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As mentioned I will be posting older content from YT to PATREON for you to enjoy.

Hannah Cornelius, 21, was gang raped for 11 hours then brutally beaten, killed and her body was dumped in the middle of a road after she and her friend Cheslin, 22, were carjacked in Stellenbosch S.A after a night out with friends on May 27 last year. Tragically, both her mother and grandmother died in the 10 months following her murder.

Enjoy Or Not



Hannah And The Shadow Men

Hannah Cornelius, 21, had been on a night out with Cheslin Marsh, ... and murder of Hannah Cornelius has shocked not only South Africa but the wider world.



This is one of my favourites, and yeah I know I say that ever week. But it’s true


Thanks DB. I remember watching this when I first found your channel. Was nice to see it again!! Appreciate you posting these oldies but goodies again! 👍🏻😎🤗💞


It's even more compelling than the first upload. One has to wonder how human beings can get this sadistic! No one is born that way, it takes much more to become so evil.


I was related to her, cant believe I havnt come across the video that was made by now.


Pieces of SHIT


Man this one's rough...thank God he survived xx


I read an article about the trial in this case. The victim’s father testified that less than a year after Hannah’s death, her mother “walked into the ocean and never returned.” She was found floating in shallow waters off a nearby beach a day or two later. Her death was ruled an accident, but the father believes she couldn’t cope with what happened to her daughter and decided to end her suffering. Poor guy lost his whole family because of these evil cunts.


Hope you're well Doris! And I agree, so fun rewatching the older videos. I love seeing how your joints have evolved, deadbug!


Thanks Nikki I'm hanging in there. I like you just love seeing DB's older work again. He's simply the best!!🤗💖


I just read the caption you posted. That is so sad about her mom and grandma 😔 3 generations of women in a family gone in less than a year. Her mother probably died of a broken heart. I cant imagine what it would be like, as a parent, to not only have your child die, but to know they did in such a heinous brutal fashion for no reason. Breaks my heart so I can't imagine how her family felt.


The evil that men do, I suppose!


No, it's not "the evil that men do" to quote Shakespeare. It's the sickness and lack of conscience that certain "types" start developing in their youth. These scumbags did what they did for one reason - because they wanted to, and that's all - no mystery here. Nice to see something from Shakespeare, btw. He said the evil men do lives on after them, but the good is buried with them. Sadly, it's very true. RIP all victims of shadow people.


Fantastically quoted, as well as; written. Never a bad time to sprinkle in a little Shakespeare.


Based on lineage I believe we were second cousins, I never met her personally but we live in the same country, just different provinces and I remember my immediate family being particularly angry about it when it happened because they knew that we were related before I did and I'm sure that they may have met her at some point regardless of whether I did or not but we followed the case rather closely as it was progressing and it was quite a big thing in South Africa at the time, even though I didnt personally know her, just the direct family relation was more than enough for me to realise what a serious problem it is for people, especially women, crime and rape is because the way she had to experience her last moments of life is abhorrent and her story is unfortunately one of many common endings for many women in South Africa.


I remember this day so clearly, one of the times we realised, south africa is destined to be the next zimbabwe


Meh, it's not the way I prefer to think about it. Why continue to promote a divide the Left is hanging over the nation and the Western world, especially given that the media will need to stoke those flames to cover for Cuomo, in the same way they lit them to cover for Biden starting with Jogger Boy and going on and on until a martyr in Minnesota finally stuck? That revolution needs no more fuel, and it's already far more violent than a couple of chinwagging Karens pointing at your favorite actor or politician will ever be. There is not a single divide they won't exploit to push the Critical Theory religion into our government and our law.


Well, I'll put it this way for you, Cathy: even though you make points worthy of consideration here, living out that divide will never stop what the Democrats have done with it throughout history. At any rate, as we've seen time and again in these videos, it's very clear that some individuals will always show up to make "______ Lives Matter" good in theory but false in practice, whether you prefer to write in Black, Brown, Blue, White or especially All as the leading word.