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Hackerspace Project Premise
Originally this map was set out to be a simple recreation of somebodies apartment's lobby as a 1:1 recreation in Radiant.
However things changed, after completing the lobby area (where you spawn / pack-a-punch) the person of which whose apartment I was recreating wanted a full zombies map just within that tiny lobby area.
I told the person that is essentially impossible and would pan out to be a really dull experience, unfortunately we never came to agreeance on the matter so I took it upon my self to do what I want with the project with the promise of it being a well designed zombies map using your apartment lobby as visual reference in terms of art.
To make it a functional layout I added 2 levels, basement and second floor, added a courtyard section in the middle for a center progression reward and added rooms to access for a set of loops along the hallways on the first floor.
I'm also designed an entire easter egg for the map with the premise you exist in a simulation henceforth the name "Hackerspace" as your objective is to essentially hack the space of which you exist in.

I want to be absolutely as clear as possible here as I do not want misinformation or doubt when it comes to the transaction and idea ownership of this project.

HackersinSpace made a tweet asking for someone to recreate his apartment in Radiant, I responded to the tweet via DM stating that I would do it. I charged him $99.99 USD to create the images he would send me in Radiant. He sent me images/video of his Lobby Entrance to the Apartment and I did that. After the fact HackersinSpace wanted it to be a fully fledged zombies map with anime hud, anime characters, unfeasible feature requests, etc..
Literally nothing other than the visual existence of HackersinSpace's apartment lobby and the Pack-a-Punch Location is HackersinSpace's idea.
The basement is fictional and I just imagined it from my brain, the apartment rooms are fictional and I just imagined it from my brain, the courtyard is fictional and I just imagined it from my brain, the entire second level is fictional and I just imagined it from my brain, you get the idea.

Now with that out of the way to settle future drama that I am foreseeing, on with progress of the map!

Hackerspace Progress
After months of development, I have finally hit the Alpha stage for this map! It is in a semi fully playable state and the detail is 95% done.

I'm very excited about this project as it will be my first map that is very easter egg focused first as all of my other maps objective in terms of design was to be a great gameplay experience with zero easter egg involved, then add on easter egg to make it entirely optional.

Also this will allow me to test how hard / easy to make certain steps as a guide to use when it comes to finishing 47 Berkerly Lane for it's easter egg and official release.

Setbacks / Delays
With the installation of a new SSD (thanks to you my patrons ❤) I was set back in terms of progress by quite a lot. The new SSD meant incredibly greater speeds in terms of radiant performance, umbra convert times, link times, basically the SSD made things that took 30 minutes now take just 2-5 minutes, but what this almost meant was a new installation of Mod Tools. Having the new Mod Tools install meant I had to 1 by 1 resetup all of my custom assets which set back progress of the map by quite a lot which is just one of the reasons why this map is taking such a large amount of time.

Another thing that happened was I recently reformatted my OS drive and reinstalled Windows 10 Pro 20-3 over Windows 10 Enterprise 18-6, which again set things back progress wise as I had to reinstall all adobe software, resetup registries, settings for applications, appdata, etc.. 

The third last thing and the biggest one is the easter egg itself, I want to have the easter egg ready for the beta to allow bug testing for scripting as I am still somewhat new to scripting and am scripting everything on my own since Ravine. Scripting is impossible to estimate a time for as what seems like what could take just 5 minutes logically to write out may end up taking multiple days due to bugs, rewrites, bugs rewrites, fixing bugs but then that fixing of said bug causes a new different bug, rewrites, etc.

Here is a look at the current visual progress of Hackerspace!



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