recently, but Harry would be happy to show Parvati the man he had become as often as he could. She did not look at him with disappointment or coolness now as she had following that disappointing night. Instead her eyes were bright with pleasure as she enjoyed their closeness, and her hands clung to his neck while they moved closer to the end. He might have had no clue how to dance the first time he’d held her in his arms, but this was something he had down pat.

Parvati already knew that; she wouldn’t have been here in this competition otherwise. But he reinforced his skill now and gave her a preview of what she had to look forward to in her sex life should she win this competition and become his wife. She came hard and she came loudly, moaning his name and grabbing his neck harder as she came on his cock. And now that Harry had shown her a much better time with a much better ending than she’d gotten the night of the Yule Ball he allowed himself to join her in that pleasure and cum inside of her.

It was his eighth load of the day and so by all rights should have been a weak one even with the brief breaks between groups switching in and out, but thankfully Harry had plenty of experience with group play and marathon sex sessions by this point and so he was able to pump enough seed into her to give her a real chance at winning the competition no matter how late into the session her turn had come. Their time together might have come nearly too late in general, but he felt confident he’d redeemed himself for the stupidity of his past.

“That just leaves one Gryffindor to go,” Hermione said, smiling at him as he pulled Parvati off of his cock and gently put her down on the bed. “I hope all the others haven’t worn you down too much.”

“Never,” he said, shaking his head. “You’ve always been there for me, Hermione. There’s no way I’ll let you down as long as I’m breathing.”

“That was sweet,” Lavender gushed, giggling as she sat up and rubbed Parvati’s back while the beautiful Indian witch recovered.

“Yes, he’s come a long way from that skinny boy I met on the train on our way here for the first time,” Hermione said. “Who could have ever imagined that on my last day here I would be in his bed hoping he impregnates me, or that I would be the last of nine women to do so?” She shook her head, looking like she couldn’t believe it herself. Harry knew the feeling. So much about this last year felt too good to be true, and yet here he was. His last night in the castle might very well be his greatest night in all the years he’d spent here, because he’d already had sex with eight beautiful women and cum in them without any protection. He’d experienced the thrill of breeding sex eight times with eight women in a single night.

And now he was with the ninth and final witch who was taking part in this competition. Hermione’s importance would never be lessened just because she was the last one up though. In many ways she was the most important person in his life and had been for close to eight years now. He had fondness for every woman that had shared his bed tonight as well as the others he’d shagged throughout the year, but he and Hermione had a unique bond the likes of which he would never forge with anyone else. How could he? This woman had grown up with him, stood by his side and saved his life more times than he could count. He wouldn’t have had a prayer of surviving the war with Voldemort without her, and he owed her so much. Whether she got pregnant and became his wife or not, he knew she was always going to be a major part of his life, even if the sexual aspect they’d added to their relationship this year wound up going away.

It was still very much a part of their relationship at the moment though, and Harry was thrilled to slide in between his best friend’s legs and push his cock inside of her. Hermione cooed, wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist while he got comfortable.

“You feel so perfect inside of me, Harry,” she sighed. “Doesn’t it just feel right?”

“It does,” he agreed. “It really, really does.”

Missionary position might be considered bland or boring by some, but to Harry it felt like the perfect way for things to go. It was steady and reliable, just like Hermione had always been the person he relied on to help him when he needed guidance. It also felt really fucking good. There was a reason this was the most common of all sex positions. He loved feeling Hermione’s skin rubbing against his as he thrust into her, and it made it so easy for him to find the perfect depth for them both.

It also allowed him to look into her eyes the entire time they had sex. Those warm brown eyes had looked at him with just about every emotion one human being could feel towards another over their long years of friendship, from anger, anxiety, concern, kindness, pity, to love and so many others he’d probably never even learned to identify. Now they looked at him with excitement and even love. They did love each other, of course, and they always would. Whether that remained the love of lifelong best friends or became the love of a husband and wife, Hermione would always hold a place in his heart and he in hers.

Right now it felt like he would always have a place inside of her as well. Hermione felt so amazing around him and she looked so beautiful clinging to him, and Harry felt as close to her as he ever had now knowing that there were absolutely no barriers between them. He’d gotten even closer to his best friend this year as they explored things physically, and now for the first time they were accepting the natural risks of unprotected sex. He might very well put a baby in his best friend tonight, and each thrust brought them closer to that possibility.

It didn’t scare him. Obviously he’d accepted this entire competition knowing what awaited him at the end of it, but he hadn’t even blinked before accepting where Hermione was concerned. He couldn’t imagine his life without her in it, and her becoming his wife felt natural.

“Oh, Harry!” Hermione gasped as his thrusts brought her up to and over the edge. “Harry, yes! Oh, it’s so good!”

Those brown eyes he knew so well went wide as pleasure took her, and her fingers ran through the bottom strands of his hair while she enjoyed her orgasm. But even as her pleasure reached its apex she felt there was something missing.

“Together, Harry!” she moaned. “Do it with me! Cum inside of me, please!”

As he had so many times over the years, Harry followed Hermione’s advice. He pressed his lips against hers and kissed her passionately when he broke, and she moaned against his lips and closed her eyes, enjoying their shared orgasm. He couldn’t speak for Hermione, but for him the knowledge of the potential impregnation made this so much better for him. He was as close to his best friend as he could possibly be, and there really could be no better way for him to close the book on his time at Hogwarts. Whatever happened from here and whoever won the competition, this would be a night to remember.

Who won the contest? All of them. All nine women who had entered the contest got pregnant either that night or over the ensuing few weeks of near-constant sex. That could have created a problem, but the girls put their heads together and came up with an elegant solution. They were all carrying his children, so they would all become his wives. There was even legal precedent for it using ancient wizarding laws and taking advantage of the multiple families he was the heir of, plus several of the girls not having brothers to pass down their own family name.

Harry Potter and his nine wives caused quite a stir when they went public with their story, but that was nothing new for him. He would always draw attention, but he’d much rather be known as the man with nine beautiful wives and a household full of happy children than the orphan with the scar on his forehead.

Here we are; the final chapter! Thanks for everyone who’s come along for the ride! I’m still debating what to do going forward, whether we’ll start a new interactive type story or what, but no matter what I ultimately decide I’m glad we tried this out!


James Trammell

Excellent conclusion to a wonderful story! Whatever comes next I’m sure we’ll all enjoy. Great job!