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Oh. You thought we were gonna do Fattest Tuesday Week and I wasn't gonna give you the full first part of the challenge? Get. You. Some!



Julie felt herself getting fatter, filling, growing, stretching. She is suddenly immense and then suddenly very small. She alternates between feeling like an overtaxed rubberband pulled to the edge of breaking and a pressed out penny flattened so thin that as she flipped through time and space her razor edge is invisible.

Then she felt herself rounding out again, inflating like a balloon back to her normal hugely obese proportions. She landed on the ground with a thud and her fat body shivered. Then she looked at her chubby hands and realized that she could see through her sausage fingers. As she moved them at just the right angles they disappeared completely. She was transparent like what she imagined a ghost that was looking at itself would be.

And as she looked around, she realized she was exactly where she wanted to be, in the campus dining hall on her first day of college. And just like a ghost moving through the world she seemed to float, and all of her normally lumbering moves are made with ease. Even though her thunder thighs are still rubbing together and she’s still technically waddling, she moves with effortless speed and a strange amount of grace.

As she looked around it didn’t take long at all to find exactly what she was looking for.

She saw herself, a much thinner version of herself. Of course, much thinner meant that she was still over 200 pounds, but that was half her current weight. Her past self was at the pasta bar section staring down at six different types of pasta dishes and decided on at least two to eat, leaning toward fettuccine alfredo and pasta primavera. And right on cue, Vivian came walking up with a still slim Eloise at her side.

“Oink oink piggy. Picking out what you’re pigging out on? Why don’t you just slap it all on their. Pigs like you love slop like that.”

Past Julie tried to ignore Vivian and scooped up some of the fettuccine alfredo and a pair of garlic breadsticks, but the act of ignoring the two bullies just seemed to make them even more incensed.

“Hey, Fat Ass, we’re talking to you.” Eloise punctuated her comment by flicking a spoonful of marinara sauce at the back of Julie’s head. The clump of marinara blended in strangely well with Julie’s frizzy red hair.

So Eloise followed up with a spoon full of the alfredo sauce next.

“Nice one,” laughed Vivian.

“I think the Pollock look really improves her hair style, don’t you think so, Fatso?”

Julie finally slammed her plate down and turned to face her tormentors.

“What the hell’s your problem?”

Vivian sneered and set her own platter aside to step right up to Julie while flicking her raven hair as a calculated display of intimidation.

“You’re my problem, Piggy.”

She reached forward and grabbed the lower part of Julie’s belly causing the fat girl’s chubby face to turn as red as her hair.

“You and this pudgy paunch you’re packing is an embarrassment to our coven. You should be ashamed to have this kind of flab flopping around.”

Vivian pinched Julie’s belly fat hard enough to make her squeal.

“There you go. Squeal for me, piggy.”

The older Julie teared up as she watched her past self suffer, and swore to herself right there.

“I’m going to make you squeal, Vivian. You mark my words. You’re going to be my piggy.”

As past Julie tried to get away, Eloise blocked her exit, and a hard spank by Vivian made turn around again. This allowed Eloise to scoop her fat ass cheeks with both hands and wobbled them both. Vivian was breathless from laughter. Julie hurriedly turned around again to avoid Eloise, and Vivian managed to pull herself together long enough to slam both of her hands into Julie’s flabby butt cheeks.

“Goddamn, Lard Ass. Those are some big blubbery cheeks you’ve got there. You’re a real wide load, Porker.”

“I mean- damn! That felt like a workout just lifting those for a second,” laughed Eloise.

“Certainly more of a workout than this cow has ever gotten.”

Vivian picked up a big scoop of spaghetti and meatballs, and Julie winced as she got ready for Vivian to dump it all over her head, but inside with a wet slapping sound, Vivian slopped the spaghetti onto Julie’s plate, right on top of the fettuccine alfredo. Then she did the same with the pasta primavera, and then the penne alla vodka. She took the platter and shoved it right into Julie’s doughy belly.

“There you go, fat girl. Go stuff your piggy face. You know you want to.”

Julie was just happy to have the opportunity to get away from Vivian and Eloise, and her rumbling stomach unfortunately revealed that she was incredibly hungry anyway. She hung her head in shame, took her platter, and waddled off to find a seat in a far off corner of the dining hall.

Julie followed her past self to the back corner of the dining hall and watched as her past self took a few big, sad spoonfuls of her slop. Splashes of sauce spilled on her shirt and dribbled down her chins.

Julie leaned over her past self and held the pocket watch tightly. She waved her other hand by her past self’s head and focused as hard as she could on a simple suggestion charm, something easier enough that she believed she could pull it off, especially as she felt the comforting glow of the pocket watch in her hand.

“Put it down. You don’t need to put up with her. Just go get a veggie wrap at the sub shop. Go back to your room and study. Always study. Don’t let her taunting turn you to food. Use it as motivation to study and get better.”

It took a few moments, and a few more large helpings of her pasta slop, but eventually it was like a light went off in past Julie’s head as the message finally sank in. She got up, dumped her tray in the garbage, an act noticed by her fat Aunt Cass who was watching from some distance and unnoticed by past Julie but not present Julie, and then waddled off to find herself a slightly healthier food option and to crack open her books.

Meanwhile, Julie looked at her fat Aunt Cass, and it was like feeling haunted by a ghost.

But she had to stay focused on the task at hand. She had done her task and changed an aspect of her past, presumably for the better, and she could feel herself being pulled by the magic of the challenge back toward the present.

She felt the watch again.

“The two time zones.”

Julie opened the watch and focused on it, grounding herself to this time for as long as she could, and she looked at the second smaller watch face. She watched as it began to glow separate from the rest of the watch. She focused on that and felt herself sliding, not through time but through space, through the dining hall until she was back in front of Vivian.

“Now you get yours, bitch.”

She had to think carefully. Vivian would likely be more difficult to charm. Her will was strong even if she was six years younger. Julie knew she couldn’t go whole hog all at once with Vivian. No. The first suggestion would have to be smaller, less satisfying but like putting dominos into place, she would have to stack things one by one in just the right way to make Vivian’s fall complete. Patience. And one thought at a time.

“You should celebrate,” Julie whispered into Vivian’s ear.

“You’ve earned it. You’re already destined to be the top witch in your class. You’re slim and sexy, and everyone loves you. You’re going to have this school, this coven, eating out of your hands. So treat yourself.”

Vivian wasn’t going to grab dessert. It was an act of discipline to avoid such things, but she felt compelled to pick up a cookie. She was right. She had earned this cookie, damn it. This had been a great first day of college, and she was going to enjoy herself with a nice chocolate chip cookie and perhaps… even a cupcake.

Vivian began to eat the chocolate chip cookie, still warm and gooey and delicious, right off its tray while plucking a cupcake off a tray and adding it to her own plate.

“That’s right,” Julie whispered.

“You can eat what you want. You’ve got a great metabolism, unlike that hog Julie. You could eat like her and never gain a pound, so you get to enjoy yourself as much as you want. This is college. You should cut loose and have fun!”

Vivian picked up a second cupcake as she polished off the cookie. This elicited a judgmental stare from Eloise that did not go unnoticed by Vivian. Luckily, Julie was prepared to turn this moment to her advantage as well as she felt the ticking of the clock grow faster.

“Fuck this bitch. She thinks she can shame you? You!? You’re the sexiest, most powerful witch in your class. You’re perfect. Eloise is just jealous because just looking at these cupcakes puts her at risk of gaining the freshman fifteen. Don’t let her throw you off your game. You’re not some fat, pathetic loser like Julie. You’re in control. You're the head bitch in charge. In fact. Show her who’s boss.”

Vivian picked up a third cupcake and shoved half of it in her mouth with one big bite.

Eloise cowered a bit, shocked by this sudden and unexpected display of dominance- and certainly an unusual way to show it.

Julie chuckled to herself.

“That’s right. You’re going to have fun in college. And nobody is going to tell you what to do, or what to enjoy. Those cupcakes are delicious, and you’re not going to limit yourself. You’re slim and sexy Vivian Blake. You have no limits!”

With a content smile on her face, and a spring in her step that made her pert butt bounce, Vivian went off to enjoy the rest of her dessert, grabbing a second cookie for good measure.

Julie felt a sinister cackle bubble up inside her as she watched her rival tainting herself with the sinfully delicious treat. She knew that the first domino had been set as she felt herself being pulled back through time toward the present.

As she flew through time though, she sharpened her focus on a rush of new memories and glimpses beyond even what she would have known. She held tight to the watch as she enjoyed the effects of her influence on Vivian’s life.

The most obvious thing that Julie noticed was that Vivian’s well trimmed waist began to soften. A lot of the extra time she spent at the gym to maintain her sexy six pack of abdominal muscles was instead converted to time spent partying and treating herself to an array of snacks. It became easy for those abs to disappear as all that extra sugar got sapped up into fat cells. All of those extra desserts led to a doughy little pot belly, too much celebrating made for a party paunch. It was a soft jiggly thing, nowhere near as large as Julie’s gargantuan gut of course. You likely wouldn’t even call it chubby, but it was a crack in her perfect armor and a nice preview of the pudge to come, a start to further softness.

And that softness did come. Vivian’s entire body became a touch softer. Eating too many muffins made for a generous muffin top. Those empty calories began to pile up. It’s like they say, a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips, and Vivian’s hips grew softer and wider as she indulged more and more over time. Her pert ass cheeks developed a little more bounce to them as they grew softer, flabbier.

Julie loved the vision she had of people secretly snickering about Vivian’s chunky cheeks behind her bloated back. People would sneer at her exposed muffin top. On more than one occasion, Eloise even got bold enough to poke it. Vivian was still a confident force of personality, but her iron fist grasp over her social clique was broken and her control was no longer absolute.

Julie savored the simple pleasures of watching Vivian struggling to button her pants, slamming herself on the bed and jiggling furiously as she fought her belly to close the flap of her favorite jeans. She got to watch Vivian publicly split a seam in the back of her pants, and wished she could have frozen in that moment to really set Vivian on the path of emotional overeating.

“I want to watch you eat your feelings, fat girl.”

But even though she couldn’t quite turn Vivian into a total binge eater, she was pleased to see that her little intervention had turned the previously perfect Vivian into a complete yo-you dieter with her weight fluctuating between slim with a hint of pudge to full blown chubby chick. She wasn’t quite a pig, but she was a borderline piglet.

As she got closer and closer to the present the visions became faster and faster until they passed in a blink in the eye, far faster than Julie could keep track of them.

And then Julie was back in the present as if little if any time had passed, but she felt different, and when she looked down she realized she was different. She was thinner! Now, thinner for Julie was still tremendously obese, but losing a hundred pounds is still losing a hundred pounds even if that meant that Julie was still three hundred pounds.

Having a smaller double belly and much less achy joints was a joy for Julie. This joy was made all the greater by the realization that she felt more powerful, more confident. It had worked. It had all worked, and now Julie was stronger for it.

And she was eager to look over and see what six years of yo-yo dieting had done to Vivian’s figure.


Axel Laperouge

I have so many theories on what could happen next. Are they only able to affect each other directly? I'm wondering if Julie's next jump could expose the plan to her, and if she could take steps to help her Aunt have a different fate

BS Writer

I love reading fan theories. I'm glad I could write something that inspires theories.


I can't wait to see the new Vivian and to see Vivian's reaction to her new self! I'm guessing she will notice the changes, but maybe she won't as a result of the watch's magic? Also I wonder what Vivian will try to do to Julie? Has she changed anything already and Julie hasn't noticed yet or has the watch given Julie an advantage to strike first? Will the changed Vivian be less effective in attacking Julie's past or will Julie still feel the effects of Vivian changing her past? Plus we still don't know how the Mirror Witch, the Nameless Blonde Girl, Melanie and her husband, and Julie's mother's plans all fit into everything. So much to speculate about! This is such a great story! Keep up the good work!