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What is our legacy in a digital world?

Enjoy Or Not





I've never been down with technology or the word 'convenient.' Computers creep me out, always have and always will. Everyone says I'm missing out on everything by not jumping on the tech bandwagon. I say let em all cannibalize each other on FB, Tic Toc, etc. I'll be reading a book in the corner.... So Salute! to your intro DeadBug, I couldn't agree with you more with no one having a legacy once they're outta here.


That little tid bid on the porn industry opens up such an interesting perspective. I'm not a porn expert but I've seen my fair share, and I have noticed as of late, especially before most porn sites purged all unverified or questionable content, that their was this odd increase in bizarre, violent, and incestous porn. Everything was like "EXTREME BRUTAL ASS FUCK COMP. 21" It always kind of made me a little confused to see those tabs were in the "trending in the US" sections cause like jesus fucking christ is this what my neighbors and tinder dates are watching to beat off?? Russian porn can be wild asf. Extreme or hardcore or incredibly degrading towards the actors. I don't know about the porn and sex industry, but my curiosity is peaked. I mean a rise a morally questionable pornography means more individuals being afflicted with some type of paraphilia. Didn't Ted Bundy try and warn everyone about the consequences of violent porn? If russian adult actors were already considered "pigs" before moving into the western scene, then thats just starting a wild fire because people are going to always compete with one another for their moment to shine. Like those women sliding little notes with their phone numbers on it to show how ... dedicated they are to getting their chance. its a shit storm.