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Here it is. As voted on by you, my wonderful patrons (in a very close race between this and Snobs to Slobs), I give you the first chapter of "Bad Influence" based off of the short story of the same name that appeared in "Fat Trimmings: Exclusive Cuts Volume 4".

To make sure I keep up with my commission work, "Bad Influence" will be a monthly feature. That makes this story a great value to my patrons because it means I won't be releasing this chapter anywhere else until April, and by then we'll be three chapters deep here on Patreon.

Enough with the sales pitch though, let's get to the story.

Synopsis: Claudia is a skinny bitch, and her bad attitutude and penchant for fat shaming has caused her promising influencer career to become canceled. Now the prim and proper diva finds herself desperate enough to team up with a fat slob of a guy that she used to make fun of. The consequences will be weighty.



“Seriously? Look at me, I’m gorgeous.”

Claudia wasn’t lying. She had a stereotypically hot body, a slim hourglass figure complete with a trim waist and flat tummy. Any curves that she had were curves in all the right places including a cute heart shaped ass that had people’s jaws dropping to the floor whenever she walked by. She had long lean legs that contributed to her model quality strut. She was all confidence and ego, a tremendous brat with a great body, a cunning brain, and a bad attitude.

“You think that someone as slim, and sexy as me would ever go to prom with a fat loser like you. I’m going to be Prom Queen. I can’t possibly be with a big fat slob like you.”

Claudia was looking down at Reggie, the stereotypical fat nerd of her school, a guy known for wearing nothing but jerseys, partly because they represented the sports teams he was into but mostly because they did a decent job accommodating his large size. He was well known around school for being a total simp for Claudia, following her around like a trained puppy, doing her homework and what not. Currently, the poor guy was caught at the losing end of one of those stupidly elaborate promposals.

“I’m perfect, the kind of girl that makes friends and influences people, who gets whatever she wants.”

And with a crowd now gathered around the two eighteen year olds, Claudia was dead set on doing what she did best, which was putting on a show. She bent over and put her hand on Reggie’s shoulder while he was still down on one knee and then shook her tight ass for the other bystanders to see and enjoy.

“I mean, seriously Reggie, look at you. You’re a big fat lazy pig. For somebody who claims to like sports so much, you’re certainly not athletic. You’re just a big fat sack of crap, a lazy wide load loser. You’re nothing like me. I actually care about my body. I work hard at it. That’s why I’m pretty and popular, and you’re a desperate pervy loser who does my homework whenever I ask. It’s just so easy for hot girls like me to have fat losers like you tied around my skinny little finger.”

Claudia condescendingly pinched one of Reggie’s chubby cheeks.

“Let me tell you what the future looks like for us, Reggie. I’m going to be a big success. I’m going to make lots of money, marry a rich handsome man, and retire early so that I can spend my days lounging around the pool in my skimpy bikini, my lithe figure just as perfect and tight as it is now. I’m destined for a life of glamor. And you?”

She poked Reggie in the chest, right near his broken heart.

“You’re destined to be a fat ass living in your mom’s basement forever, growing fatter and fatter as you stuff your fat face with greasy junk food. You’re going to be a big fat slob, a pervert and a loser for the rest of your life, with a belly so big you can’t even reach your tiny dick. Got it? You’re going to spend your life jerking it to pictures of girls like me.”

Claudia suddenly made a show of bolting upright and bringing her hand to her mouth in a display of disgusted surprise.

“Ewww. Do you already do that? I bet you do, you fat perv. I’m gonna tell everyone what a fat creep you are. You’re going to be an even bigger loser in this school, Fatso.”

Claudia could tell by the sounds of laughter coming from the crowd that her prediction was correct, and she decided to start a victory lap for herself by leaning over again, flashing the tops of her breasts and patronizingly patting the fat nerd on the head.

“But I’ll be nice.”

She spun around and swung her hips, waving her perfect heart-shaped ass right in Reggie’s dumbstruck face.

“Take one last look at this tight ass, Reggie. You wish you could be with a girl as smoking hot as me, but it’s never going to happen. Hot girls like me just don’t date fat nerdy losers like you. Deal with it.”

With a triumphant flip of her hair and without looking back, Claudia began to strut down the hallway when she heard-

“You might not always be hot.”

Claudia stopped suddenly and spun on her high heel to look at the nerd who was just now daring to speak up to her. She was determined to cut him back down with a glare.

“What was that, Piggy?”

Reggie stood his ground, and in fact did begin to literally stand even as his wobbly knee buckled a bit and his voice was filled with a nervous tremor.

“You’ve got a great m-metabolism now. B-but when y-you’re older you m-might gain some weight.”

Claudia came storming back toward her prey. The crowd between them parted, eager to watch this showdown.

“M-m-m-might gain some weight? You’re a big fat idiot. You know that? I’ll never gain weight.”

Anyone else might have backed off, fallen into complete submission under Claudia’s pointed heel, but Reggie decided that, if he was a dead man anyway, he might as well double down.

“Y-you might. You might even get fat.”

Claudia staggered backward in a sudden and unexpected burst of fear as if Reggie had just thrown down some kind of horrifying prophecy.

“Me? Fat.”

Reggie, now emboldened, decided to press his advantage further.

“Yeah. You could be the porky one.”

Claudia had had enough and reached out with both hands to twist a thick portion of Reggie’s belly fat, making him yelp as those around him let out a gasp of shock followed by raucous laughter.

“Hey, Fat Boy. Let’s get one thing straight. You’re the piggy. I’m perfection. It’s always going to be like that. Piggy. Perfection. Understand? Can you even imagine me becoming some fat loser?”

And for the briefest of moments, an image flashed across Claudia’s mind that sent a shiver running up her spine.

She saw herself in a basement somewhere, her perfect figure long gone, replaced with a perfectly piggish one instead. She was sat before a table full of junk food, stuffing her fat face with all sorts of crap not caring about how much she was eating or how much she was actually getting in her mouth. Claudia was acting like a great big slob, stuffing her face with chips and getting crumbs all over the place and then wiping her hands on her greasy shirt.

The ill-fitting pink shirt was already covered with numerous stains and was stretch out and failing to cover her great big spherical gut. Claudia’s spare tire, stuffed to the brim with food was a heavy mass of jiggling, stretchmarked fat. The shirt, stained with food, and grease, and sweat, rode up enough to reveal Claudia’s incredibly deep belly button and the angry red stretch marks that surrounded it. It came with a matching set of thick love handles and surged outward onto her big fat lap.

Underneath her gut were thick, flabby thighs in, ironically, athletic shorts. They were huge thunder thighs covered in cellulite that spread out and stuck to the beat up couch that Claudia was sitting on. They were useless lumps of fat, a far cry from the lean but athletic legs that Claudia was used to. They were a sea of pale, jiggly flesh that crashed like waves of fat against each other. Claudia’s thick thighs were covered in sweat and whatever grease she had rubbed off on them.

She couldn’t see it, but Claudia could tell that this vision of herself had a great big fat ass that was sinking into the couch. It was a true spongy couch potato ass, a wide load full of jiggly lard. It was a broken down mack truck of a booty, bloated with fat and made huge by binging on junk food and sitting on it all day long. The flabby cheeks were nothing like the perfect, curvy but tight, luscious- bounce a quarter off it- ass that Claudia currently had. This vision of Claudia had a doughy dumper.

Claudia watched in horror as she lifted one of her bloated ass cheeks and ripped a titanic fart while reaching back into a bag of chips to stuff her fat face some more. That fat face was complete with acne, jowls, and a thick wobbly double chin. Claudia couldn’t stand it anymore.

A second, even bigger fart ripped Claudia back to reality, and she blinked a few times before turning her attention back to Reggie, grateful that that horrible nightmare of a vision could never come true. She would never let herself become a fat slob, a pig, like that.

She shook her head and let go of Reggie’s stomach.

“Seriously, Reggie. Just accept it. The sooner you realize what a fat ass loser you are and learn to stay in your lane, the better your pathetic fat slob life will be.”

Claudia didn’t waste another moment on Reggie and walked off, leaving the pathetic fatty crying in front of everyone.

That’s how the rest of Claudia’s high school career went. She was a dominant bitch who loved putting losers, especially fat ones, in their place. She did go on to win Prom Queen, and when she went to college she was head of her college cheer team just like she was in high school. She became president of her sorority and was a well known member of the college party scene. People worshiped her, and she loved being worshiped.

Claudia could have done pretty much anything out of college, but she was addicted to the attention, addicted to the idea of still getting people to do things for or because of her. So, she put her hot body to work and became a full-time fitness and fashion influencer.

It was pretty easy to grab followers with her cheerleader body and her dance team moves. She wore some skimpy outfits and put on a show. She would shoot some videos of her working out, nothing too strenuous, she didn’t want to actually break a sweat on camera. And then she would shoot plenty of videos of her trying on a variety of sponsored outfits, most athletic wear and athleisure wear which was basically the same as athletic wear but a bit more socially acceptable to lounge around the house in.

She gave makeup tutorials and gave diet advice. Claudia had cultivated a following as she curated an image of herself that was somehow kind and approachable while also being incredibly hot. She had people fooled into thinking she was a caring person.

But tequila has a way of making people honest.

To celebrate her one million followers on Instagram, Claudia decided to have a big livestream event and during that party she had a few too many tequila shots which brought the real Claudia out.

“I’m just saying, fatties are lazy. They are. If you’re a fatty, you’re lazy. That’s why you’re a fatty, fatty. You’re a big fat fatty fat fatty because you’re a lazy pig who ate yourself into becoming a lazy fatty, moooooooooooooo.”

“And all this body positivity bullshit? It’s bullshit! Fat people should be ashamed of themselves. Fat is disgusting. It’s disgusting to be fat. If I were fat I would be disgusted that I was so fat and that I had gotten to lazy to get to fat because I couldn’t stop stuffing my piggy fat face.”

“But look at me. I’m gorgeous. I’m like super hot, right? Soooooo hot. And I’ve always been hot. And I’ll always be hot. I’m a hottie with a body. And fatties hate that. They want to make me feel bad about being hot because they’re fat losers. Well guess what? You’re not fat because I hate you. I hate you because you’re fat. Body positivity is bullshit. I’m positive fat is disgusting, flab is disgusting, and fat people should get off their fat asses, hit the gym to shed their disgusting flab, and stop acting like they’re actually good looking. You’re not good looking, you land whale!”

“And people tell me I have pretty privilege. Fuck that. I’m pretty, and it’s your privilege to look at me. And I’m sure there are plenty of you fatties who wish I would gain weight or whatever, but it’s not gonna happen. That doesn’t happen to people like me. I’m not going to be one of those people who peaks early, gives up on themselves and shows up to the high school reunion and absolute bloated cow. Sorry not sorry, bitch. I’m a hottie forever, and that’s another reason I’m better than all of the dumbass fatties that follow me, jealousy and pervy and just wishing the could be me or bang me or whatever, you fat losers.”

It was a rant to remember, and that rampant fat shaming, along with plenty of other unsavory comments, caused Claudia to hemorrhage followers and, more importantly, sponsors. It didn’t help that in a panic over the loss of sponsors she doubled down on her anger in subsequent videos, then did a fake sounding apology video, then a retraction of her fake sounding apology video, and then another fake sounding apology video.

Claudia was in a spiral with no way out.

And then came Reggie back into her life by way of slipping into her DMs.

“Hey, Claudia. Looks like you’ve hit a rough patch and could use a hand. You’ve still got some followers, and my crew could use a hot girl in a bikini to boost our numbers. Hit me up, and let’s collab.”

A collab? With that fat loser? Who the hell did he think he was reaching out to her for a handout. And did he really think he would be just his hot bikini babe? She was so much more than that. She was a style icon, a model, a real influencer…. Although….

With her follower count continuing to dwindle and her sponsorship money dried up, she really did have to consider all her options. So she gave Reggie a look.

It turned out that Raunchy Reg and the Boys was a burgeoning multi-platform media empire. They were on Twitch, Instagram, Youtube, Tik Tok and several podcasting services. Reggie had a whole crew of guys working for him, creating content. They were known for talking sports and streaming video games but also hardcore eating and cooking challenges and just random hangout videos. Claudia was shocked to find out that Reggie had way more followers than she had at her peak, and his Klout score was more than double her highest. Still…. She could see that he was smart. His crew lacked feminine presence, and bringing her in as the hot one would diversify their content and audience even more. Plus, with the vast array of creative stuff that they were already doing, Claudia could probably carve out her own pretty nice niche for herself.

But no, she couldn’t bring herself to work for a fat ass loser like Reggie…. Even if he wasn’t technically a loser anymore. She would find some other way to make money. Maybe would sell pictures of her feet or something.

She left Reggie on read and went to sleep.

And that’s when the dream happened.

In her dream, Claudia found herself in a small and filthy apartment that reeked of sweat, grease, and stale beer. It was a disgusting place littered with empty fast food bags and all sorts of wrappers from a variety of junk food. It was a dump in every way imaginable, and there in the middle of it all was Claudia.

Out of money and options, Claudia had become her worst nightmare, a porky slob. Her greasy hair was pulled up into a lazy ponytail that showcased her chubby face. Her skin was greasy and acne riddled her face, including her double chin. She was a bleary-eyed beer swilling loser wearing nothing but a food and sweat stained tank top and tight granny panty-style underwear that had clearly seen better days.

Without the money to afford a gym membership or healthy food, Claudia had lazed about and chunked up on junk food. Her pudgy pot belly didn’t fit her tank top and forced it to ride up over the stodgy paunch. It was quite the beer gut on someone who had previously been so in shape. She would have chastised many a sorority sister for rocking a gut like this. Her greasy belly and the shirt that barely covered most of it was stained with Cheeto dust. No- not Cheeto dust, dust from some kind of cheap off brand cheese ball. Claudia’s muffin top was completed by a pair of stretchmark covered love handles that also lurched over the waistband of her worn out panties. Her breasts were saggy and unkempt, technically bigger but much fatter, bloated messes covered in day old stains of some kind of mystery sauce.

Claudia’s ass was a lumpy mess, spilling out of her well used underwear. It was comprised of two chunky cellulite covered cheeks that looked like they knew her dirty couch cushions too intimately. They were bloated balloons of saggy fat that sloshed as she waddled about the room, stopping every once in a while to let out a puttering fart.

That waddling was due to Claudia’s chunky thunder thighs. They were meaty messes, thick like tree trunks made of wiggling jello and had robbed Claudia of her model strut. Claudia waddled about her apartment, kicking aside old fast food containers and picking up any leftover junk food that she could stuff her fat greedy face.

She was a naughty little piglet who couldn’t stop eating, a fat loser now that her influencer career had collapsed. Instead, she spent her days lazing about, gaining more and more weight as she filled her boredom by binging on junk food. She took a big swig from an old can of beer, crushed it on her forehead and let out a tremendous burp.

A burp that coincided with the blasting of her alarm. Claudia woke up in a cold sweat and swiftly ran her hands all over her tight trim body to assure herself that it had all just been a terrible nightmare and that she wasn’t suddenly some fat slob. No, being a fat slob couldn’t be an option. She needed to pull herself together and get back on top. There wasn’t going to miss the one opportunity that had come her way since her collapse.

If Raunchy Reg and the Boys needed a hot girl in a bikini, they were going to get the hottest bikini babe imaginable. Claudia would use those fatties to salvage her brand, build a new audience for herself, and then leave their fat asses in the dust.

Claudia shut off her alarm and got to work messaging Reggie back.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter of "Bad Influence" if you're eager to see how things go, chapter two will be releasing the week of March 25th, so you're going to want to stick around and see it on this Patreon since chapter two won't be releasing anywhere else until at least May.



Great start. I like how this dream is actually sending her to that fate not away from it.