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Anyone who know me knows that I am a big fan of art, as a former Graffiti artist in NYC, painting always brings me back to my roots, sadly I don't do it much any more. But I am always amazed at how creative allot of my PATRONS are, whether music, painting , video whatever. I thought I would take the opportunity to spotlight a few pieces of one of our LEGION members Maria Cheung, I really love this kind of cut N' paste style and I hope you enjoy it to. 

I hope Maria doesn't mind me putting her work in a gallery setting but I thought it was the best way to fit a few on one page. I especially enjoy the middle two.

If anybody else was something they like me to feature here please PM and don't be shy, id love to share it. Please do tell Maria what you think.

Hopefully by clicking on it it will enlarge.





Maria! Fabulous! My Uncle and father were wonderful in oils, but I find them so hard. You are great!


Those are awesome I'd love the one on the far right on my living room wall.


Growing up in Los Angeles Deadbug anyone who was a GRAFFITI ARTIST where given a ulimaden by the gangs who swore oaths to the walls being hit up on, join our hood or get dealt with, worse thing to happen, lots of somewhat innocent Bombers got sucked into life sentences and Death sentences...Thanks Deadbug for your Bombers.


I always dig seeing a cool collage piece made from 'found art'. As a pro photog that does a lot of conceptual imagery (many pieces put together to create a single image) myself, I can especially appreciate it.


I was a graf artist here in Denver when I was a kid, I did my last illegal wall in 1996 at 20 yrs old and that is exactly what happened to writers here in Denver, the gangs took over and "tag-banging" started and people were killed for painting walls... In the last few years I've seen a huge resurgence of toss-ups and color-ins on trains, which, now that I am a 45 yr old father, is a double edged sword to see in your city. =D It's still kinda nice to see that the original Style Wars guys (remember Dondi) are still showing guys how it's done 40 years later...


Always loved graffiti, most things look way better when covered with Street art especially the real top notch tags. The ones in the pic above are cool, haven't got any favourite styles, good art is good, simple :-)


Deadbug, you didn’t wish me a happy birthday on 4/7. 😭😢😭😢😭


Thanks so much Stef. Oils is too messy for me too, and cleaning is such a chore, then waitinf for things to dry is the hardest. LOL


I'm a current graffiti artist (still consider myself a toy) but everyone is always their worst critic. Anywayy I would love to see your tags, black book or throwies. It would be rad to see a Legion crew piece. 💀🐛


Wow Maria!!! You are most definitely gifted!


I really like the boy an girl ..…i love unusual art , some of my favorite is day of the dead art. Very beautiful Maria


I love all these, I get a sense of darkness out of them. Maria has some amazing skills. Thanks for sharing


Outstanding work Maria, where can we follow you?