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The entire village was in an uproar. I along with Kurenai was incharge of the public order.
Danzo's crime that was declared to public was long.
Among them were his treacherous acts against Senju clan, the annihilation of Uchiha clan and his crimes of forcing Orochimaru to conduct experiments on children kidnapped from civilian background.
So apart from the uproar in Shinobi community, there might be a chance of civilian rebellion.
While shinobis were disciplined, civilians might cause trouble.
That's why we were incharge of public order.
Kurenai, because of her skill with genjutsu, which can help controlling the mob if any problem arised.
And me because of my public reputation. Because of my civilian background, I was apparently some kind of unofficial representative of civilians. Being an S rank shinobi I has also good reputation among the shinobi community.

If I just ignore my stupid monkier given by the tsuchikage, everything else is fine in my life so far.
I have money, power, fame and most importantly a very good husbando with great sex drive.
But what could I say when duty calls.
It has been six hours since the news officially broke out.
Naruto has joined father in law aka Minato and Kakashi for some other mission.
From the look of the situation, we will both be very busy in the upcoming days. With Danzo's death, there will be a power vacuum in the political atmosphere of the hidden leaf village. Not to mention they will be a lot of clean up missions. One top of that there will be the matter with Itachi.
And Tsunade has already given us the mission to track down Itachi and save him from Akatsuki.
There will be a lot of work to do afterwards.

"There is a gathering of people in the south east Market district. For now there is no riot but we suspect that their might be something in near future." The report from the Chunin broke me out of my thoughts.
I looked at the Chunin. From his facial features and platinum blonde hair I identified him as a Yamanaka.
"Is it a confirmed situation ?" I asked him.
"No it is not. We suspected it because there is a gathering of people numbering over fifty." He answered me.
"Are there any shinobi among the civilians ? Of course I mean hiding ?" I asked him back.
"No there is none." He told me.
Then I looked at Kurenai. And she understood what I wanted to say.
"Alright I will go there to check just in case." She told them.
All of the shinobi that Tsunade has given us except for three, were chunin rank. And the exceptional three were tokubotsu jonin.
And as the elite Jonin here, I am there leader.
I had deployed most of them to patrol the village in civilian disguise. They will notify me the moment they noticed something out of the place. Not to mention she has also ordered the rest of them to patrol wearing there official shinobi vest and headband.
So far I haven't faced any problem. Only about an hour left till the sun goes down.
The entire village was on high alert. So I honestly didn't want any type of trouble at the end of the day.
"Senpai, you should use an area based genjutsu if the crowd is planning something. But if they are not all civilians then please inform me first before taking any actions."
"Okay." She nodded.
Technically I am the senior here if someone consider our ranks. But Kurenai has been a big sister to me. Not to mention she has provided me with many effective tips on how to please Naruto from her personal experience with Asuma.
That's why I respected her and loved her.
After she left I ordered one of the tokubotsu jonin to go to that place and provide support.
"*sigh* I hope nothing goes wrong."


Thankfully nothing went wrong the previous day. In the day of Danzo's execution finally arrived.
Apparently there are many types of death among shinobi. Even in the hidden leaf village there are different types of ritual regarding it. Mostly it is said that shinobi lives in darkness and dies in darkness. So most of the death sentences were given in secret. Public execution in itself is a shame for any shinobi.
But there was a rule made by the second Hokage in case someone's crime is so severe to give him/her a public execution.
And danzo will be executed according to that rule.
I was in charge of inspecting the platform.
It was a special platform made by Tobirama himself to prevent anybody from using chakra whoever stands on it.
I had to admit that it was something similar to my own chakra domain.
But it was a piece of work. The man has designed it with no proper mathematical knowledge about 3D.
Not to mention the inbuild flame throwing machine was really amazing.
The platform was designed like a cage. It was made up of woods and steel.
Once the prisoner is locked inside anyone can see him easily from outside. The base is made from thick sheet steel where the fuinjutsu for chakra restrainment has been inscribed. The floor and the cage bars with iron spikes. And in the four upper corners of the cage, there were four oil powered flame throwers. It was truly a cruel machine.

Tsunade and the daimyo were sitting in the kage box.
Jiraya was in charge of the launching machine.
After the arena was filled with people, two Anbu guards brought Danzo to the entrance of the arena. The old man looked miserable. He was shackled with heavy iron chains. Although he had no visible injuries outside, it was pretty obvious that he was mentally broken.

As soon as Danzo appeared in the arena the crowd started cursing wildly. Thankfully the shinobi managed to calm the crowd down. There were also some attempts of throwing rotten eggs and tomatoes on the old rat.
People were truly enjoying the violence.
Once he reached the gate of the caged platform, his restrains were taken away.
At that moment I got a good look on him. His eyes were already dead.
The man who has broken countless young shinobis with his brainwashing techniques to the point where they lost most of their emotions was now a living husk himself.
But I could not feel any pity at his state. We were at a distance from the platform.

Tsunade signaled Jiraya and he lovely started reading the crime list in his hands.
At the end of the list, the crowd went frenzy. But thankfully the ninjas were able to contain them.
With Tsunade's signal, he was thrown into the cage. And soon after Jiraya activated the flame thrower.
He did his best effort to survive. He screamed in agony. But no one saved him. He died a death of a villain. When the machine finally ended it's assault, there only remained his ashes.

After the execution ended the crowd erupted to cheers.
It was unofficial but, Tsunade dismissed Koharu and Homura from the position of the village elders.
After that there was a lot of work for us to do inside the village. And both of us were very busy. But the main mission that we were given, was about to start soon.




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