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I started posting on LL before YOUTUBE and my first videos I uploaded were on LL and they got featured and generally got over 100 000 views in a couple of days and there were some amazing people I interacted with and yes there were some nasty fucks but over all it was a good place to post content. 

Then one day I got a message on VIMEO asking if I was DEADBUG and I was the same DEADBUG on LL sand I said yeah, then they asked if I was a TV director and again I said yeah why, they did not answer back after that they stopped featuring my videos and the numbers went down drastically but I started embedding my YT videos and still got an extra 8 to 10 000 views out of it and met cool people. 

So fast forward two years later and LL emails me again this time on my LIVE LEAK account asking me what it would take for me to exclusively  upload to LL, and not embed my videos from YT. Because in there words they would give me massive exposure feature my stuff each week.

I told them I wasn't interested because LL did not even let me delete videos when I uploaded them, I needed to email them and request it, they had the worst trolls id ever seen some really nasty shit bags, yeah sure there are some on YT but generally social justice warriors not hate mongers. 

Anyway, in the last 7 months of my enbedding my YT videos there the views have become non existent from 10 000 in a couple of weeks to only 100 to 200 views in 3 or 4 months. So I basically wanted to message the fuckers and say fuck you im leaving but could not even find a way to message them so today feeling they don't want me anyway and really are not worthy of my content I deleted my account and it was a fucking liberating feeling!

What is it with these Big tech companies that shoot themselves in the foot?



Death by mob still comes up on there so cheers. I say spread the good word of the legion anywhere there may be some more legionnaires. Some of the depravity on LL are worthy of a gander but who wants to click on short clips all day? Nobody got time for that. If they don’t know how to appreciate a good thing fuk em.


Legend. Good to see someone stand ground with these sites. The rest of the human race have evolved to have no balls.