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I was planning to open up discussion on how a third monthly poll fic would be handled once we reached the $360 level ($40 from the $400 goal I set for it.) We actually jumped up to $365 overnight, so let's get a move on, shall we?

I don't have a firm plan in place on what form the third poll might take when we do reach and maintain the $400 mark, other than that it should be something beyond just an additional general prompt poll. Frankly I figured it would be another month or two at least before we even got this close to it and I needed to start thinking about it seriously, but we've had some really nice growth lately which happily means it's time to start talking about it. It may very well take quite some time to get the rest of the way there, but I want to be prepared whether it happens in six months or next month. I do have some ideas:

  • I (or possibly a patron) come up with a general theme for the poll each month. Examples: blowjobs, outdoor sex, arranged marriage, girl on top, etc. In certain months this could be built around holidays or a character's birthday too. Once the theme was set, patrons of $5 and above would make their nominations for the poll as normal, only each nomination would have to take that month's chosen theme into account.

  • A specific character or fandom is chosen by me (or perhaps voted on by the higher tier patrons), and all nominations would need to feature that character or fandom. So maybe one month it would be a My Hero Academia poll, the next Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and the next Star Wars. Or if it's built around a character, one month it's Momo Yaoyorozu, the next Buffy Summers, and the next Princess Leia, for example.

  • We skip the nomination process altogether and jump straight to the poll, which is comprised of a series of prompts from various fandoms and characters that I come up with.

  • We return Harry's Interactive 8th Year to the monthly rotation, so both it and the general Potter prompt poll would be monthly events along with the non-Potter poll. This would continue until the conclusion of Interactive 8th Year, and it would then potentially be replaced by a new ongoing interactive idea to be decided on later.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, and I'm not saying we only have these options to choose from. This is simply what I've come up with thus far, but I want to hear from all of you as well. Let me know how you feel about these, and if you have another suggestion to make, please share it. I may eventually put up an informal poll to gauge what seems to have interest and what doesn't, but we'll see.



I should add that you can make any suggestions or offer any feedback in whatever form you choose. You can do so publicly in these comments if you want, if you'd like other people to be able to see and respond to them. If you'd prefer to communicate with me privately via PM or other means that is fine too, though I may share your suggestion publicly (while not attaching your name to it) if I think it's necessary to do so for discussion purposes.

Rampaging Crabs

I like the theme option but at the same time it could lead to a lot of polls. Ex first poll theme, then characters etc etc.


That's true; could do, say, Valentine's Day Dates as a theme in February, or could have done a poll around Black Widow as a character to celebrate the movie when it came out. No reason I couldn't use theme one month and character the next.


You choose the fandom option could be good, as it might give certain fandoms an opportunity to get stories wrote about them which have no real chance of winning the non-Potter poll. I've also said to you before that it would be good to see you write some stuff based on your ideas, so that's a good option too.


Alternatively, a crossover poll might be an interesting option. Do people want to see Misaka Mikoto in UA and getting in a relationship with Deku, or perhaps Harry Potter ends up some Department of Mysteries time experiment gone wrong ends up in Arrakis in the future and has a relationship with Princess Irulan... etc?


Interestingly, the idea I have right now for an eventual successor story to Interactive 8th Year is basically an anthology of 'Master of Death Harry' traveling through time and space to live different lives in different worlds/fandoms.