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Training period

Lilith was cruel. I had informed my parents that I have gotten an oni summoning. Lilith had a form without her wings and tails. Only horns. So after showing her to Kushina, she agreed on my training trip.
Lilith's speciality was corrosion type attacks.
Kakashi was no where near her level. And she can corrode mountains with her attacks. She can even destroy a person soul entirely with her corrosive attacks.
At first she unlocked my demonic essence by attacking me continuously and bringing me to the point of almost dying.
It was literally hell.
My thoughts of enjoying her cock became a dream. She constantly brought me to the point of death and then healing me again when my phoenix flames couldn't even heal me anymore.
But after 7 days of torture when I finally unlocked my demonic essence, she trained me with different types of attack. I learnt a few new things.
Every demon has it's own demonic essence.
My entrance 6 skills were the system nearly helping me achieving these attacks using my essence. I was subconsciously using it but I couldn't use it consciously. But after unlocking my demonic essence I finally managed to use my skills to their fullest potential.
My days passed with practicing my severance attacks and bringing them to a new height. She also sparred with me where I always lost because of her superior experience.
In and blink of an eye 12 days passed away and I decided to practice with my mom for the rest three days before the final match.


"So, you think it is a yin release attack ?" Mom asked me.

"Yes look at this."

I didn't do anything outward but the tree in front of me fell down after being cut in half cleanly.

"Now I don't even need to wave my hand to initiate the attack. And it has gotten stronger."
She noted after looking at the tree.

"Yeah ! You have definitely gotten stronger."
At that moment a blonde man came to the training ground holding a large bento box.
I didn't smile at him but nodded at him anyway.
Minato called out for lunch.

"I thought you are busy with the hokage." Mom asked.

"No I have nothing to do till chunin exams. And besides, I have decided to quit that position. I will only take the position temporarily till Jiraya come back from his mission after bringing back Tsunade sama."

"You are not calling him sensei ?" I was surprised at Minato's statement.

"I realised that everything bad happened with us was because I believed in that man. That's why I have decided not to repeat that mistake."
Minato commented.

"You know I am happy that he didn't took the role of my Godfather seriously otherwise I would have been in some whore house fucking him by now. Atleast Kakashi taught me something." I commented and got smacked in the head by Kushina.

"Don't say such words so openly young lady !"
Kushina was angry.

"Sorry. Old habits die hard. Kakashi's dirty talks won't go away easily.*sigh* Anyway, are you coming to see my match in open. ?"

Mom was about to scold me but Minato stopped her.
"Hokage has allowed to reveal ourselves at the beginning. It will surely be a scene."

"Really now ?" Mom raised and eyebrow.

"I am not interested in that. Just don't declare my identity in open. I don't want any attention to myself. I am happy as I am now." I said in a bored tone.

"Alright we should do that. I will talk to Hiruzen about it." Minato agreed.

"By the way I was thinking about asking you a question. Don't you feel it is suspicious. I mean two S rank shinobi broke into the second round of chunin exams.
Not to mention one of them is the rouge shinobi of our own village.
Then there is also a volatile Jinjuriki walking inside the village. " I asked both of them.

"It is actually about that. Jiraya got some information about the suspicious movements of Orochimaru. Of course he is too late. There is a possibility that an invasion might happen. But the hokage has no proper evidence. So nothing has been declared." Minato told us.

"Alright enough talk ! Now eat up !" Mom told me.


The arena was filled with people. The poor the rich the young the old everyone was excited to see the match. It was a main source of entertainment for the people. Especially for nobles and aristocrates. The daimyo was already seated on his VIP lounge.
The contestants were in the arena along with the Procter of the exam.
The final person to arrive before the event started was the Kazekage.
After everyone arrived hokage decided to begin the event.

"The citizens of the hidden leaf village and all esteemed guests, The honorable daimyo of the land of fire and the Kazekage, I Hiruzen Sarutobi the third hokage welcome you all to the final round of the chunin exams.
Today is a very special day.
So before the starting of the event I have a great announcement for you."
Hiruzen paused a little.

"All of you know about the attack of the nine tailed demon fox on our village 13 years ago. On that day, our village lost many exceptional shinobi while fighting the demon. And our beloved fourth hokage and his wife also sacrificed their life to stop the beast.
But that news was not entirely true."
Hiruzen paused again.

"The truth is they were so badly injured that they went to comma. At that time we didn't know that if they even ever going to wake up.
Other villages might take this chance to attack them while they were vulnerable. So I decided to fake their death while protecting them. A very few people actually knew about it.
And what you are thinking is right. I am declaring the truth now because they have finally woken up from comma.
I am happy to declare that the yellow flash and the red chained death are back among us !"

As Hiruzen finished his speech, both mom and dad came to the kage box.
After a few seconds of silence the crowd broke into cheers.
It was really loud. After giving the crowd if you minutes to cheer up, Hiruzen finally decided to signal them to calm down.

"With this good news I finally announce the beginning of the final round of Chunin selection examination !"




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