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In this chapter, all the pieces finally begin to come together. Some questions are answered. Others are asked. The challenge between Julie and Vivian finally begins. And that blonde girl shows up again!



Julie felt the fatness come to claim her once again.

It started with a tremor in her body, like a hum that resonated through her bones and then sent a tingle through her skin. She looked down at her tight body, and that hard won goddess like curves that she possessed, her trim waist, her athletic legs.

Then she looked up at the fat pig that Vivian had become, a mass of fleshy fat rolls, a great gelatinous glutton filled with fat. She was an obese orb of flab, a lard filled land whale. She was the fattest woman that Julie had ever seen.

Until she wasn’t.

Suddenly, all that fat seemed to melt right off of Vivian as she turned back into her usual slim and sexy self. Even the stance she took shifted as her body became trimmed and toned again and her bitchy confidence returned. Vivian marveled at her own body for only a moment before the familiarity of her sexiness took over and she gave the whole event a simple shrug recognizing her fat transformation as a mere blip in her perfect life.

“Now this is more like it,” she said with a calm nod before looking over at Julie with a cold sneer.

It was when she looked back at Julie that her eyes lit up again with hunger.

“You on the other hand.”

And that’s when Julie really felt the fat come to claim her.

It started with her trembling hands. Julie watched as each dainty digit swelled growing back into fat, clumsy little sausages. The fat filled her palms, puffing up her hands into doughy mitts and then spreading and widening her wrists. She had never given much thought to the beauty that her slender wrists had held. She never had the time. Now they were bloated with fat again, swelling like they had been stung by particularly determined bees, and the fat that filled them kept going, filling up her entire arms. Her arms swelled with fat just like her fingers. Her forearms and biceps became like great big sausage links on either side of her elbows. Her biceps in particular lost their previous muscularity and gained flabby bingo wings and new stretch marks on the underside of her arms near her armpits. The flab shook vehemently and dripped down over her elbows as her arms dropped so that her hands could explore the rest of her changing body.

The fat rolled through her arms and filled her shoulders than worked it’s way down her trim waist. Julie’s waistline exploded immediately turning into a tubby muffin top that kept puffing outward as the pounds of pudge kept piling on. What were abs just moments ago blew up becoming a paunch, then a pot belly, then a spherical spare tire before splitting into a full double belly. Her globular gut seemed to have a mind of its own as it kept filling with fat and sloshing about. Julie’s turgid tummy, fat beyond tubby, was a sack of fat that sagged downward, burying the front of her panties and drooling down toward her knees. Gravity was extra cruel to her gluttonous gut. The only thing that lifted up at all was her thickening thighs.

Her slim legs expanded in all directions. Her trim thighs grew saddlebags and reached out to touch each other. As they swelled into tremendous thunder thighs grown thick but wobbly with cellulite covered lard, they grew so fantastically round that the front of her flabby thighs pushed up the lowest hanging part of her sloppy, saggy, segmented, double belly. Her thighs grew saggy as well with fat that rolled over her knees. The fat kept flowing downward, filling her calves and ankles and turning them to the stereotypical cankles before flowing further down and filling her fat feet until they matched her chubby hands, complete with sausage toes.

Julie’s ass began to balloon outward, forming a heavy, sagging shelf of fat that acted as the perfect counterweight to her fat sack of a saggy double belly. Her bloated rear end, the largest of lard asses once again regained its place of prominence as her portly posterior protruded outward and sagged down onto the backs of her thunder thighs. Each cheek was immense, quivering bags of fat, flabby blobs of dough covered in cellulite and each moving, jiggling, independently of the other. Her fat baboon butt was the definition of a dumpy dumper, a sad shapeless mass that could only be described as massive. There was no tone whatsoever, only jello-like jiggly flab. She was the definition of a wide load with a titanic sized ass that would make it a struggle to get through doorways. The dimensions of her body would make getting through a door difficult no matter which way she turned. The largess of her hips would fill most frames, and turning sideways would mean having to battle with both her butt and her gut.

And up top things continued to swell as well.

Julie’s breasts became massive mammaries, plush and covered in angry red stretch marks, her pendulous breasts hung like two sagging sandbags at the sides of Julie’s monstrous double belly. Her huge breasts paired with her gargantuan stomach and titanic ass made Julie look like an ancient fertility statue come to life as her fat jutted out in all directions. Her massive, swinging breasts gave Julie’s back, now covered in juicy fat rolls of its own, a tremendous amount of pain.

Eventually, the fat pumped its way up to Julie’s face. It thickened her neck and then filled her cheeks which became redundantly chubby like an overstuffed chipmunk. The fat of her face made her eyes look dull and beady. Her nose widened and gave her a piggish look as her chin softened and became a second and then a third. She was now a jowly girl with a face unrecognizable with fat.

Just when Julie thought she was done, it seemed like the weight just kept piling on, forming folds upon folds of fat as every piece of her continued to balloon. She grew heavier and heavier becoming far fatter than anyone she had ever seen, eclipsing what one would even dare to consider a circus fat lady level of fat. She grew larger than she ever imagined possible.

The tremendous weight of all Julie’s fat caused her knees to buckle. She wobbled back and forth for a long moment before collapsing onto her bloated, well padded rear. The fat cushioned her fall, and she felt no pain, but her entire body, every fold and roll bounced and quivered. She shook like a massive plate of jello as she tumbled onto her back. Then she tried to get herself up, but all she could do was rock a bit like a fat useless turtle stuck on her back. She tried to kick her legs, but her thunder thighs were so massive and heavy on their own that it made lifting them to kick pretty much impossible. She could barely lift her fat flabby arms. She was stuck, fat and useless as Vivian came to stand over her.

“Silly pig. Did you really think your fat, pathetic ass could beat me?”

Vivian reached down and palmed Julie’s massive belly. Her hand became enveloped in fat flesh as she shook the flabby mess.

“You’re a weak, fat ass loser. And now you’re the helpless, useless, pathetic fat blob that you were always meant to be. This is how it was always going to go, and to think otherwise, lard ass, was pure foolishness on your part. There is no hope for you, only fat.”

Julie began to scream and sob until those screams and sobs became the sound of her alarm clock. She jolted out of her nightmare in a cold sweat and would have bolted upright if her naturally large gut didn’t make that impossible. At best she managed what looked like half an accidental sit up before her belly pinned her back to the bed. With a tremendous amount of effort, she eventually managed to roll her massive body over and reach for her phone to turn off her alarm. Next to the phone was the golden pocket watch ticking away as if counting down to her upcoming challenge.

She clutched the watch in her fat fist and closed her eyes wishing more than anything that she could go back to sleep, sleep through this day and the next and never have to worry about her challenge. She could let Vivian take her spot and just her life humbly with what little power she had and not risk the punishment that would await her inevitable failure.

But sleep was impossible. Her anxiety saw to that, so Julie lumbered out of bed and decided to do the next best thing.

She went to get breakfast.

At the dining hall, Julie observed Eloise’s obese form as the former skinny bitch now had her bloated body behind the counter serving up sausage gravy and biscuits to the masses. Elosie’s shoulders were slumped and her head hung in perpetual shame which really made her doughy double chin stand out. Her greasy hair hung limp but was largely held back by the hairnet she was forced to wear.

People who knew Eloise would snicker as she served them. Occasionally, as she slopped sausage gravy onto people’s plates, some of it would haphazardly splash back and land on the apron that encompassed Eloise’s expansive belly. As Julie approached she could see the remnants of gravy at the corners of Eloise’s mouth and on her chin along with the crumbs that covered the top of her shirt and signaled her own early morning messy pig out session.

Eloise refused to look up and make eye contact as she served Julie her food, but her entire fat body trembled at Julie’s presence.

Julie thought about saying something, commenting on what a greedy pig Eloise looked like, maybe calling her a slob or commenting about how her fat body was quivering. She thought about calling Eloise pathetic, but then she thought better of it. The truth was that Eloise was pathetic, but that patheticness just made Julie feel sad. And with the knowledge that after this day Julie could very well find herself in an even worse position, she decided it was best not to rub Eloise’s fat face in her predicament yet again. Instead, Julie walked away after delivering Eloise the small mercy of silence.

As Julie waddled away without saying anything, Eloise let out a sigh of relief and thought about how, if she had to root for someone, she’d rather see Julie win and welcome Vivian’s fat ass to the workforce.

Julie settled down to her meal, stuffing herself with sausage and gravy, gorging on waffles slathered in butter, gulping down buttery grits, and demolished an entire plate dedicated to a delicious stack of bacon and a second plate dedicated solely to candied bacon. Julie chowed down on a feast fit for a pig as if it truly were her last meal. She even had a cup of coffee, a glass of whole milk, and a glass of orange juice to keep her diet balanced and healthy. Once she finished everything, she let out a tremendous burp and then began the arduous task of staring at the pocket watch while contemplating what she would get for seconds.

The watch itself was made of beautiful gold with intricate carvings forming both concentric and intersecting circles and marked with a variety of arcane runes that Julie didn’t fully understand. She was fairly certain that the symbols probably related to time and space and lay lines and all of that kind of stuff, but she couldn’t figure out how. She wasn’t even certain how much of the details were key to the functioning of the watch and how much of it was just aesthetic. How much of the detail did she even need to actually understand to make this thing useful as anything other than a focus, and how much of it could she just trust would work? The inner workings of her mind were beginning to confuse even herself.

She knew the watch had several buttons that seemed to be used for setting its time. The inside of the watch had three faces. There was the main face with its hour, minute and second hand and numbers written out as elaborate Roman numerals. Then there was a second smaller face that to Julie looked like the same as the main face but set to a different time zone. And finally there was a third face, the same size as the second one, that Julie thought maybe had something to do with acting like a stopwatch, but every time she pressed the button all the lone hand on that face did was tick forward once and then reset itself.

The entire thing was an inscrutable and incredibly frustrating affair. Julie would have thrown the thing out the window if she was certain that it was the only chance she had in defeating Vivian. Still, she wanted nothing more than to give up and get herself some french toast sticks.

“Today’s the big day, huh?”

Julie looked up to see her fat Aunt Cassy standing there.

“I… ummm… yeah. Yeah it is.”



Cassy nodded slowly, biting at her lower lip as she contemplated what to say next. This was already the most the two women had actually said directly to each other in years.

“That’s good. I wasn’t nervous at all. Maybe that was part of the problem.” Casys awkwardly chuckled and then sighed and let her chubby hands rest on her fat belly which was absolutely stuffed into her janitorial uniform. She gave a thick roll of fat a squeeze as if to emphasize her point and then angrily slapped her bouncing gut with both hands.

“Well, hey- ya know that was me, and you’re you and I’m sure you’ll…. Damnit. Just… damnit Julie. I’m… I’m so sorry.”

Cassy collapsed in the chair opposite Julie. It immediately creaked under her weight. Cassy held her fat face in her chubby hands and shook it in frustration.

She held out her hands, and, without thinking about it, Julie let Cassy put them on top of her own.

“I fucked up. I ended up like this, and I couldn’t be there to train you, and I-” suddenly Cassy paused as her hand slid off of Julie’s as if she was exploring something else.

“What’s this?” Cassy asked as her gaze fell upon the stop watch.

“I um- aw hell.” Julie didn’t know what she should do, but at this point it didn’t feel like she had anything less to lose.

“It’s some kind of focus, and I think it does other stuff, but I can’t quite figure any of it out.”

“Let me see it.”

Her Aunt Cassy’s command, though gently given, did nothing but make Julie hold the pocket watch tighter.

“Julie, I’m not going to steal it. You know I can’t use it.”

Julie mulled it over as she flipped the pocket watch over and over again in her hand.

Cassy sighs.

“And I promise my touching it won’t suck out its magic or whatever. Just let me see.”

Julie hesitated for a moment and then handed the watch over. Cassy clicked the watch open, closed it, spun it around and looked at it every which way before sighing heavily.

“What is it?” asked Julie

“I… I was just hoping I would feel something.” Cassy sighed as she handed the pocket watch back over.

“No offense, but I was kinda hoping you would have something helpful to add.”

“Well… listen, Julie. It’s a totem right?”

“I… guess?”

“Totems, foci, these things are what they are for a reason. They take on elements of whatever it is you want to channel. So, for example, a pig statue- Pigs might symbolize greed, hunger so you might use it to curse a greedy person and make them hungry and fat. This is a pocket watch, so its abilities must have something to do with time. So think about what you can do with time.”

“You can do fucking anything with time, Aunt Cass.”

“Well, I can’t fucking feel it. Okay? You have to be the one to feel it. Where did you even get it?”

“A mirror witch in the mall.”

“A mirror witch? Divination specialist?”

“Aren’t they al-”

“So there it is! It’s got to do with your challenge. Time. When you’re there it should become clear. You just have to trust that you know what it will do and make it do it.”

“How?!” Julie let the watch fall from her grasp as she slammed her hands on the table and stood up as fast as her massively obese form would allow her to, her gut pushed the table into Cassy’s fat belly.

Cassy rose to meet her and her stomach pushed the table back. She waddled around it and put her hand on Julie’s shoulder, grasping it tightly.

“Confidence, Julie. You have confidence. Even more than her abilities, that’s what Vivian has, confidence.”

“Are you seriously telling me I have to believe in myself? You’re going with that cliche?”

“Hey. It’s cliche for a fucking reason, okay? There’s truth to it. You have the damn thing that can turn the tables on Vivian, and you have to be smart about how you use it and believe that you can because if you don’t believe it, you’re not going to be able to do shit. That’s magic! You do something that people say shouldn’t be possible, you say the words, do the the fucking gestures or whatever and fill it all with enough belief to make it fucking happen. So make it fucking happen.”

The silence that followed hung heavy in the air between the two fat women. Finally, Cassy grabbed the pocket watch off the table and handed it back to her niece, holding Julie’s hands cupped in hers as she did so.

“The watch is a totem. Anyone could stumble upon it, deduce what it does, and if they believed hard enough they could use it. But you have actual magic flowing within you. Your belief means more, and if you trusted yourself enough, you could make this watch do even more than it wants to.”

They looked each other in the eyes for a long moment before Cassy rocked on her heels and pat Julie on the shoulder.

“I gotta get back to work, okay? I’m sorry. Just…. I know I don’t look like the best person to give you advice, but just… trust me okay, it’s not as bad of advice as you might think. I’m right. I really am.”

As Cassy began to waddle away, a question bubbled up inside Julie that was seven years in the making.

“Hey, Aunt Cass.”


“How’d you lose your challenge anyway?”

Cassy shook her head. Her double chin wobbled.

“Stupid. The last part of my challenge included a race, chasing down components, solving puzzles, foot race back. I was passing the great oak when I looked back for just a second and caught my foot on a root. Been that way a thousand times and didn’t see it coming. So, keep your head on a swivel even when you’re at the end I guess.”

Julie chuckled.

“Was your training just gonna be seven years of cliches like that?”

Cassy playfully punched Julie on the arm.

“Hey. It may be obvious, but it’s still good advice. Okay? Take care of yourself. I love you, kid.”

Julie’s fat face sprouted a soft smile that revealed her deep dimples.

“I love you too, Aunt Cass.”

Cassy waddled off to go back to her janitorial duties, and Julie did the only other thing she could think to do at that moment.

She went and drowned a plateful of french toast sticks in maple syrup and let the time tick by.

And as the time of her challenge grew near, Julie waddled off into the woods. Instead of taking the main path, she took the long way around, a detour that took her past the great oak tree where her Aunt Cassy’s entire life collapsed seven years ago. She took a few moments to inspect that roots and branches carefully just in case.

With that done, Julie waddled up the hill to face her fate.

And as she approached the clearing with the setting sun at her back, Vivian was there waiting for her, flanked by Darla Gulch and Reyna Aguilar, now both full witches of the coven.

“Hey look, Lard Ass actually showed up. I thought you were gonna go wee wee wee all the way home, Piggy just curl your fatass up and stay there.” laughed Vivian.

Darla and Reyna let loose a series of oinks in response.

“You’re wasting your time, Fatso,” chided Darla.

“But hey, I can’t wait till we get to roll your fat ass out of here.” chirped Reyna.

Julie didn’t say anything. She just held the watch as tight as she could in her fist and stared them down.

Vivian saw the look in Julie’s eyes and for the briefest of moments she thought of that fat witch in the mall before shaking her head and dismiss the whole thing with a huff.

“Come on. Let’s get this over with. I want to get to enjoying my victory as quickly as possible.”

And with that Vivian led her fellow witches through the break and into the clearing. On the other side of the clearing stood the high platform with its dais in the center and behind it rows of seats like an amphitheater for full coven members and select guests to watch the proceedings. It was humming with activity.

As Julie and the others neared the platform, she saw another fat woman, the one she had met the other day outside of her mother’s office, Melanie, waddling in the opposite direction. She seemed to be having a rather challenging time moving her immense bulk across the uneven forest ground, but she was clearly too proud to ask for any sort of help.

As Melanie passed Vivian and her stooges, the mean girls greeted her with an array of derogatory farm animal sounds which Melanie completely ignored as she greeted Julie with a smile.

“Hey! You again. This your show?”

Julie chuckled from a mix of the nerves leading up to this moment colliding with the relief of seeing an unexpected but friendly face.

“Yep. Yeah… this is… this is for me- I mean and Vivian- but yes for me. This is my show, and I’m rambling and awkward and-”

“Hey.” Melanie gently placed a hand on Julie’s shoulder.

“It’s okay. Breathe.”

“Are you here to like watch?”

“Me? No. I’ve seen all that I’m allowed to see. Surprised I got this far honestly. My husband is something of an honored guest.”

Up on the platform, Melanie’s husband had a basket full of delicious smelling baked goods in one arm while his other arm was occupied by Mrs. Blake as she showed him around to her own gaggle of stooges.

“Ladies, allow me to introduce you to Mr. Yakov Boq. Mr. Boq and I are going into business together. He is, I must say, an outstanding baker, and I believe he’s brought us some delicious blueberry scones to sample.”

Yakov nodded and smiled and then looked down into his basket to fish out a scrumptious looking muffin.

“Except for this one. A little birdie told me Ms. Gulch is particularly fond of cappuccino muffins which happen to be a specialty of mine.”

Ms. Gulch was positively giddy as she took the muffin from Yakov’s hand. She snatched it up quickly enough to earn an eye roll from Vivian’s mother.

“Easy, Tonya. Let’s at least settle into the evening’s event before we start munching.”

Tired of waiting, to redirect the conversation, Mrs. Aguilar took this opportunity to jump upon the mention of blueberry scones to turn the conversation back to her favorite topic, herself.

“Speaking of blue, isn’t this dress I’m wearing divine?” She asked as she gestured to the figure hugging shimmering blue mini-dress that she was wearing underneath her traditional black witch robe, which she in turn was wearing open to showcase the dress and her figure.

“My girl made it just for me. She does fantastic work. Doesn’t she?”

The others nodded politely, barely regarding Mrs. Aguilar’s girl who was standing quietly behind her this entire time.

“Thank you, ma’am. I appreciate the compliment.”

“Yes. Yes. I’m sure you do.”

Mrs. Aguilar reached behind her without looking back to pat the waifish blonde on her arm.

“Now be a good girl and get me another drink.”

The blonde woman dutifully pushed up her glasses and wandered off to do as she was told without another word but with a small eye roll that went unnoticed by everyone else.

As the women went back to talking amongst themselves, they suddenly realized that Julie’s mother was now amongst them. Mrs. Blake rose to meet her.

“High Mother, we have been waiting.”

“Thank you, Annabelle. I apologize for my lateness. I had an important meeting to attend to, but it’s all settled now.”

Julie’s mother looked over the women, noticing Mrs. Hargrove’s absence.

“Is Vanessa not joining us this evening?”

“No. Unfortunately, Vanessa has business to attend to in regards to her poor, fat daughter Eloise.”

“Very well,” Julie’s mother nodded and then turned to regard Yakov.

“And this is?”

“This is Mr. Yakov Boq, my personal guest,” stated Annabelle Blake with a sinister smile on her face.

“Very well. It looks like we’re all met then. So let’s get started, shall we?”

Down on the testing ground, Julie stood near Vivian and looked up to see her mother take place at the dais flanked by the other current members of the coven’s council, her Aunt Calpurnia, Vivian’s mother, and Vivian’s sister, Elizabeth.

“Welcome all. We are gathered this evening to bring an end to this year’s contest, our one hundredth quell. In this, our final challenge, we see two fine witches, daughters of this council in Julianna and Vivian. As is our way, to bring balance to the coven Vivian will be representing the top of her class while Julianna represents the chance that we offer all who are of our coven, even the lowliest.”

The weight of her mother’s words weighed heavily on the heavyset Julie.

“To celebrate our one hundredth quell, this challenge shall harken back to our first. A simple duel. Wands at twenty paces. The winner is the first one to disarm their opponent.”

Julie felt a lump in her throat and a knot in her stomach at the idea of trying to fight Vivian in a matter of pure magical strength.

“But in order to reach your opponent, you must master the true challenge. Time.”

The ground began to tremble, and the silver cloud of energy, the same silver cloud she had been seeing in her dream and had witnessed first hand seven years ago, emerged the the council members. And from out that cloud came a crackling lightning bolt that struck the ground at Julie and Vivian’s feet.

Like lightning burning through wood, the silver energy coursed through the ground igniting it around Julie and Vivian, each contained in their separate ring. Inside rings the light lit up runes and markings, roman numerals and moving lines of light that formed two identical clock faces for the witches to stand on. The light then shot up in walls around them before twisting itself and forming a translucent dome above.

Julie could feel the energy course through her body as it tied itself to her, binding Julie and Vivian together even as it kept them separate.

“This is a challenge of wills. In order to disarm your opponent you will have to strengthen your own and shave down theirs. All of your time lay before you. You have been given quite literally the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and fix them, or to strike at your opponent in an attempt to twist their fate and make them falter. The path is yours to choose, but be wary, messing with time can have grave consequences on the mind, the more jumps you make the more will is required. To push yourself beyond three is to tempt madness.”

Julie’s mother took the time to pause and let her grave warning sink into the minds of each of the women. Julie looked over at Vivian who gaze right back at her with coldness in her eyes and her shoulder haunched like she was ready to pounce.

“Now, time is yours. Make of it as you will.”

Julie looked at her mother. For just a moment, she broke from her stately performance as the High Mother and was just Julie’s mother. The two locked eyes, and Julie could feel her mother’s belief. She dug down as deep as she could to summon whatever confidence she could. She thought of her Aunt Cass, and as she did so she looked straight up and saw the patterns of light weaving themselves in the doom.

A series of concentric and interlocking circles.

And she knew exactly what to do.

The confidence surged within Julie. She looked across the way at her slim and sexy rival, the woman who had been the bane of her existence these last seven years, and she knew.

She was about to ruin this skinny bitch’s entire life. She had all the time at her disposal to twist Vivian, to turn her into a fat little piggy, to make her into everything Vivian had ever hated, to ruin her life and balance the scales even before even reaching this moment right here. With the past sprawled before her she knew - KNEW - that she could pay Vivian back with pounds of punishment, the full weight of revenge would crush Vivian under pound after pound of pudge.

Julie felt the watch glow warm in her hand and heard the tremor of the second hand as it slowed. Tick. Tick…. tick……. tick……

She imagined Vivian blooming before her eyes, Vivian’s trim waistline blowing up, her abs melting away into a generous potbelly. Her neck grew hot at the vision of Vivian’s thighs bulging out and rubbing together, her back growing rolls of fat tied to thick love handles, folds of flab finding their way onto Vivian’s ever expanding form. Bulging belly. Ballooning breasts. Blubbery butt. Julie could see it all as she imagined a future of Vivian turning into the fat ass loser she deserved to be.

She was certain she could hand Vivian years of torment and turn her into a fat pig if she could just pick her spots correctly. Three jumps. Enough time to lay the groundwork, plump her up and then get back here to finish her fat ass off for good.

She could do it.

Her Aunt Cassy was right.

She believed.

Holding the pocket watch behind her back and out of Vivian’s sight, she flicked it open and clicked the button.

One extra second. First go.

In an instant, she was gone.



What a cliffhanger! I can't wait for the next part!

BS Writer

Thank you. It was a difficult to choice to leave off on that cliff hanger because the story has been building toward the challenge really starting, and I kinda felt bad getting to the point where it technically started but not really. But narratively, and just energy wise, it felt very clear that that was a chapter ending.


So good. At the edge of my seat.