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Another New Map
Aight listen, do I have a problem? Yes. However, this'll be multi purpose. I've started working on a new multiplayer map designed for 1v1/2v2/3v3 gunfight / face off; It is one of 6 to be made for a tournament hosted by robit.

Map 1) "Rural"
Set in rural middle of nowhere in some country, we have a couple of farm houses. I've designed this in a way that I can reuse it for both TranZit and Evkla 2. The houses you see will be used in TranZit, and the entire level will be reused as a section in Evkla 2 (Won't be called Evkla 2, but its the exact same game play mechanic, 6 areas, 10 rounds each).

This way I am technically creating towards 3 maps at the same time while also allowing me to design mp levels, which I've wanted to for a long while. 

These can be created extremely fast as it's primarily only mapping required, virtually no scripting needed (other than the fact to disable jet packs, wall running, exo suit movement). For example, Hackerspace was done (mapping wise) for a long time but took multiple weeks to get the scripting finished (easter egg).

The Other 5 Maps
I won't be doing all 6 maps myself, others will be involved, so far we have Skalv (Johnathan) working on Map 2) "Import" as well. How many more I create myself will be dependent on how many people get involved. So far I am making 5/6, but, Skalv may make more than one, and more people may contribute.

Map 2) Import
Created by Skalv, very loosely based off a shitty layout image I drew. A small scale map perfect for quickscoping or fast placed cqb. Skalv has done an amazing job thus far and I can not wait to see this played.

The 5 Map Slate
We have finally approached the completion of the 5 map slate, with all 4 maps currently in beta, one released and one scheduled to release "Mount Seela" Jan 2nd.

It's been a fun 5/6 months creating these 5 maps for you all, exploring unique gameplay concepts that i've wanted to try for a long long time. I want to thank you all for supporting me through this journey as we move towards TranZit for 2021.

Here is the public release schedule for the 5 map slate:
- Ravine (Released)
- Mount Seela (Jan 2nd)
- Hackerspace (Jan 14th)
- Remote Operations (Jan 26th)
- Evkla (Feb 5th)

Return to TranZit | Power Station
eMox MaNgA the creator of "Mori", has kindly offered his and Blueshark's powerstation from "Mori" for me to use in Return to TranZit.

This like all areas will be expanded upon :)

TranZit & Die Rise Remakes
Since I have had a lot of questions regarding when I will be working on Die Rise or when they're coming out, I figured I'd lay down the target release dates for them both.

Return to TranZit | 2021

Die Rise | 2022

Keep in mind these are monolithic projects of extreme grand size and I am a single individual, so for me to complete these in a year each is incredibly fast relatively. I will delay the releases if I deem them not ready for the sake of ensuring that it is it's absolute best.
There is a reason why no real TranZit remake has been attempted before.

47 Berkerly Lane
With the transference of Mod Tools, asset restoration has been an extremely slow and tedious process, having opened 47 Berkerly Lane in editor, more than 90% of assets / prefabs / fx are missing.

With this in mind plus what is left to complete, it will be a long time before this is ready for release. However, this can prove beneficial to it's improvement because currently I am learning LUA/LUI for scripting UI & HUD, once I am comfortable in LUA I will be able to do quite literally anything I want as I am now extremely comfortable in GSC/CSC as well.

When the release comes around for this map, it will be renamed to "BLACKSHARD". My main reasoning for this is that 47 Berkerly Lane implies that the map is just a house, and have had feedback from multiple people that from looking at the map on the workshop they were surprised once they got in game that it was just more than a street / house. Another reason is that 47 Berkerly Lane simply gets mispelled, all the time, if you take a look at various YouTube videos or comments, you will see that people either miss an "R" or add an extra "er". Lastly, I think 47 Berkerly Lane is too long it being 3 separate words and 8 syllables with Blackshard being one word, two syllables, easier to phonetically remember; The name "Blackshard" comes from the name of the operation you undergo as CIA operatives under Remote Operations.

Weapon selection in this map will also be completely overhauled to Modern Warfare 2019 and Black Ops Cold War weaponry along with Pack-a-Punch mastery (Hold "F" to Master weapon [Cost: 20000]) with a papped weapon at the Pack-a-Punch machine. This will give your gun a unique ability and greater stats above pack-a-punch. This is something I want to do to all of my maps including TranZit & Die Rise. 

Holiday Map | Christmas Defense
First time ever creating a holiday map, personally I have never been interested in creating halloween, easter, etc.. maps, but this year I felt like I wanted to do it, and I left it pretty late, I just finished getting Mount Seela ready and figured i'd have a go at creating a Christmas map. Creating it in just 2.5 days (staying up for 40 hours straight only working on it), I managed to pull it off and release it 5 days before Christmas. Definitely a record for me on how quick i've completed a project. I will be doing more holiday maps in the future for sure!

Hope you all had a great Christmas and will have a great new years! Thank you all again for supporting me, here's to 2021!



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