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Times are tough and I know it, I just bought some fuckin pesto for 4 quid when 2 years ago it was 1.00, this series is usually on the 5 dollar tier but this Ep. I want everyone to enjoy.

I love you's goofy bastards.

1) We Just rented GHOSTBUSTERS, best night ever!!!

Sometimes life don't always work out like it should.

2) High School lover

Your'e my high school lover and youre my favourite flavour but sometimes that flavour is sour.

Enjoy or not


IF you love Jack like I love Jack (only if to give him a hard time) check him out on PATREON





Best collaboration ever


Wine - tales from the bottom down: and so begins the weekend 🥂🥂


Love you too DB ! I know I’ve been slacking but I’ve been busy as a mother fucker this month!


where all busy dude, surviving is time consuming and that trumps anything else!


I know dude it's insane and you think pesto who cares but sometimes it is the simple pleasures that make life worth living but after I bought it I felt like shit!


Love you Deadbug! You always come through when we need you most, and as always you deliver the best content. I hope you have a great weekend! 🤘💕


Yes, I totally understand dude! They shrank the cheese bags here, used to be 4 cups of shredded cheese now it’s 3 and it cost more. I know it’s just cheese but fuck! My family of 5 are spending like 350 400 a week on basic dinners. But I’m still the asshole for bitching about prices. Just fucking sucks! I swear you come between a fat man and his food he’s gonna flip out. I may not be able to flip but I’ll still be pissed.


What bugs me is they think the amount and don't say anything, life were stupid.


Well I am stupid, but I know when I ain’t got enough cheese or pesto! What is that cereal you love so much ? Was it Lucky charms ?


Dude, you crack me the fuck up. I don’t know how anyone can dislike you. The jokes are top notch and the stories/production are on the highest level obtainable by mere mortals. Keep up the good shit.


Oddly enough I also wonder how people can hate on me, when in fact I am one big clown who only wants people to be happy but there you go dude!


Amazing Episode!!!! Thank you for all the hard work.


I am SO excited to listen!!!!!!! Wish these were a weekly thing


Deadbug I don’t even know what profuse means! A girl can wish right?!


I don’t know what profuse means either, I meant produce 🤡and of course all I do is dream.


That’s a lie, I know what profuse means as an adjective… lol


I haven't listened yet...I rotate between DeadBugs posting and Jacks because I get both! I'm just so grateful that I have found "my peeps" aka fucked up like minded people! Love you guys!!!! And this community!😹♥️😽


Hahaha too funny! I was googling profuse to see if it could make sense. Lol- great episode. A lost to the wrestling world….


I don't want to Google it because I don't want this in my search history and to have this shit in my "algorithm" but I'm pretty sure that in the US they have made it so there is no statue of limitations on rape cases. But this changed recently and after 2015. And I'm damn sure not Googling how this applies to cases involving minors, especially those who aren't even a teenager yet. I hope this sick asshole is getting raped daily in prison!!! From what I understand even some of the worst murderers still draw the line at raping children!!!


Ok, I'm at Jack's story....About the girl carrying a 22 rifle....It was the 80's.... I grew up in GA, USA....and I'm seriously NOT joking that teenagers would pull into the parking lot at High School in the 80's and 90's with rifles and shot guns in gun racks mounted to the back window in the cab of their truck!!! After we returned from Christmas break in Jan everyone who received a new rifle for Christmas would gather together in the parking lot INCLUDING the Principal and Teachers, to show off their new firearms that they received for Christmas!!!! It was a DAILY and NORMAL thing to see guns in the vehicles of staff and students. Rifles anyways because of the ages of the students. And NO ONE was EVER shot or wounded or threatened with a firearm!!! The only rule was unless you had received specific permission, no one was allowed to bring their rifle(s) into the actual school buildings. But so long as you were old enough to legally possess a rifle without your parent being present, and kept it out of the actual school buildings, it was accepted and allowed.I think you just had to have valid hunting license which proved you took a safety course and knew how to handle and respect firearms! Probably not in writing as a rule in the school handbook, but everyone knew the "policies" and it was allowed! I graduated 1997 but had older brothers who brought their rifles to school. And yet, no one was EVER threatened or hurt or even accidentally injured by handling a firearm, because the majority of us had grown up around guns and how to handle them and respect them! I don't even remember if there was a rule about whether or not the rifles had to be unloaded. But I remember we would sometimes shoot skeet (clay disks) in the field behind the baseball diamond. Everything changed when the new high school was built in 1998, the new building literally resembled a prison to keep students "safe".


The NEW sensitive DB....fuckin hilarious. I wanna buy you a donut now! But not in a gay way, I like the pink eye myself 😎


I think DeadBug would prefer a colorful, fruity, sissy, alcoholic, cocktail beverage with an umbrella decoration sticking out of it planted beside a tiny ass straw!!!!


People who commit crime against children deserve death. Period.



Laura Adams

DB- knowing you love this classic rock too, I have to tell you. My daughters 6th grade class has a 'rock band' and do shows throughout the year. This last one, I LITERALLY had to walk out. They did AC/DC Thunder, specifically. Bon Jovi, Black Crowes, etc. I was so upset that they were massacring our music that I went and sat in the car. Lol I told my daughter I had a headache...which was true after hearing that


Get a PO Box, do they have them in English world? I will send you all the lucky charms and pesto you want…f***ot


Lobotomy ....then gen pop in prison ...they can live out their lives being stretched / abused by the other trash . No forgiveness .


Oh man I thought you were going to say how emotional you got so you had to go out so your daughter didn't see you get upset,or something like that..this really tickled me,can't stop laughing..maybe you should record them & play it back to them,you know so they can see where they were going wrong lol..Have a great day bab..


Damn you fuckers are funny!


Damn you fuckers are funny!


Every time Deadbug says, "this is a family show" it cracks me up


I say it because I care about our younger more impressionable viewers!


Scary part of the Wetterling story is they basically had multiple incriminating threads on Heinrich back around 1990 including car tyre treads and several people telling the cops to look at him but he fell through the cracks.


Thank you deadbug :) I'm so happy to hear you and Jack:D