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"Thanks so much, Harry!" Lavender said. "I just know that your public support is going to be so helpful in dealing with all of this!"

"It's no problem, Lavender," Harry said, smiling at her. He'd never officially joined her and Parvati in the Blood Equality Alliance club since the prospect of Advanced Sexual Education with a large group of girls had been too tempting, but he'd still pledged to help them however he could. They'd run into each other while preparing to board the Hogwarts Express for the trip back to Hogwarts, and he'd agreed to share a compartment with her and the Patil twins so they could talk about some of the issues she was facing.

"You're a friend, and I help my friends," he continued. "Besides, I know that someone isn't inherently bad just because they're a werewolf." Remus Lupin was proof of that, and being around Lavender this year had only helped prove that Remus hadn't just been a fluke. "You're still you, and I'll give as many interviews and make as many appearances showing my support as I have to if it'll help people get over their fear and treat you and everyone like you the way that you deserve to be treated."

"Thank you again!" Lavender said, sounding slightly choked up. She leaned across the seat of the train compartment and gave him a tight hug. The Harry of even one year earlier would have frozen in shock, but he had quite a bit more experience dealing with affection from an emotional girl now. He just smiled and hugged her back, allowing her to get her emotions out. Parvati and Padma sat across from them, and he saw them both smiling at him. Clearly he'd handled this correctly.

It was a nice moment, but it was sullied by the arrival of an unwelcome guest. Lavender jolted in Harry's arms when the door to their compartment opened, and Harry turned his head to see Pansy Parkinson standing in the doorway.

"Potter," she said, nodding stiffly. Somehow it still felt like she was looking down her nose at him even though she had suffered a rather dramatic fall from grace since the end of the war.

"Parkinson," he returned, his voice containing none of the warmth that it had while speaking to Lavender and the Patils. Lavender pulled out of his arms and looked out the window, making a point to not turn her head in Pansy's direction. Harry didn't have to ask why. Pansy was a bitch who thought herself superior to muggleborn students, even those like Hermione who were smarter and had more magical talent in one finger than she had in her entire lazy body. It went without saying that she would be far crueler to someone in Lavender's condition.

"You aren't welcome here," Parvati said sternly. Harry couldn't remember ever hearing her sound like that, but he was happy to see her sticking up for her friend.

"Don't worry, I don't want to be in your company any more than you want to be in mine," Pansy drawled. Her eyes went to Lavender as she said it, and Harry felt his distaste for Draco's ex grow. She looked back at him. "Potter, I wish to discuss business with you. If you'll come with me, we can talk in private."

Harry snorted. "I don't see what you could have to say that would interest me at all. From what I hear you and your family don't have much to offer anyone these days."

Her face tightened, but she didn't snap at him or fire back with some comment about him not having any family as he was expecting. She took a deep breath, presumably to calm herself, and Harry was intrigued despite himself. Whatever she was here for, it was important enough for her to at least attempt to swallow her pride.

"Be that as it may, I still believe you will be interested in what I have to offer you," she said once she'd calmed down slightly.

Harry sighed. "Fine," he said. "Out with it. Say what you have to say."

"It is really a matter best discussed in private," she said, looking around the compartment and its other three occupants.

"You're lucky I'm even willing to hear you out at all," he said. "Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of my friends."

"I'm sure that they would rather we left them alone," Pansy tried, but Lavender looked at her for the first time and shook her head.

"No, I'd actually quite like to see this," Lavender said, smirking. Parvati giggled and Padma shrugged, so obviously they were both willing to go along with this if it was what Lavender wanted. Harry looked at Pansy expectantly, making it clear that he wasn't going anywhere. If she wanted to talk to him, she would have to do it here. If she needed to lower herself to beg for something, she was going to do it in front of the werewolf she openly looked down on.

Pansy sighed, recognizing that he wouldn't budge. "Fine," she said. "May I at least come in and cast privacy charms on the door?" Lavender shrugged, so Pansy entered the compartment fully, shut the door behind her and locked and silenced it. Harry watched her perform her charms, and crossed his arms over his chest as she turned back to face him.

"Now let's hear it," he said. "What do you want, Pansy?"

"I want to step out of Draco's shadow and attach myself to the winning side," she said.

Lavender snorted. "Little late for that, isn't it? You and you kind already lost."

Pansy's nostrils flared, but she looked only at Harry. "I can be of use to you, Potter," she said.

"How?" he asked. "What can you possibly offer me, Parkinson?"

"Me," Pansy said. "I offer you my body, in whatever way you wish to use it."

Harry's eyes widened, but it was Padma who spoke up first. "Wow," the Ravenclaw said quietly. "I don't believe in shaming anyone for whatever sexual activities they're into, but do you seriously have no shame whatsoever? You want to whore yourself out to someone you hate?"

"Sounds about right," Parvati said. "How else do you think she kept Draco's attention all these years? It sure as hell wasn't through her intelligence or her personality." Lavender laughed, and Pansy's cheeks heated up with embarrassment, anger or both. But even though she could obviously hear what the other girls were saying about her, she continued to look only at Harry.

"I will give myself to you, Potter, as your free use breeding companion," she said, which earned more scoffing and disparaging comments from the other girls. "Whenever and wherever you require relief, you may turn to me to give it to you. And though I do not expect you to offer marriage, the Potter line could use as many members as possible. Even if you choose to marry someone else who will provide the heirs to your titles and possessions, having additional children as a contingency plan would be helpful for you, particularly if their mother is of a bloodline as noble as mine."

Harry was shaking his head before she even finished talking. "Let's get one thing straight," he said. "I have absolutely zero interest in breeding you, and you would have to swear a binding vow to use protection before I even considered touching you."

"Smart," Parvati said. "Maybe you could shag that judgmental bitchiness out of her though. Nothing could bring a stuck-up pureblood like her back down to earth faster than getting her brains fucked out like the slut she is."

"Yeah," Lavender said, joining in. "I'd quite like to see that, actually." She turned to Harry and grinned. "What do you say, Harry? The train ride's just getting started. Why not spend the rest of it showing Pansy her true place while the rest of us watch?" Pansy looked alarmed at the possibility of him fucking her right then and there in front of the rest of them. That combination of Lavender's excitement and Pansy's hesitance, plus the fact that the Slytherin had a sexy body and a tight little arse even if she was a massive pain in the arse, helped solidify Harry's decision.

"You did say whenever and wherever," he pointed out.


"Now this is a much better use of Parkinson's mouth," Parvati said.

"I couldn't agree more," Lavender said. "I'd much rather listen to the sounds she's making right now than listen to her running her mouth."

Harry felt the same way. Pansy had never been anything but an annoyance to him, but he was finally finding a use for her now as he fucked her face and drove his cock down her throat. Lavender had happily gone over to the other side and squeezed in next to Parvati so Harry could dedicate the entire other side of compartment to using Pansy's body, and he was making the most of the space. She was on her back across the seat, and he put his hands on the edge to either side of her head to use for balance as he thrust his hips into her mouth from above.

This was a different sort of sex than any Harry was used to. It wasn't like every sexual encounter of his life had been soft and slow, of course. There had been plenty of fast and energetic sex, but in every case that had been in no small part because it was what the girl wanted. No matter what speed he went or what he did with the partner or partners in question, Harry had always put great importance on the preferences and the satisfaction of whoever he was currently with.

But not now. For the first time ever, Harry didn't give a damn whether his lover was enjoying herself or not. He didn't like Pansy, and he didn't care if she had a good time. The fact that she gagged around his cock every time he fed it to her didn't bother him, nor did the spit and drool running down her face after several hard minutes on her back taking it down her throat. Harry discarded all of the things he'd learned about taking care of his partner and selfishly used Pansy for his own pleasure. He treated her like an object to be used and a thing to be fucked, which was all that she was to him. While he couldn't imagine treating anyone else this way, unless it was part of some sort of role-play they'd established beforehand, he couldn't deny that something about this appealed to him.

That it was Pansy whose throat he was plugging with his cock over and over again definitely had something to do with that enjoyment. How many times had she sneered at him or his friends over the years after saying something to demean them for their an orphan, or poor, or not having the proper bloodlines? But she wasn't sneering up at him now. Saliva dripped from her mouth and ran down her face, and the beauty products she'd applied to her face were dripping down as well. She looked like an absolute mess, and after years of enduring her taunts, it was fun to see her reduced to such a state. It was even more fun since he was the one responsible for it.

She continued to gag around his cock, enduring both his demanding thrusts and the demeaning words from the girls. With anyone else he might have had mercy on them by now, but he wouldn't have acted quite like this with anyone else to begin with. He showed Pansy no mercy, and she received no rest and no chance to catch her breath. He just kept fucking her face on the seat of their compartment, bouncing his balls off of her face and smudging her meticulously maintained appearance with glee.

"Is it just my imagination, or can you physically see the outline of Harry's cock in her throat?" Parvati asked.

"I don't think it's just your imagination," Padma murmured. "If it is, my imagination's running wild as well."

"It's fucking hot, whatever it is," Lavender said. "Make her choke on it, Harry!"

That's what he'd been doing, and he continued to do it. He put on a show for Lavender and the twins, and he put Pansy in her place and shut her mouth as it should have been shut long ago. Above all, he enjoyed himself. Whether he succeeded in fucking some humility into Pansy or not, he was going to have a damn good time on his last ever ride to Hogwarts.

When his orgasm arrived, he ended it in the only way appropriate: he buried his cock all the way down her throat and force-fed her his cum. Pansy's teary eyes widened and her hands feebly pressed on his thighs, but Harry remained lodged in her throat as he gave her everything. Her throat convulsed, but he wasn't going anywhere.

"Bloody hell! There's so much that it's coming out of her nose!" Parvati exclaimed. She wasn't wrong. As if Pansy's face wasn't in a sorry enough state already.

Pansy coughed and heaved when Harry's cock finally left her throat, which only served to make her even messier. Harry watched a red-faced Pansy struggle to get her breathing back under control, and he decided to rub her humiliation in a little bit more by wiping his cock off in her hair. She just took it, gasping and coughing as she struggled to recover from his initial use of her body.

But it was only the initial use. There was still a long way to go on this train ride, and he was going to continue passing the time with this snake who had willingly offered herself up to be used by him whenever and wherever he wanted.


"Seeing Pansy's slutty face all covered in cum was pretty funny," Lavender said. "But I don't mind this either."

Harry didn’t mind it either. He'd flipped Pansy over onto her stomach and was fucking her face-down on the seat. His hips smacked against her arse with every thrust, and whatever noises she might be making were effectively muffled by the way her face was pressed into the seat. Whether she was groaning in discomfort or even moaning in pleasure, there wouldn't have been much difference to any of them.

He couldn't say he was overly concerned anyway. With anyone else he'd ever fucked, their satisfaction was paramount to him, as important as his own if not even more important. But whether Pansy moaned with pleasure and came around his cock or merely endured this shag was irrelevant to him. This wasn't about pleasing her. It was a transaction, nothing more and nothing less. She'd come to him looking for validation, and she'd offered her body to him in return. All he was doing was making her pay up.

He had to say that he felt like he was getting a bit of a bargain here. Whatever protections or prestige he could offer Pansy with even a general show of public sympathy and forgiveness was easily worth the pleasure he felt now. Her pussy wasn't the tightest he'd ever been inside, but she still felt good. And besides, if she was tighter he might not be able to slam his cock into her with as much force as he did. Each thrust served to physically rock the seat he was fucking her on, and that meant Pansy's body was rocking even more. She might be getting something out of this deal, but she was earning every bit of it.

"So is she a good fuck, Harry?" Lavender asked him. "Or are you regretting your deal already?"

"Definitely not regretting it," he said, shaking his head. "Pansy might be a bitch, but she's sexy. And I can let go and fuck her harder than I'd fuck just about anybody else."

Parvati giggled. "I wouldn't mind having you fuck me like that, personally." Now there was a thought. Having Parvati's beautiful body underneath him and fucking it into the seat as he was currently doing to Pansy sounded like a great time to him.

"Speak for yourself," Padma said. "You have a nice penis, Harry, but there's no way I'd be comfortable having you fuck me with it that hard. If we ever did anything together it would need to be a lot more relaxed than this."

"Padma, it would be my genuine pleasure to spend an entire night making love to you one day," Harry said, looking over at her and grinning while pushing down on Pansy's shoulders and slamming his cock deep inside of her yet again. Padma looked suddenly bashful, but there was little grin on her face too. "Trust me; this isn't how I usually do things."

"Well thanks for switching it up, Harry," Lavender said. "Watching you make love to Pansy would've made me want to puke. But watching you push her head down and shag her rotten like the slut she is? That's pretty fun."

It was fun for Harry too, and apparently Pansy also found some enjoyment in it, because a minute or so later her body shook beneath him and she squirted onto the seat beneath her, making her climax clear even if he couldn't hear her well enough to tell if she was moaning, groaning or babbling nonsense. It was obvious how she was responding to this now, and not just to Harry.

"Oh fucking Merlin, this is too much!" Lavender said, struggling to speak through her laughter. "She's seriously squirting! I knew you were a slut, Parkinson, but way to prove it!"

"I think the fact that she came here to whore herself out for public approval had already proven that," Padma pointed out.

"Fair," Parvati said. "Still, if she ever even thinks about saying something rude to any of us again, we can always just remind her about what we saw today."

They would also be able to remind her that they'd seen her get her body covered in cum. Pansy had sworn that she was already taking a contraceptive potion, but Harry had decided not to take any chances with her. He pulled his cock out of her pussy before he went beyond his limit, and he sprayed her sweaty back and arse with his cum instead.

It was Harry's turn to sit back and try and take in deep breaths after that. His holiday in France with the Delacours had been as exhausting as it was amazing, but he'd never fucked any of them quite like he'd just fucked Pansy. There was an aggression and a heat to using her without giving a damn how she felt that he'd enjoyed, even if he knew he couldn't and wouldn't repeat it with anyone else.

"This has been quite a show," Lavender said afterwards. "But there's still plenty of time left before we make it to Hogwarts, Harry."

He looked at his watch and chuckled. "You're right, Lavender. But I don’t think it would be fair for me to keep her all to myself, and I’d bet she’s been even uglier to you over the last term.”

Lavender’s face lit up, but Pansy’s face displayed a different emotion. “N-no, Potter,” she said weakly, unsteadily sitting up to look at him. “Only you can have sex with me. That was the deal we agreed to.”

“Yes, and I’m not going to go back on my word,” he said. “But who said anything about Lavender having sex with you? I’m sure we can think of other ways for her to pay you back for all of the things you’ve said to her.”


“Do you like that, Pansy?”


“You’ve had this coming for a long, long time!”


“I’m not the only one who owes you a spanking! But since I’m the one with the chance, I’ll just have to spank you hard enough for all of them too!”

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

She wasn’t kidding. Lavender had jumped at the idea when Harry suggested that she claim her punishment via spanking. Pansy hadn’t been thrilled with the idea, but when Harry personally guaranteed that Lavender would not penetrate any of Pansy’s holes in any way and he would immediately step in to stop it if she broke the skin, she seemed to understand that refusing would risk his continued help. However unhappily, Pansy rolled over onto her stomach on the compartment seats and allowed Lavender to begin to spank her.

Harry was surprised at the vehemence with which Lavender delivered her spanking, so he could only imagine how Pansy was taking it. Harry looked down the length of the Slytherin’s body, and with her pale white skin it was very easy to see the physical marks of Lavender’s punishment. Both of her arse cheeks had bright red hand prints on them, proof of just how hard Lavender’s hand had been smacking her bum. He’d never known Lavender had this kind of anger or strength in her, but maybe the changes that had come over her after being bitten by Greyback had something to do with that. She was giving Pansy a spanking worthy of a werewolf; that was for sure.

It wasn’t possible for Pansy to say anything, or for Lavender to demand some kind of response from her. As entertaining as that might have been, Harry was happy with the decision he’d made instead. He had Pansy’s head between his legs, and she was busy sucking his cock while she endured her spanking. He’d fucked Pansy’s face earlier, but now he wanted to see how talented she was with her mouth.

This was the true genius of his idea, because he had given her significant incentive to give him her best effort. The terms they’d agreed to before it started was that, barring a violation of the agreement on Lavender’s part, she would be able to continue spanking Pansy until she had managed to make Harry cum in her mouth. He could think of no greater way to bring out her best, and seeing the ferocity with which Lavender’s hand continued to meet Pansy’s bum only increased the urgency Pansy would no doubt be feeling.

It had to be difficult for her to keep her focus while Lavender continued to rain down sharp smacks on her bare arse, taunting her all the while, but he would give Pansy credit for both her ability to persevere and her raw talent. He’d known that Pansy had sucked plenty of cock in her day, and he saw for himself that she had gotten very good at it over the course of that practice. He couldn’t call her the most talented cocksucker he’d ever had the pleasure of experiencing, but she was more knowledgeable than most when it came to this. Her lips slid down his sizeable cock, and she bobbed her head and shook it from side to side to give him as much pleasure as she could. He heard her sucks and slurps as she sucked his cock, and he felt her hands rubbing and squeezing his balls, and he knew that she was trying very hard to make him cum in a hurry.

He wasn’t making it easy on her though. As good as her blowjob was, he wanted to give Lavender as much time as possible to pay Pansy back for everything she’d said about her, both before and after she’d been attacked by Greyback while doing the right thing and standing up against Voldemort and his followers, Pansy’s father among them. Lavender was making the most of the opportunity, relentlessly smacking Pansy’s arse and turning it even redder as Harry staved off Pansy’s determined efforts to make him cum.

“Take it, you bitch!” Lavender hissed. Smack! “You want to be on the winning side?” Smack! “You want Harry to help you?” Smack! “Well you’re going to have to earn it!” Smack! “This is for insulting Hermione for being a muggleborn!” Smack! “This is for trying to get everyone to offer Harry up to You-Know-Who because you’re a coward!” Smack! “This is for everything you’ve said about me since I got bitten!’ Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

To her credit, Pansy did not falter in her blowjob despite all of the spanks Lavender delivered as she worked out her frustration. She kept bobbing her head on his cock and stroking his balls and the base of his shaft, never letting up out of desperation. Harry had held on as long as he could for Lavender’s benefit, but he knew he could last no longer. He tugged on Pansy’s short dark hair and came inside of her mouth with a groan. While he hadn’t specified that she needed to swallow it, he felt her throat work as she did so regardless.

“Sorry I couldn’t hold on any longer, Lavender,” he said after the flow had dried up. His fellow Gryffindor giggled.

“That’s okay, Harry,” she said. “Thanks for letting me do that. I didn’t realize how much I needed to get that out of my system, but I feel loads better now.” She shook her arm out a bit. “My wrist is pretty sore though.”

“I bet it’s not nearly as sore as Pansy’s arse,” Parvati said. “Look at how red her cheeks are!”

“Yes, that has to sting,” Padma commented. “I’d say she deserved it though.”

“Yeah,” Harry agreed as he pulled away from Pansy and allowed her to recover on the seat. “I’d say she did.” She’d come here to barter her body for his support, and she’d gotten it. But they’d definitely made her earn it.

For his part, Harry knew he would always remember his final train ride to Hogwarts. It was about as different as you could get from the first, where he’d eaten candy with Ron, met Hermione in all her bushy hair and bossiness for the first time, and could barely contain his wonder at what might lie ahead of him. But he’d enjoyed it all the same, and when they arrived at their destination he felt a sense of wonder and nostalgia as he returned to the castle to begin his last term as a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

August 2021 poll question:

Christmas in Franceis over, and it's time for Harry to return to Hogwarts for his final term. What happens on the final train ride to the castle? (Winner: Pansy offers herself to Harry as reparations; 42%)



This one is early access for you guys until sometime in September. I don't want to cut people off from this story after posting it everywhere up until now, so for as long as it continues it will be the poll winner that gets posted publicly the following month.


As you can see, I kind of incorporated the leading runner up into the winner here. I liked the idea of Harry helping Lavender out even if he didn't join her club, and having her give Pansy her comeuppance rather than Daphne seemed like fun.

James Trammell

This was excellent! Thanks for incorporating my idea with the winning idea. Can’t wait until October for the next chapter. Keep up the great work.