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Anyone out there have any info?



Multiple Casualties Reported In Louisville Bank Shooting https://www.dailywire.com/news/breaking-multiple-casualties-reported-in-louisville-bank-shooting


They're really trying to get their money's worth out of the Manchurian Candidates


What the actual Fuck is wrong with some people??!!!! It's painful enough going to a bank especially with street parking. But to be gunned down AFTER seeing your account balance??? Innocent people going about their daily lives and some selfish prick destroys them in just a couple of minutes. He should have just thrown himself (no offense, but probably a white male) off the parking garage in front of a bus! Not sure if I'm glad he's dead. On one hand saves money but leaves zero closure for the victims. And this person could have used a good ass pussy pounding in prison and a beating!!! I wonder what Kent thinks of this???




Just another mass shooting.


Mass shootings occurr everyday in major cities like New York and Chicago. Never any outrage about those.


All I've heard so far is the shooter is said to be a bank employee who uses he/him pronouns. Wonder if the poor dude shot up the bank because they make him display his pronouns?


Thank god for the right to have an armed militia to repel the Redcoats , think how dangerous cities would be without ....I mean... shit!!.. we've have seven mass shootings already in the UK since 2000 . Canada's even scarier ..17 in 23 years ....hell even Mississauga had a mass shooting in Sept 22 .


Prolly got fired and wanted his revenge . Yayyy


Yeah, I hate it when people want to do me the courtesy of addressing me the way I want to be addressed. How dare they! Seriously, I hope that people get over this indignation over pronouns, of all things, soon. I work in healthcare, in a segment of it where knowing your biological sex at birth is important, and even I'm fine with giving people the small dignity of calling them by their preferred pronouns. It's like we want to be France after the revolution, with the sort of equality that leads to people chopping off the heads of others.


I wasn't sure if that comment about the shooter's pronouns was true or sarcastic...I ran into it on the internet, so who knows? Myself, I am willing to use whatever pronouns anyone wants to use, as long as I'm not being bullied into it. I really don't care, but don't shriek and bully people. Brilliant comment about us wanting to be France during the Revolution, with the kind of equality that leads to chopping off heads of those we don't approve of!


It’s Kentucky… need I say more?! Keep up on the videos, you goofy bastard. You call some people leg mentals. Among other things. I think you’re brain mental. 😂 I’m pretty sure there is a word for that