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Although still some work to be done before it eventually reaches YT next week, please take this as an early release. This is the 3rd instalment of DARK TIMES that deviates from the norm in the way I generally do things! You get this because you are here instead of there!

Enjoy Or Not!






Sorry for this in advance but seeing the Wallendas falling reminds me of the plumber who was working on a bathroom in a tall building, accidentally fell through a window and plunged to his death.


The UFO incident is another example, along with alien-ass probings, of a close encounter of the turd kind.


I saw the Flying Wallendas in the '70s at the Enchanted Forest in upstate New York. They didn't have a net. Zoozoo


Gotta give those Wallendas credit for doing what they loved so much, in spite of the "curse" we all thought they were working under. I recall a still shot of Karl shaking on the wire but never saw the fall - it looked like he knew exactly what was about to happen. Brave family, but we all know people come to those shows hoping to see a tragedy. I actually liked Princess Diana and this must've been rough for her to get past. She had very few people she could trust. Vietnam was my generation's war and it was no secret the grunts were being dosed with all kinds of crap, especially LSD. No wonder heroin seemed like a good idea to them! :( Once again, first-rate reporting - thanks DB.


The Dyatlov pass story is just like that radiation one. So clearly back in the day there was a weapon of mass destruction that could hit you w radiation. I never understood the taking of the clothes off part? Now I think maybe the clothes were causing pain in the mind of the victims. Dark times indeed


Really enjoyed this! I didn’t know (but I could’ve guessed!) that’s how Karl Wallenda would’ve met his death!


Fuckin dead on. It's a wholesale effort by china, as well as in "legit" doc prescribed meds they provide raw materials for. FDA has not been monitoring well.


You're so right Cathy, Princess Diana had a good heart. She was in the belly of the beast w that twisted family. Plus, Agent Orange from Vietnam still affects families. As well as the ripples of heroin addiction from GIs'.


What saddens me, M Quetts, is how shamefully our VA let down our GIs when they came home with addictions. And yes, AO poisoned those brave boys for no reason other than wanting to defoliate the land. We got sick, and farmers couldn't farm anymore. Bad news all around.


That Dyatlov Pass incident was quite a mystery for awhile, I think. A few of the hikers (9 of them) took off their clothes because when you're suffering from hypothermia, you aren't thinking right and it feels like you're burning up. I've heard of this from hikers who describe it, just horrible. Unless you're found and saved, you'll surely die a nasty death. So you're right on that one, they were suffering. But here's the weird thing: the injuries they suffered were horrendous, like skull fractures, broken ribs, wounds to the body, etc. One girl was missing her tongue and eyeballs! No explanation on that (reminds me of UFO sightings where animals had their organs removed) The radiation testing theory was compelling, but it's all so mysterious and no authority will say more - just that it was a tragic avalanche that stranded them like that. Who knows?


Well the fact that all the soldiers took off their pants to me says something about the weapon. Those soldiers were not cold either. I don’t think it was hypothermia that killed them considering they cut their way out of there own tent. I have heard what you said about hypothermia but just think this was something different that none of us have experienced and be grateful. Now they just vaporize you w Hell Fire Missiles shot from drones you can’t even seen. Weapons have come a long way.


M Quetts it is a wholesale effort by China in books on the art of war they talk about poisoning a country from the inside w drugs. It’s what they did in Vietnam and now history is repeating itself w fentanyl and the war is on every street in America and from my point of view it doesn’t appear we are winning the battle. If 52 tons of that garbage can come on a single box car from China via Mexico and they are gonna mix it with everything then we are in for an uphill battle. In my opinion the people who are supposed to be protecting us have sold us out and just let the shit come thru. Greed runs the show. At Chapos trial he testified that the president of Mexico took a 100 million dollar bribe. Cartels should be a terrorist organization that we fight with drones. The former President of Mexico should be hanged. The border should be a war zone and not just from the cartels robbing innocent people. We should be killing them. Man it w drones how many people do you think would cross the border then? We can wipe terrorizm clean off the map have way around the world. Yet just let a pipeline of narcotics into our own country.


Hey DB. Firstly, I hope you're feeling better. I've watched the joint already as I commented on YT today. Top joint and ty for always exposing ppl'and societal shit!! NO shortage of that! Looking forward to more of your content. Take care. Regards aka Audacious Altair 🤘 🇭🇲


These are fantastic, how the fuck can people dislike and give DB shit? OOhhh then get his channel striked and vids removed ffs why do some people watch his videos constantly and give him some much shit?


I always liken these types to the type who go out on a Friday night get trashed and drive around looking for Gays to beat on then they go home and whack off crying to themselves wishing they could get balls deep into the same poor bastards their beating on! These type are emotionally retarded, I stir and emotion in them that confuses them so they turn it to hate to hide how they really feel I had some moron tell me yesterday he promises my channel will be gone in a week. Why? What did I do to you? Why do you feel I don't have a right to feed my family and support myself in an already difficult world?


Oh DB I love your explanation hahahaha yes I agree, I just don’t get it but like you said is it the emotion they don’t know how to handle it? It drives me insane, I know you’ve been struggling with it, you’re a damn good directducer I just these types of people would just fuck right off, in your GKTD film review I must confess I was that ass clown that suggested a clean YT video I think you invited me to come to your house and fuck your daughter, after listening to your explanation in your GTKTD, I completely understand why!!! I look like the elephant man at the minute with my swollen face and you’ve got a fucked up leg that tried to kill you. If you ever need to vent with someone that gets it I’m here mate.


Thanks man, I don't think anyone is an ass clown for giving that advice to me, it is based in logic but like I said, if I wanted to take that road id just go back to T.V where compromise and regulation is part of the job but at least the money is good! :)


That’s very true, thanks DB. But at least you talk about ass fucking and walking into a police station to use a water fountain with a shitty dick, oh these are a couple of things that have made me laugh recently.