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As Fattest Tuesday week continues, please enjoy this Valentine's Day Edition of Exclusive Cuts with three stories that will only ever be published here.

“Heartbreak Makes a Hog”


Richard had always been the fat one in their relationship. His now ex-wife, Penelope had always been the glamorous one, the slim and sexy one, the more put together of the pair. Theirs was a marriage that Richard had hoped had love in it but, he had to eventually admit, was more about show.

Richard had known Penelope since high school. He had always been the fat loser, and she had always been the skinny popular bitch. So once Richard got out of college and became filthy rich through a tech startup he had gotten started in his dorm room as well as a few other tremendously shrewd investments and along with several incredibly high paying crazy long parlays on several sports betting sites, he didn’t think twice when a woman as smoking hot as Penelope came a calling. He knew she was a filthy gold digger, and he also figured she would make an excellent trophy wife at least until they could learn the best of each other and form a true, loving relationship.

Then, Penelope left Richard for her tennis instructor, Chad in what was the most cliche turn of events that Richard could think of. So now he could think of only one other thing, revenge. And he knew exactly what his revenge was going to be.

He was going to make Penelope and Chad into fat, broke, slobs. He’d turn them into big, broke, pigs.

Richard was determined to see his greedy ex-wife turned into a greedy pig, a great big lumbering slob, poor and desperate. He enjoyed the idea of her crawling back to him on her fat hands and knees, her body and bank account broken desperate for his attention, and then Richard would be the one to reject her, to throw her fat ass out onto the street and let her wallow in her misery.

So Richard made plans to use his money and influence to rig certain events to alter the lives of Penelope and Chad. First, Richard made it looks like things were going very well for the happy and vain couple. They seemed to become uncannily lucky. They won free coffee, free food from Thick Burger, and a free cruise! They especially loved the cruise.

The cruise was exactly what one would want it to be, a great place to relax and do nothing but drink your face off and sop up the hangover by indulging in the all you can eat buffet. And Penelope and Chad really did take advantage of that buffet. All it took was a little bit of a nudge. Richard arranged for a man to be on the cruise to take advantage of Penny and Chad’s love of partying and sell them a bunch of drugs. It just so happened that some of those party drugs were incredible appetite enhancers.

Penelope and Chad stuffed themselves silly on the cruise, breakfast burritos and pancakes and waffles slathered in butter and syrup. They ate crab legs and lobster and lamb chops and steak. For desert there was every kind of pastry one could imagine, every kind of cake and pie and flavor of ice cream. The greedy gold diggers stuffed their bellies full. They were already greedy little piglets at the buffet, and they couldn’t help themselves. All the alcohol and drugs kept them in a constant haze which made them incredibly pliable.

And soon their bodies began to become more pliable as well. At the beginning of the cruise, Penelope and Chad were slim and sexy hardbodies. They were trim and fit without an ounce of fat on either of them. They loved to spend their days on the cruise lounging around in their swimwear, whenever they weren’t eating. And soon their rampant indulgence began to show as the first pounds began to settle on their waistline. Their precious abs became covered in a thin sheet of pudge, soft malleable fat that went under their notice for the longest time.

It was easy to make excuses. They were eating and drinking so much. They must have been perpetually bloated, not gaining weight. And that was half true. They were definitely bloated all of the damn time thanks to the way they were constantly gorging themselves, but the two greedy piggies were definitely packing on the pounds, and by the time the nice long cruise - the full summer! – came to an end, the two gluttons had grown some guts. They were nice and out of shape with soft, stretched out bellies and a distinct lack of muscle definition all around. Penelope and Chad had spent three months falling into Richard’s trap and turning into chubby little piglets.

And he wasn’t near done with them. Yet.

The cruise had hit Chad the hardest. His belly had grown into a full on pot belly. His pecs had softened into moobs, and his thighs and butt had grown thicker and flabbier. All of this would have been an inconvenience for most people, but it was devastating for Chad the professional tennis coach whose now inability to effectively play tennis and due to increase in weight and decrease in athletic shape and ability cost him his clients which meant losing a lot of money and gaining a lot of stress. And that stress led the vain little piglet to the one thing that had been his comfort for the last few months. Food. Lots and lots of food. And the food he had easy access to thanks to the vouchers he and Penelope had won was Thick Burger.

So Chad turned to inhaling fat, greasy burgers smothered in all sorts of fattening toppings. He told himself it was fine as long as there was avocado. Avocado is a healthy fat! But bacon sure isn’t. And Chad loved bacon on his burgers, and all the bacon led to a bigger belly, bigger moobs, and big bingo wings instead of his formerly muscular biceps. In short, the fitness hunk was turning to chunk and becoming a real fat boy.

And Penelope was close behind. She was stuck in an endless cycle of indulgence and denial that only her vanity and greed could sustain. Her ignorance kept her eating and growing fatter until it was far too late to turn back. She noticed Chad’s unsightly weight gain far before her own and eventually dumped his fat ass and left him to wallow at Thick Burger where he was eventually forced to get a job to support his junk food habit. Penelope had far too much pride to ever end up working in a place like that, but the free food that she was still getting was too good to pass up.

Penelope began to realize just how much weight she was putting on when she noticed the decided lack of male attention that she was getting. And then when she put herself out there she felt the brutal and humiliating sting of rejection over and over again. Even when she did manage to take a guy home, nothing ever lasted for long. Everything tended to come to an abrupt end.

The only thing that never seemed to end was Penelope’s hunger. She turned to food more as more men turned her down, and soon she was no longer the slim, trim, sexy model that Richard had married. She was a fat, out of shape, obese slob of a woman whose primary activity during the day involved stuffing her face. Penelope became a whale of a woman with a huge spare tire, and a big blubber butt, juicy wobbling ass cheeks paired with thick tree trunk thunder thighs. Everything fleshy fold and juicy roll in her body dipped and sagged and jiggled and was covered in cellulite and or stretch marks. She was a big blubbery mess and her life was going nowhere.

This was especially true once Richard manipulated things to tighten Penelope’s finances. Soon Penny found herself with pennies to her name. Penelope turned to her family, but all they did was chastised her for becoming a greedy, lazy piggy, a fat slob, a big piggish loser. And that’s when Penelope reluctantly came waddling back to Richard.

And Richard was ready to throw her out onto the street. He really was. But she was just so damn fat and pathetic. And she was throwing herself at his feet, and he couldn’t say no to that. So Richard ended up with a new pet piggy to play with. Penelope was his again, and this time he would do whatever it was he told her to do.

Especially if what he told her to do was eat.


“A Couple of Couples Pounds”


Darla and Susanne loved each other very much. They were a perfect couple in many ways. They were madly in love from high school on and had shared interest in so many things. They loved cooking and biking and hiking and watching cheesy romantic comedies and sci-fi action flicks together. They were swimmers, and theatre lovers. They enjoyed weekly date nights where they tried new places to eat. Life was perfect for them.

The only hiccup came once they got out of college and had to find actual jobs and pay actual bills instead of coasting on their parents' money. And they did. They were hard working individuals. It’s just that all of the work left them extremely tired which meant a lot of their more active hobbies began to fall by the wayside replaced by long nights of cuddling and movie watching and snacking.

They still made sure to keep the weekly date night thing going, and they loved to try new foods together, something that would have a predictable effect.

It started as a few pounds here and there, a little bit of the inevitable love chub as it were. They got comfortable together, stopped feeling like they had to put on a show, and as they relaxed their tight muscles began to relax as well, relax their way into becoming chubby pockets of fat. Their waistlines began to grow as dinner dates got more elaborate and dates to the gym became less frequent. Clothes began to grow tighter, but the nice thing about casual gym wear is that, even when you’re not actually using it to go to the gym, it stays nice and stretchy which can make the early signs of weight gain much less noticeable.

But those signs can’t go unnoticed forever.

For Darla, that notice came the first time she ripped her pants. Darla was always the more bottom heavy of the two, and once she started to really pack on the pounds, that became more readily apparent. Darla’s tight buns of steel lost their ability to defy gravity as they blew up into blubbery butt cheeks, a full on lard ass that began to sag and then bounce with every step. That wobbling wide load of a butt was paired with two thick thunder thighs thighs that started rubbing together. All of this became extra clear when she bent over one day to pick up a piece of brownie that she had dropped, and her pants split straight down the middle and at the sides thanks to her saddlebags.

Susanna simply chuckled softly and then did her best to console Darla who was eating the piece of brownie that had caused her wardrobe malfunction. Susanna also knew at this point that she wasn’t one to talk since her own shirts weren’t exactly fitting like they were designed too.

Whereas Darla was a pear shaped fatty, Susanna’s body settled into much more of an apple shape. Her abs had turned to flab and become and expansive pot belly that made any t-shirt that she tried to wear ride up and reveal her deepened belly button. Her jiggly gut always announced its presence boldly, and the plump pudginess of her stomach tended to ooze through the gaps that her gut made between her the buttons of her shirts. Those buttons were further stretched by the growing size of her already generous breasts. They became absolutely massive in size and caused a significant amount of pain in her back, a back that was growing some juicy fat rolls.

The athletic couple that they were had disappeared, replaced by a couple of chubby girls who were well on their way to full blown fatness. And what they found, even as they were disappointed to lose their slim bodies that they had been so proud of, that it didn’t really matter. Instead they found that with each other, cuddled up together, the softness that they had was something to be embraced. It was a comforting warmth as they extra flesh produced extra heat, and it turned them both on. They grew in size and in love with each other, supporting each other through thick and thin.

Emphasis on the thick.

“Making the Dough”

Ali loved her husband, David, and he loved her. They were the kind of couple that talked things out and supported each other. They were the envy of all of their friends, a slim and attractive couple that seemed to have it all.

But David had a dream. He wanted to own a bakery. It was a dream of his since childhood, and before settling down and working on starting their own family, Ali and David decided that this was their best time to follow David’s dream. So David quit his marketing job, and Ali scaled back her hours at work as an accountant so that she could help David with his books. And she also took on a second job.

She became David’s official taste tester.

Ali had until that moment been all about the numbers, and then suddenly it was like a switch went off in her brain and she became all about the fabulous confections that David was producing. She turned her analytical brain toward analyzing everything that David put in front of her. She enthusiastically ate every single bite of every single piece to be absolutely certain that she was able to fully appreciate and describe everything in extensive detail to make sure that David was producing the best pastries possible. And to Ali’s luck, David was a pretty incredible baker, and everything he made was delicious. This, of course, meant that Ali felt the need to double her efforts as a taste tester to get to the deepest nuances possible and push David to somehow make his work even better.

And while Ali the accountant was excellent at counting calories, Ali the taste tester was lousy at counting calories. This had predictable effects.

Tasting all those doughy treats made Ali doughy indeed. Her trim waist ballooned outward into a pudgy muffin top complete with a portly pot belly and thick love handles. Her butt thickened as well each cheek becoming like two large loaves of fat. Her flabby butt cheeks made wearing slacks rather difficult. Luckily, being a taste tester doesn’t really require much in the way of professional dress which meant her usually primp and proper attire became retired as she started to wear almost exclusively sweatpants, attire that also quickly became covered with powder, chocolate, jelly, etc., any kind of crumb or other fragment of David’s delicious treats. She had transformed herself into quite the tubby slob, not that David cared.

In fact, as the pounds piled onto Ali, David’s love, and lust, for her only grew. And as that grew, he found himself eagerly feeding her more and more, and all that extracurricular feeding meant that Ali’s weight gain sped up.

She went from petite to plump to positively obese. Ali grew into a great lumbering slob of a woman, slow of movement because of the thunder thighs that left her walking instead of waddling, she remained sharp of mind, and, although her figure had become bloated beyond recognition, her mind for figures remained focused. She was both an excellent account and taste tester, and with her skills and guidance, David’s business grew even more tremendously than Ali did.

David’s belly grew as well. His trim, athletic figure gave way to a dad bod, and eventually it became a true dad bod indeed as he and Ali were able to start a wonderful family together.

And, almost like a fairytale, they lived together fat and happily ever after.



This is fun. Thick Burger appears once more, I see