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Okay, sure your not gonna see his name on a personalised mug at the dollar tree, but that doesn't mean he is any less special than the rest of us mooks and besides today is his birthday and if that ain't special than I don't know what is!!! So I want you to put your filthy hands together, smoke em' if yah got em and pay homage (that's French I think) to our good friend B4UC2Far, Happy Birthday Amigo and if I may be sol bold to ask, what are your plans for the day?




Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday!!!!! I take it you've seen too far! I have the same issue.


Happy day of birth b4uc2far. Have an amazing time. 🎂🍻


Have a legendary birthday!


Happy birthday homie!!


You won’t believe this (and you shouldn’t), but I just saw a mug at the dollar tree just this very morning, with your name on it! 😳 Happy Birthday, b4uc2far! 🎂 🎈


Happy Birthday!


Thank everyone so much for the kind words and well wishes; I greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness. This is a badass group of folks, for real. Unfortunately my company didn’t observe the Juneteenth holiday so my ass was at work all day. They did take me out for lunch and then had a birthday party back at the office. After cookie cake, the boss soaked me with a fire extinguisher then we began an in office firework war. Hey, I didn’t say I worked all day, just I was at work all day!! Thanks again folks! Deadbug, you rock brother. Thank you for all you do my man.


Happy Birthday.


Why all db follower white?


I have many Eskimo followers, I hear Im big in the glacial area's.


Eskimos have 300 words for retard apparently .....probably not .


it's probably more that whites are in the majority of the areas DB is popular in. No need to make it a racial issue.


Have an epic one!