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As I mentioned in the poll for this month's chapter of Interactive 8th Year, I've noticed what seems like a drop in interest in that particular story. After getting some feedback from you guys, I've decided to try out a one month on, one month off format for Interactive 8th Year.

There will still be two patreon story polls every month, of course. The way we'll do it is that on months with an Interactive 8th Year chapter things will work exactly as they have for the last year, with that poll and then another general prompt poll later in the month that is open to all fandoms. 

But in 'off' months for Interactive 8th Year, we're going to try something different. In  those months there will be one poll specifically for Harry Potter and HP crossover prompts, and a second poll for all other fandoms excluding HP. This way there's something to set the two polls apart, plus some non-Potter stuff can get a chance.

We'll try this out starting next month, where we'll give Interactive 8th Year a break and see how this change goes. As for February's second poll, which will open for nominations tomorrow, that will maintain the familiar format of being open to all fandoms including HP.


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