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I know we have had a number of new people join and with that comes new issues or people having difficulties navigating. I notice people asking question on Community page here but this seems difficult to find for many and not allot of traction :(

So let us take a moment old and new to say hello but also give tips, ask questions and hopefully solve some shit that is pissing you off. Sadly I cannot view the pages as a PATRON and these issues I cannot solve and am unable to contact PATREON on your behalf.



hiya if anyone’s even looking🤣🤪


Dang!!! Mikey from Van dieman s land way down at the bottom of the world, NEW Zealand missed out on all the banter too,,, WELCOME&thanx 4ya support of DB,,, my onli problem with PATREON was no Chrome Cast, but recently found if you sign up to VIMEO they have it 👍


Hey hey, Melanie! No worries, we're looking! It may take us a little while to respond, but no Legion member gets left behind! 😘


Hi everyone! Old and new! I used to have trouble seeing the videos on the Patreon app, so I watched on the browser. I haven’t had any problems at all with the app, now. So now you know what to do if the app is crap!


Hello, hello! Just know that the app is okay at best; use a web browser version for maximum rock and roll. Welcome to the Legion!


Hell-o old and new!!


I am relatively new … and as I believe in accountability , sadly I was one of the clueless who contacted Deadbug directly with my “ what won’t these videos play for me “ woes Nothing like annoying the piss of Deadbug with petty app issues question First impressions and all.. you know I live In West.Carmel IN 3.6 miles from herb baumeisters fox hollow farm


Hey All, newbie from Melbourne Australia. I’m starting from the very beginning so may take me awhile to catch up


I've given ya 2 months at the Electric Chair bro....My CC bill is gonna be insane. Sadly, I'm gonna have to return back to pleb status on May 1st man...I wish you had like a "Loyalty Program" or something for those of us who love ya, but just can't keep paying. ;_;


To all the new. Stick around. DB is one of the best if not the best content creators. He holds nothing back and says what he believes even when YouTube shadow bans him. With that being said. He collaborates with other great creators at 11:59 media. Which is free on stitcher. Check them out. Give them all love.


Thanks man! We are lucky enough to have found these guys. It blows my mind that DB doesn’t have at the very least 1M subs. At the same time that’s what YouTube does. They have literally shafted him. I see copy cats out there doing what Bug does as far as artistic ability's. But they kiss YouTube’s ass. Me and my family happily donate to this crazy fucker. He is just too far ahead of those bastards.


Hello, I'm a fairly new listener, and new patron from Wilkes-Barre PA. Although I don't agree with everything deadbug, I love listening! I've been on a db binge the last couple of days. Patreon is a shitty app, but I usually just close it out and then open it again and it works. I found Deadbug from listening to Jack Luna, the Operator, and Kent. I don't even drink anymore, but I would to sit down and have a beer or two with you deadbug!


I am a low level cheap ass patron who probably doesn’t give you enough to buy a frigging beer. But I try.


It's all anyone can do, that say's, hey I support Free Speech, and I support what DB is doing...Keepin' it real.