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Harry's Interactive 8th Year: February Poll (and a question)

  • Tonks, who asks Harry to fill in for her in overseeing Astoria's detention 39
  • Parvati and Lavender, who try to top Romilda and friends but are worn out by Harry 20
  • 2021-02-08
  • —2021-02-14
  • 59 votes
{'title': "Harry's Interactive 8th Year: February Poll (and a question)", 'choices': [{'text': "Tonks, who asks Harry to fill in for her in overseeing Astoria's detention", 'votes': 39}, {'text': 'Parvati and Lavender, who try to top Romilda and friends but are worn out by Harry', 'votes': 20}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 14, 13, 0, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2021, 2, 8, 14, 2, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 59}


Before I get to the poll proper, I just want to come right out and ask all of you whether I should continue the Interactive 8th Year beyond this month. We're only in November as far as the school year is concerned, meaning there would still be a lot to go if I complete the entire year. But interest in the idea seems to be dropping. Last month I only got two submissions and created a third myself to fill out the poll, and this month I opened it up to all 70+ of the $1 patrons over the last two days but still only got two submissions, which are the two you're seeing here. I liked the idea of this interactive story and still do, but if interest is dropping off in it I don't want to force it to keep going.

Should I just drop this as a concept and replace it with a second monthly general prompt poll? Maybe we could make it one that's Harry Potter centric and one for all other fandoms? Or maybe there's another idea we can run with. I'm open to any ideas you may have on how to better improve either or both of these monthly polls, so if you have anything you'd like to suggest, I'm all ears.

Now then, on with the poll.


Last Time...

“I may not be nearly as powerful as you, Harry Potter, but I’m bold and clever,” Romilda said with a grin. “I didn’t want anyone to interrupt our little party.”

Someone cleared their throat, and Harry went on alert as he realized that this had not come from Romilda or any of her friends.

“Sorry to crash your party, but you’re not as clever as you think you are, Romilda,” this new voice said, and Harry spun around to lock eyes with the newcomer.

February 2021 poll question:

Who crashed Romilda's party with Harry, and what will they do?

Tonks, who asks Harry to fill in for her in overseeing Astoria's detention

Tonks crashes the party and asks Harry for a favor as she has a conflict with timing. Harry ends up overseeing detention for Astoria Greengrass. Astoriatries to do anything other than lines and Harry is happy to give her another task to do instead. By the time they're done, Astoria realizes she's stayed several hours later than she was supposed to.

Parvati and Lavender, who try to top Romilda and friends but are worn out by Harry

Parvati and Lavender crash Romilda’s party. They try to outdo her and her friends but ultimately fail to outlast Harry.



I'm for the two general pomp, with one for Harry and the other for ohter fandoms, because in the most general pomp if not all Harry fandoms has won and were the most Nominations


Yeah, that was my reasoning on why there could be one Potter-specific poll and one for everything else if I do go ahead and drop Interactive 8th Year. It's pretty obvious by this point that if a Potter prompt (especially one featuring Harry) is included in that poll, it's going to win.

Rampaging Crabs

Could also make the interactive 8th year one month on one off.


That's something to consider. Maybe there's a bit of fatigue there with doing a chapter every month, and there would be more general interest if it became a less frequent thing,

Alex Omega

I'm up for Harry Potter being with girls from other fandoms at least not the super popular one like GoT or Avengers.


Truth be told, I am getting a little tired of Harry Potter, let’s give other fandoms a chance.

James Trammell

I think doing this story every other month could work. The other months could go to other prompts.


That was where my idea of one prompt poll just for HP and crossovers including HP and one for everything but HP came from. It's a virtual guarantee right now that something Potter related will win the general poll, but replacing the interactive story in that way would give a shot to other fandoms too.


I do like this story and would like it to continue if possible. I also agree with splitting up the prompts, as non-HP ones get barely any votes which is a shame.


I like the "every other month" idea, alternating between non-HP and HP months.


I think the way it would work, assuming I go ahead with the every other month format for Interactive 8th Year, is that in off months there would be one HP-specific poll and one for everything else, while in months with an Interactive 8th Year chapter the other poll for that month would be open to anything and everything just like it is currently.